M.Y.C.26 - epilogue

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Jayln Anderson

"Have ya' figured out what college ya' want to go yet?" Amma asks as she organizes the books along the shelf. I shake my head no and turn the page of the book I was currently reading.

The sound of the bell from the door ringing made me look up from my book, Terrance walked in with a book in hand. It had been two years since everything happened and we haven't talked since.

He started dating a friend of his, her name is Robyn I believe. I was truly happy for him. Happy that he was happy and happy on the strength that he wouldn't have to go through hell just for loving her like he did with me.

The truth is Terrance and I would never had crossed paths if it weren't for the family curse. I was thankful that we did though but at the same time I wasn't. The fact that I built a strong bond with someone only for it to be snatched away from me was heartbreaking but that's the consequences that comes with forbidden love.

"Are ya' all set?" Amma asks him and she turns around. I watch as he nods and responds with a yep.

"How long is the drive?" She asks him, Terrance was going away to college in New York. There was an art school down there that he would be attending, He and Robyn were going down there to check it out before move in day.

"Well since we kinda want it to be a road trip we'll probably stop at a few places on the way there, I checked map quest and it said a 45 hour drive so Robyn and I will of course take turns driving" he tells her.

"That's good, I'm proud of ya' and so is your mother" Amma says as she hugs him.

"I'll call you as soon as we get there" Terrance tells her, I watch as Amma smiles and caresses his cheek. "Call whenever ya' can alright" 

When he turns around to leave out I quickly look back down at my book but watch him walk over to the door from the corner of my eye. He stops as he grabs the door handle then turns around and walks over to me.

"Hi um Jayln right?" I close my book and look up at him.

"Yeah, hi" I say nervously.

"Hi, I'm Terrance Welmaker" he introduces

"Yeah, I know" I say sending me a warm smile.

"So I want I- you know" he looks down and fiddles with his fingers then back up at me.

"I'm sorry that we never got to hang out but I always wanted to tell you that I thought your poems were really good"

"Thank, that's so sweet of you" he smiles then stands there, you could feel the awkwardness between us.

"So, you're leaving town?" I ask looking out the window and at his car, he nods his head and smiles, "Yeah, my girlfriend and I are going on a road trip then a visit to our college" he tells me.

"Art school?" I question.  He nods.

"You're a really good artist, that mural you painted was great" I compliment him.

"What's this?" He asks pointing down at my book, "Bared To You, this looks interesting"

"You can have it if you want, call it a getting out of Vernon present" I tell him.

"Really? Thanks"

"You're welcome" I mumble staring at him as he flips through the pages. "I have to go before we're late" I smile at him once more then watch him walk out.

When the door closes behind him Amma walks over to me and places her hand on my shoulder, "Ya' did the right thing, remember that" She assures me.

"I know, it just hurts"

"Love hurts, its not his fault he doesn't know ya' "

"I still love him Amma, I always will" I mumble trying my hardest to hold back tears, I know that this is for the best and safe for the both of us but I just wished he remembered something about me. I wish he remembered the good times we had even though there weren't so many.

"I know sweetheart and deep down inside so does he, ya' can't just forget about someone ya' love. One day, ya' guys will cross paths again and hopefully things will be different" I nod trying to believe what she said was true but I knew it wasn't

Our love was forbidden and too risky but I wanted to take that risk only if the outcome wasn't death.

I stand up and walk over to the window, he slowly starts to drive off and down the road that leads him out of town a town that I seemed to be trapped in. My history was in this town and so was I, I belonged here with the rest of the Casters.

"He's going to do good in life I know it" I say to myself as I let the tears fall. As for myself, I don't know where life will take me. I despised the fact that I was immortal it was just.. An inconvenience as well as something that held me back.

Even if Terrance wasn't the one I was destine to be with I'd still have a chance to fall in love with a mortal I mean there's no eharmony for witches. Unlike your usual immortals I wanted to experience love and I did for a short period of time. It was fun while it lasted.

I'm just hoping that time makes a change in our lives I realized how much of an impact he was in my life and I didn't want to spend it with anyone else because they didn't have an open mindset like Terrance, they wouldn't understand.

He was happy though and that's all I wanted for him. Even if I didn't understand why this had to be placed upon me I still accepted it. I had no other opinion, there was no way around it. I lost Macon, Terrance and my parents, the only person I had left was Amma and she became a mother figure to me these last two years, she taught me as much as she knew about my kind and I was beyond thankful.

Those special nights we shared together will always bring a smile to my face. If only I could bring him back just for a little while, we could sit and talk about things how we use to. The fact that he's no longer here will always cause me pain but its a pain worth having. A pain that was bearable.

"I love you Terrance" I whisper.


😭😭😭😭 y'all don't know how desperately I want to make a sequel to this but I feel like it wouldn't be as good as this book. Idk I might or might not. I have a few ideas but I'm not sure. What do you guys think?

Anywaysss I'm sad my babes are separated 😢 but thank you to everyone that read, commented & voted on this book I love y'all asses & thank you for 4k reads & also dealing with my typos bc Ik there was a large amount of them.

I'm proud of how good this book did since it took me a little over a month to write, I think that shows that my writing has improved & my books are finally getting attention, writing is a passion of mine & Ik I'm not the best writer on this app but the fact that people are interested in what I have to offer is an amazing feeling it makes my heart happy. Once again, thank you all.

Much love, Dea ( Dee-uhh )💖

Mirror You Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora