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Jayln Anderson

Once Terrance leaves I can't help but to break down and cry. After hearing him explain what he saw just made me feel guilty, everything he explained to me has occurred in a dream I've had, its a reoccurring dream that I try my best to block put.

I've been having this exact dream since I was about 12 years old, I tried telling my parents about it but they just told me that I needed to stop going to bed so late and watching horror flicks but I was never the kid who enjoyed watching scary movies, I was such a chicken growing up I could even watch chucky.

After collecting myself I get up and grab my laptop off my bed, I type into Google search the nearest seance, I search through a couple of them until I find one in my town, not too far from me either. Grabbing a piece of paper from my night stand I write down the location as well as the phone number just in case.

I grab my phone and house keys, before leaving out. As I walk down the stairs I hear slight knocking but I couldn't quite point out where it was coming from. I stand quietly and listen for the sound again, when I hear more knocking I follow the sound of it which leads me to the door of our basement.

The knocking becomes more compelling, I grab ahold of the doorknob and twist it only to find out that its locked. The knocking continues but later on fades away as if whoever was knocking was becoming further away from me.

I feel an eerie presence behind me causing the hairs all over my body to stand up, slowly turning around I look up at the wall and see a pentagram that has been written in blood. Without second guessing myself I run out my house and down the street to Terrance's.

I knock numerous times until his mother opens that door. "Is Terrance home?" I ask trying to catch my breath.

"No sweetheart, he left to Mariah's house an hour ago, you can try calling him if you like" she insists, I nod and thank her then walk down the steps. Pulling my phone out, I call Terrance only to get his voicemail.

"I shouldn't have yelled at him" I say to myself as I walk down the street.


And hour later I finally arrive at the shop to meet up with the seance, as I step inside the bell above the door rings causing a middle aged woman to appear from one of the back rooms.

"Can I help you?" I nod and walk over to her.

I look around the shop and take in everything before I look back at her, "I think there's some paranormal things doing on with my friend and I"

"One second" she walks from behind the desk and into one of the rooms, returning a few minutes later with a man who looked a few years older than her.

"I'm Ed and this is my wife Lorraine" he extends his hand for me to shake, after shaking it he leads me to a table, the three of us sit down and they just look at me, waiting for me to speak.

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