Attempt #18

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Michael looked like a zombie, literally, with the bags protracting underneath his eyes and his hands shaking like he was having a damn seizure in his own damn bathroom. It was four thirty in the morning, he had twenty minutes to get ready, ten minutes to drive, and he felt like an idiot for saying yes to meeting up with Tyler this early. He couldn't cancel now though, since they haven't been that close lately and he isn't interested in getting into another argument with the lad that would surely stop hanging with him if it happens again.

Michael didn't do much. He threw cold water into his face, multiple times, and it wasn't doing much. The old spoon trick didn't work either, and his eye bags looked awful. Now would have been a good time to ask Calum for concealer, but it wouldn't work. He was too pale for that shit. So he just sighed and ran his hands through his hair and grabbed a handful of Cap'N Crunch out of his cabinet and headed off to meet up with Tyler. He regrets not staying the night with Calum. They could've had a lot of fun, he could've experienced cuddling with Calum for an entire night, but he had to be stupid to say no. That's all he could think about while he was driving. He was lucky as hell that he didn't crash the car.

"What's got you looking so down in the dumps?"

"Nothing," Michael sighed as he tossed his car keys inside of his pocket and looked his friend in the eye. "I'm just ready to get this over with. I have shit to get done later."

"And I don't?"

"You know what I meant," Michael replied, and it felt like he was having an endless migraine just fighting with Tyler. Truthfully, he just wants to be with Calum again. "Let's just do this prank so I can go back to bed."

"I do this for you every morning. The least you could do is show some enthusiasm."

"Oh my god Tyler, I'm so excited to film today! It's like, it's like we do this everyday! Wow, unbelievable."

"You're a piece of shit, you know that?"

"Whatever," Michael scoffed. He was a dick. But when he was with Calum, that whole persona changed. He felt entirely like a different person, and maybe that was a good thing. Maybe it wasn't. "We're filming in the park today. I'm too lazy to actually drive somewhere."

"Who the hell is going to be out of their damn mind to be in the park at five in the morning?"

"Drunk people."

"Maybe you're right, but no. Let's go, we're gonna go flirt with someone at The Cheesecake Factory."

"Okay," Michael shrugged. He was too tired for this.


It was six thirty by the time they arrived, and Michael was definitely wide awake now. It just took a while to adjust to these conditions, and he wanted to apologize to Tyler for acting like an asshole earlier, but it was too late now. It was the past, and Tyler didn't like dwelling over it.

"Alright, go to him or whatever. Looks like a good choice."

"Okay," Michael yawned. He looked friendly. He had spiky blond hair, and very bright blue eyes. It kind of reminded him of Calum's friend. He's still a bit pissed about that. Anyway, Tyler turned the camera on, Michael walked towards the guy and gave a thumbs up behind his back as usual, and that's how the entire process begins. The entire process that Michael is actually growing sick of because he'd much rather be with Calum.

"Hey gorgeous."

"I beg your pardon?"

"Sorry, hey," Michael cleared his throat. He was still too tired for this. It just wasn't fun anymore. Pranking didn't feel like his thing anymore. What was wrong with him? "I couldn't help but notice you looked lonely."

"Not really, no."

"What are you reading?"

"Book by Shane Dawson, he's a classic."

"Not cool," Michael replied, trying to add in a pun, to which the blond stepped out of his shell and high fived the pale lad. "Nice one!"

"Thanks," Michael smiled through gritted teeth. Better get this over with. He just wants to hold his puppy's hand again. Okay, that sounds weird. Who cares. "So anyway, you're cute, I'm cute, we'd make good babies, what do you say we get out of here and ride into the sunset on a really pretty horse?"

"That's so wrong dude, on so many levels, I'm literally cringing at your poor attempt at flirting with me."

"It was worth a try. You don't want to marry me?"

"Eh," the blond pondered, setting his book down and placing a bookmark between the pages. "Not really."

"Fine," Michael pretended to pout. "You're lucky this is just a prank. There's a camera over there being held by one of the coolest guys ever." He made sure that Tyler heard it. Michael still feels bad. "Sorry if that upsets you or whatever. I like proposing to people as a joke."

"One day, when you actually propose to someone, they're probably gonna think it's a joke."

All Michael could think of was what it'd be like marrying Calum one day. "Yeah, maybe, but maybe not."

"I guess. I'm gonna read my book now."

"All right." And with that, Michael walked away, grabbed the camera out of Tyler's hands, offered to buy him coffee, and just shrugged when the answer was no. At least he offered. Most people don't do that. "I'll see you later, Michael. I also have shit to do."

"Yeah, see you later."

Michael wanted to sleep, but nah, Calum was more important. He always was.




Yo. This book is shit. Sorry.

Also little self promo real quick. Please go read my new malum book 'the mess I made.' I just posted chapter 1 and I'm super proud of it and super excited for it, but there's not much to be excited about if nobody is gonna read it so yeah. Please go read it. Please. I'm desperate AF. Not even gonna lie.

Alright. I love you guys. Pls leave feedback or a vote or anything. Just wanna make sure you still like this story. Bye! 💕

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