Attempt #13

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"So, there's this party," Michael muttered out of the blue, pitching his body towards his living room couch, "I'm allowed to bring only three guests since it's a rule for the high school party or whatever, and I'm bringing Ashton for sure, and I was hoping you'd want to come, too."


"Well duh, you're my friend," Michael chuckled, pressing the off button on his television remote as he glanced at Tyler, "I don't want you to feel like you're only here to record my pranks. I actually enjoy spending time with you, dude."

Tyler smiled slightly, glancing down at the camera in his hands, "I appreciate that. You still have one other guest to bring, right?"


"Can I bring Josh?"

"Knock yourself out, man," Michael laughed once again just before coming up with an idea, "I was thinking we could do the prank tonight at the party? It'd be hilarious performing it with somebody who's drunk."

"I'm down."

"Cool, we should probably start heading there now then."


Michael was nervous. He's been to parties before, and he's a confident person, but he was anxious, specifically because he knew Calum would be there, in some sort of expensive, sparkling dress that made his legs look really nice and it was making the pale boy weak in the knees.

Calum was definitely there.

Hair flat ironed, so he didn't have his typical curls for a night out. Sparkling, sequin red dress that hung over his right shoulder, dark red lipstick that matched his attire nicely, a white bow in his hair, and white converse, because he wasn't the kind of person who showed up to parties with high heels.

"So, the prank."

"Right, the prank," Michael snapped out of it, peering his eyes away from the giggling boy who obviously had way too much to drink, "I don't even know where to start."

"How about that girl over there?" Tyler pointed out, not once leaving Josh's side, their bodies practically clinging to one another. They were cute. Michael was jealous. "You want me to prank Melanie?"

"Why not?"

"She's -- she's a crybaby, Tyler. It won't end well," Michael frowned, but when receiving a scowl from the brunette, he knew he had to suck it up and follow through with the prank, anyway. It was for the views. He wanted the fame. He craved it.

Tyler stood behind one of the faux shrubs, the camera sticking out the slightest to catch a glimpse of what was happening between Michael and Melanie. It was definitely awkward, and there was a lot of weird tension between them. "Hey Melanie, you look beautiful, tonight."

"Thanks," Melanie reiterated with a shrug of the shoulders, a red plastic cup in her hand signaling that she was indeed drinking, and Michael was the only sober one. "I know I haven't told you this before, but I really like you, and I can picture us being in a world where it's only us, and I just -- I want this forever, Melanie. I want you forever."

Her eyes went wider than the cup in her hands as Michael got down on one knee and pulled out the faux box with the faux ring. "Will you, Melanie Martinez, marry me?"

"Oh, isn't this a bittersweet tragedy? The alphabet boy who tries way too hard to be punk rock is proposing to the girl who throws pity parties for herself," Melanie laughed, "I'm not accepting invitations for marriage right now."

"So you won't marry me?"

"No, because I'm just a crybaby," Melanie sassed back, catching Michael off guard. He didn't think he heard her. "See you around, you weird ass looking potato."

And just like that she walked away. Michael started to pity himself as he walked back towards the camera and said his little outro. It was a good thing that they were in the kitchen and not in the living room where the music was excessively loud. "You alright?" Tyler questioned.

"I'm going to go find Calum," Michael shouted over the music, leaving Tyler and Josh alone while he roamed to the living room where he last saw the cute boy.

Ah, found him.

He was dancing with Ashton -- wait, Ashton? What the fuck? Michael wanted to split it up, because that was his guest, but he decided he'd just casually walk up to the both of them and start a conversation. There was nothing weird about that, right?

"Hey guys!"

"Oh hey!" Calum yelled back, his eyes opening as he pulled Michael into their little dance-off, pushing their chests close together. The pale boy was really trying not to have a heart attack from the sudden action. "We were just talking about you!"

"Were you?"

"Yeah, let's go upstairs," Calum suggested with a miniature wink, Ashton giving him a thumbs up afterwards. What?

Michael awkwardly followed Calum to the bedroom, watching how the brunette locked the door and leaned against the frame with his dress still making him shine more than usual. "You look so cute today, Mikey."

"I'm just wearing the same clothes as yesterday," Michael admitted, because he was lazy. "I don't care."

"You're really drunk, aren't you?"

"Only a little," Calum hiccuped, plopping down on the random mattress next to Michael, making the pale boy even more anxious. "I don't want you proposing to people anymore," Calum frowned, his pouty lips making him melt.


"Because you should only be proposing to me."

"Is someone jealous?" Michael grinned, knowing that the brunette probably didn't even know what he was saying and may not have been thinking straight, but hey, drunk words are sober thoughts, right?

"Obviously," Calum muttered, slapping Michaels arm the slightest bit, "I want you to myself. Other people marrying you means you're not m-mine."

"Okay, you're really drunk," Michael laughed, holding his arms out for the tanned boy, "I'm taking you home, let's go."

Calum jumped in his arms, and Michael couldn't help but smile, because even though the brunette was drunk, he still just practically admitted his feelings for the pale boy, even if Luke told them to him before.

It really made him happy.





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