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Terrance Welmaker

I'm awaken by a cold and damp towel being placed along my forehead. Opening my eyes, I get a glimpse of Lorraine she smiles down at me as she places another towel on my neck. "How are you feeling?" I yawn and try to sit up by she pushes me back down.

"After what you just been through you need your rest"

"Fair enough" I say laying back down. I hear her get up and exit the room but then returns a few minutes later, from the sound of her footsteps she's walking back over to me.

"We're going to go get Jayln, I want you to stay in this bed until we get back, understand?" I nod and pull the blankets over my face.

"Here take this" I toss the blankets back then sit up, watching her dig into her pocket she pulls out a gold chain necklace that has Jesus nailed to a cross. Unhooking it, she leans forward and puts it on me.

"You need to start wearing that more often" she comments I smile up at her and nod before she leaves the room once again.


Jayln Anderson

Lorraine and Ed help me out of their car and quickly into their house, closing the door behind them I look at the spacious well decorated living room then back at them. "I want to go home" I say truthfully.

"You can't, not yet at least, we just broke you out of a mental facility. The first place they'll look is your house so you have to stay here for a while" Lorraine says as she walks over to me and hugs me, I nod in understanding as I place my head against her chest.

"Terrance is here though" Ed mentions, after he says that I smile wide "Where?" He leans me to the second to last room down the hall and opens the door, stepping inside I see Terrance asleep in bed. I slowly walk over to him and tap his shoulder, when he doesn't respond I pinch his nose to cut off his breathing circulation, after a few seconds his head shoots up and he looks around trying to catch his breath.

"Jay!" He throws the blankets back and gets out of bed giving me a tight ass hug, it felt as if he would break my bones.

"Let me gooo" I say trying to get out of his grip, he let's go and takes in my image then smiles " I missed you so so so much" I confess as I jump on him, wrapping my arms around his neck I let my chin rest on his shoulder as a few tears slip down my face, when he hears my faint sniffles he puts me down.

"Why are you crying?" He questions, wiping a few of my tears.

"I-I just missed you that's all, I felt really alone in there and the only people who believed me and were there for me couldn't be with me on the nights where I stayed up screaming" I tell him.

"Try not to think about it, but tell me why you chopped off all your damn hair"

"I rather not" I mumble, one night when I was having a break down I was having a hallucination that there were snakes in my hair to the point where I started pulling my hair out, once Dr. Williams found out he suggested that I get a haircut which I did.

"The both of you need your rest" Lorraine says entering the room with Ed behind her, "You've been through a lot and in order to get back to your normal selves you'll need rest, Jayln there's a spare room down the hall you can sleep in" Lorraine says reaching for my hand, I turn around and hug Terrance tightly before following her out.

2 Weeks Later.

"Come over here guys" Ed says from the living room, I stop eating my waffles and hop off the chair, I sit down on the couch beside Terrance and bring my knees to my chest as I give him my undivided attention.

"We've figured it all out and its going to sound bizarre"

"As if these months haven't been bizarre as it is" Terrance comments.

"Starting off I looked into the messages you told me you found that one night and after looking into a few books as well as websites I found out that"

"Terrance was possessed by your great great great grandmother" Lorraine says entering the living room.

"She had him kill couples and her message was live by the love, die by the love"

"So does that mean I'm going to jail?" Terrance's asks standing up, Lorraine shakes her head and insists that he sits down.

"No you don't have anyone to testify against you in court for starters, as for the killings it seems that you've killed a total of 40 people all from different cities throughout the united states." I look at Terrance and see that the side of his face is wet.

"Are you crying?" I question, he wipes his runny nose with the back of his hand and nods, "I'm not a murderer, I feel bad when I kill someone in GTA and the fact that whoever the fuck she is had me doing shit like that bothers me, I'll have to go throughout life knowing I've killed people" he says as he begins to cry hard, I scoot closer to him and Lorraine kneels down in front of him, taking his hands into hers she looks him in the eyes.

"You didn't kill them Terrance, she did, I know you wouldn't do something like that and so do you. Don't beat yourself up about this" he smiles and wipes his tears, returning to her seat she grabs a book and flips through the pages of it.

"Okay so the reason she did this is from envy"

"Envy of what?" I ask.

"Love, she is jealous that those couples have what she wants. Reports say that her husband had died in front of her eyes and the result of that heartbreak was bitter, she was a witch who used her powers for good but after the love of her life died she turned evil and despised love therefore she casted spells on couples that'll have them die a terrible way hence the message, live by the love, die by the love"

"Was she ever caught from it?" I ask.

"She was but before the authorities could get ahold of her she killed herself in your house so it makes sense that those things were happening to you guys" Ed tells us.

"But what about that surgeon, what does she have to do with this?" Terrance asks in what sounded like a whisper.

"That land is owned by the Anderson family, over the years it was passed down to another family member who somehow ended up dying in there, I guess their spirit never left so that's why there were so many ghosts"

"But its all over now right?"I ask

The both of them shake their heads no at the same time, "Like we said the land is cursed, you can rebuild as many houses on top of it as you want but those spirits will never die, they're there to stay so we believe that the both of you should just get out of town"

"I can't just pack up and leave like that" Terrance tells them.

"You have to, the longer you stay in that house the more likely you'll die in that house" Ed warns him, Terrance gets quiet them looks over at me, "What about Jay? Where is she going to go?"

This ch is lowkey boring but anyways, I have a new story out titled Bad Intentions I'd appreciate it if you guys showed it some love. ALSO, thank you guys for 2k reads y'all real MVP'S

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