Attempt #3

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Today, Michael was taking his prank to an amusement park; which happened to be one of the places where cameras weren't entirely allowed unless you had a good reason for it. In this case, Michael had to lie to security and say he was vlogging for a friend in the hospital, which wasn't entirely a lie, but was at the same time.

He and his cameraman managed to get through easily.

"Alright, you, should we do the prank in line for one of the rides or just when we spot a random person?"


And Michael left it at that. He adjusted the collar of his denim jacket so he didn't look awkward or strange, and he began searching the amusement park floorboards for somebody that suited his taste. It took a while, but he eventually found a porcelain girl with a messy bun, red lipstick and black vans. She could work.

So, Michael put himself in his confident state of mind and walked over to the female, who continued to keep walking, acting as if he wasn't there and it kind of offended the boy. But he continued to follow her because he always got what he wanted and he needed to pursue with this prank so his views continue to pile up on top of each other.

"Excuse me?"

"Ugh, what bitch? Can't you see I'm trying to avoid you?"

"I um," Michael cleared his throat, glancing back to make sure the cameraman wasn't in sight, "I wanted to ask you something that's been on my mind for a while."

The blonde scoffed, just before pulling her sunglasses off of her face to show Michael that she was annoyed, but he didn't really care. He liked doing pranks and he didn't want to stop them, because people decided to be rude. "You have thirty seconds."

"Thirty seconds?" Michael gasped, licking his chapped red lips, "alright fine. I've been thinking about us lately, and I can really see a future with you, like you having kids that look like the two of us, and I just, I really love you. And I wanted to know if you would possibly consider," Michael paused, getting down on one knee and huffing as he struggled to find the box in his pocket, but eventually did, "marrying me?"

The blonde looked shocked, her body language and eyes showing every emotion she had, while Michael had a smile on his face and was waiting for a yes. But rather than getting what he wanted, he felt something hard hit his cheek and groin. "You don't fucking ask random people you don't know to marry you, without getting to know them first."

"Are you suggesting I get to know you?" Michael winked, trying to play it cool because this was for the views, but deep down inside, he was gagging. "Yeah, you could come over to my place and we can Netflix and Chill."

"Uh," Michael gulped, skin growing paler than usual as he stared into her blue eyes, "I'm not really interested in fucking anybody today."

"Fine, you're not that attractive, anyway."

Michael pretended to act offended, but really, he wasn't. He knew where he stood when it came to being attractive, and he thought he looked kind of nice. It's all about where your personality puts you, as well, because a pretty face is nothing without a kind heart. Just saying.

The miniature crowd around them evaporated like mist, and Michael began laughing, leaving the blonde confused, with her arms crossed in an irritated manner.

"What are you laughing at?"

"This is a prank. I don't actually want to marry you. I mean you're gorgeous, don't get me wrong, but like, it's for a YouTube video." Michael then pointed to the cameraman who gave up on hiding, and the girl didn't even smile. She was just irritated, and her irritation was starting to irritate Michael. He doesn't get mad easily. "Excuse me? You thought I was worthy of being pranked?"

"Um, yes?"

"No, bitch, I'm the queen of pranking. I'll get your ass back one day. Just you watch."

"Good to know," Michael rolled his eyes, leaving her to stand there with her jaw open for no apparent reason, and he walked towards the camera. "Word of advice, if somebody looks like they're in a bad mood, don't talk to them. Because then you'll get slapped and your cheek will start to bruise. Oh well."

He laughed a little bit to try to hide the pain, because he really wanted one of his pranks to succeed but he was starting to feel like a failure. Would anybody ever say yes?

"Anywhore, if you're new to this channel, my name is Michael Clifford, and I'm the king of proposing to random strangers as a prank, and uh, don't forget to give this video a like and hit the subscribe button if you like this kind of content. Goodbye!" Michael then put his hand in the camera, signaling it was time for it to be turned off.

"Good job today," Michael said to the cameraman, but he only felt disappointed in himself for failing again.

One day, somebody will say yes.

He just knows it.

Until then, he'll have to keep trying.




I'm gonna double update this lmao see ya in the next one.

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