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Jayln Anderson

I step aside as I let Ed and Lorraine walk in, I watch as Lorraine looks around the house. Ed has what looks to be a book bag hoisted on his right shoulder. I close the door behind them and join them in the living room.

"Is it fine if we go in the kitchen?" Ed asks, I nod and follow them, taking a seat I look up at them.

"Let's start with the house history, how long have you lived here?" Lorraine asks, pulling out a notepad.

"A little over two months"

"Have you checked the history of the house before purchasing it?", I shake my head. I didn't know people even did that you just look for a house that catches your eye then buy it like normal people do.

"As of right now the house seems fine to me other than the fact that it is of course an old house that has had a few repairs over the years" Ed tells me.

"We need to start with detecting paranormal activities. The three most important are infestation, oppression and lastly possession"

"I'm aware of the last one, but what are the other two?" He fixes his posture then clears his throat before speaking.

"Infestation is when a spirit and or demon possesses a building or object meaning they have the ability to move things, close doors, turn lights on and off, make unexplainable noises as well as smells, and stuff like that. Have you experienced any of that?"

I slowly nod, "kinda, the day I came to meet you guys I heard knocking in my house, I followed the noise and it led me to the basement door but it was locked so I just left it alone"

"Good, don't go towards danger if you don't know how to handle it" Lorraine says reaching out to touch my hand.

"Now we have oppression, are you a Christian Miss Anderson?" Ed asks.

"Yes but I don't go to church weekly. My parents only take me for Easter, other than that I'm never in church" he gives me a disappointing look then continues.

"Oppression is in a way demonic influence. Meaning, a demon tells you to do something that's out of your character such as; say you were watching TV with a friend of yours and you get this feeling that all of a sudden you want to cause them harm whether its throwing something at them or worse. That is the spirit influencing to do something that you wouldn't do its also weakening you"

"Is there a way that I can prevent that?" The both of them shake their heads no at the same time.

"Demons have targets they go after weak and naive people"

"That doesn't make any sense, I'm not naive" I retort

"In a way you are sweetie, you don't have a strong religious background which makes it easy for a demon to enter your life, they see no intimidation from you so they don't hesitate at any means" she tells me. I sit back and take everything they said in.

"How do we stop this?"

"Research, we have to look into why this is happening. There could be some untold story in this house which is why it has an entity attached to it, Ed and I will do the research but what we want you to do is to not try anything okay. Don't go looking for answers on your own that'll only upset the spirit. If it makes you feel better stay over a relatives house"

"I think we should bless the house just to be on the safe side" Ed says pulling out a glass bottle from his book bag. I watch him stand up and go into the living room. He pours what looks to be holy water into the palm of his hand the flicks it along the walls and furniture.

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