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Terrance Welmaker

Opening my eyes I see nothing but pitch black, the banging on the other side of the closet door catches my attention, I immediately stand up and walk over to the door trying my best to open it.

"Jay!' I yell, I hear her talking on the order side of the door but I can't quite make out what it is she's saying.

Feeling in my pockets I pull out the lighter I had, I flick it a few times until I see a flame. Moving my hand around her closet I see nothing but her clothes, that is until a hand reaches out and tries touching me.

"Nah son leave" I say swatting at the mystery hand until it disappears only for the bride we saw in the mirror come into view, she gestures for me to follow her down a hallway that has just appeared out of no where. Being the curious person I am I do so but make sure to stay at least five to six feet behind her. She leads me down a flight of stairs and into a living room that looks exactly like Jayln's except the furniture was different. It looks as if it were from the 60's.

Brushing the issue aside, I follow her down into the basement, I look around the dark room only to see what looks like a laboratory of some sort. I slowly walk over to an operation table that has bloody tools scattered along it. I pick up a scalpel just to examine it. A few seconds later it starts getting hot in my hand causing me to instantly drop it.

"Fuckin shit man" I yell in agony as I grab my hand.

"Give me the surgical scissors" I hear a woman shout behind me, turning around I see three women in surgical masks and gowns hovering over a body of what looks to be a young girl. I watch one of the women grab a pair of scissors and hand them over to the woman as asked, the woman than begins to make small incisions on the young lady.

"Aye leave her alone!" I yell, the woman ignores me as if I didn't say shit so like fuckin capitan save a hoe I approach them and grab the lady's shoulder, turning her around to face me I make eye contact with Jayln or so I thought. Maybe she was a relative of some sort but she looked exactly like her just a few years older.

"You have no business doing this evil shit" I tell the woman, she laughs straight up in my face then turns around back to the lady on the table.

"Yo I'm serious" I say reaching for her once more only for a force of some sort to throw my ass across the room and over to a bookshelf.

"Man down, pimp in distress" I say as I fan the smoke out of my face and slowly stand up to my feet.

I groan at the pain I feel in my lower back as I dust myself off, when I look up at the woman she's gone and the room is all dark, too dark for me to even see my own hand in front of me, I slowly walk around with my hand in front of me guiding the way until I came in contact with what feels like a countertop, I feel along it and grab ahold of what felt like a flashlight. Pressing the button for it to come on it doesn't so I hit it along my palm until the light from it illuminates the room.

I turn around and flash the light into all directions of the room, there really wasn't much in here besides old ancient looking books followed by mason jars filled with unknown things, I walk up to a shelf and pick one of the jars up, shinning the light on it I see numerous amounts of fingers that are saturated in blood.

"No one told you to touch that child" a voice says causing me to drop the jar. I point the flashlight into the direction of the voice and see three women smiling at me, but this wasn't your average hey nice to meet you smile it was I'm going to kill you now smile.

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