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Jayln Anderson

I rub my left hand against my lap as I read through the book, I had two weeks until the claiming and I was only half way through the book and have yet to find the spell to break the curse. I sigh as I turn to the next page and begin to read over it when I reach the bottom of it the title blood of my heart catches my eye. I slowly read over it as tears begin to blur my visosn. I gasp then place my hand over my mouth as I begin to cry.

"Jay are you okay?" Terrance asks from the other side of the door, I clear my throat then stand up. I walk over to the door and lean up against it.

"Y-yeah I think I found something" I tell him

"Well let me see" he says with excitement, I wipe my tears and try to come up with an excuse. "You know there's a lot of reading to do and you won't quite understand it"

"That's fine, you can just break it down for me"

"Actually, I really need to focus on it and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind going home because as long as you're here you're going to distract me" after I say that its silent until I hear him clear his throat.

"Yeah that's fine, whatever you want."

"I'll call you when I get home and explain it to you okay?"

"Okay, bye Jayln. I love you" I listen to the sound of his footsteps until they begin to fade away. Once I know that he's gone I open the door and rush into Amma's arms as I let my tears fall freely.

"Talk to me, tell what's wrong" she mumbles as she rubs small circles on my back.

"There's only one way to break the curse. Since Genevieve used the forbidden spell to give life to the one she loved....in order for me to break the curse the one I love has to d-die"

"Oh god, what are ya' gon' do?" She questions, I look up at her and shake my head.

"I won't hurt Terrance. Never. They're only our words Amma. They can't explain everything. there's all kinds of ways someone you love can die"

Omniscient POV

"So that's all you have to do?" Terrance asked as they walked over to the field hand in hand. Jayln smiled and mumbled a yes

"I have to do these certain rituals every night before I go to bed up until the night before the claiming and on claiming day I shall be claimed by the light" she told him as she walked over to a nearby tree and climbed it, sitting down on the branch she looked down at her best friend and boyfriend, hurt at the fact that she'd end up losing him like she did with the other important people from her life. From the first day they had met Terrance was genuine with her, kind hearted and actually believed her unlike the other students at their school who had labeled her as the girl with the mental disorders.

The both of them have been through literally hell the last 7 months but never did they give up on each other, of course there were arguments as well as hurtful words that had been exchanged at a point in time but that didn't matter, what mattered was the bond and love they had for each other. They slowly fell in love with one another, the curse already made it to where they would cross paths in each others lives it was just sad and within the next few days the love and friendship they had would no longer exist.

"Hey Terrance, what do you want for your birthday?" Jayln asked as she swung her feet and looked down at him, he looked up at her and shrugged. He had everything he needed in life so nothing had crossed his mind. Since his birthday was a week before hers Jayln wanted to give him one last thing before things would change between them. She hopped off the tree and walked into the feild, she laid down in the grass and closed her eyes listening to the sound of the birds chirping as well as the wind blowing at the leaves on the trees.

Mirror You Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora