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Two Months Later

Terrance Welmaker

I stop the car and watch Jayln step out and slam the door behind her, these last two months have been irritating for the both of us.

She was irritated on the fact that she couldn't find the spell to reverse the curse and I was irritated because she would take her frustration out on me. I mean I love her of course but I don't like how she feels the need to throw all of her emotions at me when I have my own emotions as well.

I've been taking her to the library every single day. Sometimes we even spent the night but she still couldn't find the spell and I saw how she was slowly beginning to get discouraged. The longer this process takes the longer I see it changing her. I take the keys out of the ignition and go after her.

"Jayln we'll find a way okay" I assure her.

"You're just a mortal, how would you know. Why don't we just admit it"

"Admit what?"

"That I'm turning into a dark bitch, I can feel it"

"See here you go, why do you keep saying stuff like this as if you're accepting it. You have the ability to change that but you won't, you want to listen to what your family tells you as if they're right" I say as I try to catch up with her.

"Terrance I'm turning and you're just too stupid to see it" I stop and nod my head pursing my lips together I watch as she continues to walk down the graveled road.

"Okay now you're a bitch" I mumble, spitting my piece of gum out. She turns around and glares at me I watch as one of her eyes turn gold followed by the sound of thunder. I look up and see a dark cloud above me, water begins to pour out of it.

"Really, is being this childish necessary?" She looks over her shoulder and slightly nods.

"I was agreeing with you! But I'm just a dumb ass mortal, I don't know anything right? Is that what you meant by that? I may not be able to make it fucking rain but I do know that we'll get somewhere if you try. Stop feeling so damn sorry for yourself Jayln!"

She yells causing the ground to shake underneath my feet, more rain begins to pour down onto my already soiled clothes, "Go ahead start a damn earthquake or a tornado but that's not going to get you anywhere. Everyone has to deal with shit in their lives that's the part of being human. You said you wanted to be normal right. Well normal people can't make storms or cast spells we deal with shit on a daily. Being human is feeling bad, its being pissed off. Its feeling scared and not being able to do anything about it!"

"What are you yelling at me for?" She croaks as she stops and turns towards me.

"I'm yelling at you because I care about you, that's what normal people do who love each other when one of them is acting like a brat." She stares at me then wipes away her tears. The both of us stand silently as the dark cloud continues to rain on me.

"Can you stop raining on me?" I ask calmly. She gestures her hand above the cloud and it disappears. I huff and walk over to the Welcome to Vernon sign and lean against it.

I pull my soaking sweater over my head and toss it on the ground. Jayln walks over to me and stands in front of me. We look at each other until she steps closer and cups my face.

"I'm sorry" she says in a whisper. "You've gotta get away from me. I didn't mean to it ju-"

"You still don't get it do you?" I ask cutting her off. "After all this shit I've been through with you do you actually expect me to leave that easily?"

"I-I'm scared I'm going to hurt you"

"Love is a risk for anybody"

"I mean kill you hurt you"

"Do it, kill me right now" I say stepping closer to her so that there's no longer any space between us.

She grabs my face and kisses me as she pushes me back against the sign. I feel a tingling sensation throughout my whole body as she firmly presses hers against mine, it was like small volts of electricity running through me.

She jumps on me and wraps her legs around my waist as I slowly begin to walk back to my car.


I sit quietly in the other room with Amma while Jayln reads from the book of moons. Placing my playboy magazine down, I look at the books scattered along the table and reach for one only for it to shock the fuck out of me.


"What part of if your not a caster don't touch do ya' not understand" Amma snaps, I kiss the tips of my fingers hoping that the burning sensation would pass in a few seconds. Removing my glasses, I stand up and walk over to Amma.

"There were Casters in the civil war?"

"Casters have been fighting along side mortals since the beginning of time just cus' their supernatural doesn't make them any different" she mumbles as she turns the page of her book.

I look down at my finger tips and see that they're a shade of red meaning, whatever that was burned the hell out of me.

"Amma if you go to church every Sunday how can you believe all of this and still believe in God?"

"God created all things didn't he?" I nod, "its only man to go and decide which ones are mistakes, just because we say they're evil doesn't mean that God intended for them to be, man will self destruct, say something is bad when in actuality its not"

"So supernatural things aren't bad?"

"In a way there are, once they were shunned from the mortals the mass majority of them despised mortals. Its like America and Vietnam at war except this war will never end"

I nod taking in everything she said and look around the room at the various books.

"Do you believe that Jayln can break the curse?"

"You can do all things through Christ if you ask me but you have to believe in yourself before anyone can believe in you"

I feel like is ch is boring sooo I'm posting the next one after

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