Attempt #7

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After successfully getting somebody to say yes to his prank, Michael felt happy with himself -- content, famous. His recent video had thousands of comments; positive ones, and he was proud of what happened. But his mind kept going back to Calum's reaction, how hurt he seemed, and he had a hard time falling asleep the night of because of it. He knew he had to apologize at some point, but he didn't have it in him to do such a thing. Not with how awkward he is. He may be confident, but when it comes to talking to people at school, it's one of his biggest weaknesses.

"I thought you said you were going to stop these pranks after somebody said yes to marrying you?" The cameraman asked, his body leaning against the wall as he held the camera in one hand and a donut in another. He really liked donuts.

"I was, but have you seen how many subscribers I've gotten, lately? I have to keep this up."

"Maybe you could try doing a different kind of prank?"

"And what do you suggest?" Michael groaned, but was still curious as to what his cameraman was thinking. He had some sort of weird grin on his face, too. "I was thinking you could do a kiss cam sort of prank, you know? See how random strangers react."

"And then I can propose to them afterwards so it's not weird?" Michael said excitedly, only to receive a glare from his cameraman. 'That's not what I meant, but sure' was his response, and the pale boy simply went with it. He was the king of asking people to marry him, so stopping it would bring upon a lot of complications into his life, even if it doesn't seem that way.

"Alright, then what's the plan?"

"Meet me at Fitness Planet tonight, and we can start the prank there," Michael smiled, only to hear an okay coming from the males lips in front of him, leaving him in silence for the first time in a week. It sort of felt awkward not being around him at this point.

Michael found himself walking to the baseball field at his school, since it was after school hours. He expected to be alone for a while, since hardly anybody ever came to the field. But there he was, sitting with black sweater paws, a burgundy colored skirt that was a little above his knees, kitten knee high socks, floral combat boots and a white flower crown with red ribbon resting on top of his brown hair. He was so cute.

The green eyed boy took this as his chance to apologize, but the closer he got to the brunette, the more off he felt about things. He's never one to approach people, unless it's for a prank. But this time, it wasn't. He kind of wanted Calum's number, if he was being honest with himself.

The closer he got, the more nervous he became. His mind was scattered all over the place, miniature droplets of water dropping on his hand. He was so distracted with thinking how he'd approach Calum, that he didn't realize the clouds had rolled in.

"Just say sorry," Michael mumbled to himself, hands knotting inside of his jean pockets. He really didn't want to do this, and thankfully, he didn't have to, because somebody else approached Calum before Michael could, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't feel his heart drop at the sight of the stranger making the brunette smile. He could have been doing that, if he wasn't such an idiot.

So, he walked away, hands still shuffling inside of his pocket as he gazed down at the ground in shame, not caring that he didn't have an umbrella to cover himself with the rain.


"Okay, so kiss cam, then proposal, got it," Michael said shakily as he pulled out his gym membership card and began walking into the entrance with his cameraman following behind. "This is going to be so gross."

"You'll lose your lip virginity."

"Shut up," Michael groaned, knowing that it was a joke. He's kissed people before, hooked up with others before, but never with somebody he likes. So he's a love virgin to everything, if that makes sense. But overall, he's lost a lot of things that he isn't proud of.

"Follow me," Michael whispered, tugging onto his cameraman's arm and walking into Fitness Planet with a small, nervous smile on his face. "Name?" That was the first question the woman standing at the counter asked. He only mumbled Michael Clifford, and felt uncomfortable as they looked him up in the system. It luckily, didn't take as long, and he and his 'guest' were off into the building.

"That girl sitting on the bench over there is putting her hair up. You think she's a good choice?"


So Michael did what he always did, improving his confidence bit by bit as he walked towards the female who was just getting ready to workout. He eagerly bit his lip, feeling needy for attention all of a sudden, after seeing Calum with a guy that was more attractive than him. His cameraman was recording everything, which didn't ease his nerves at all.

"Kiss Cam!" He shouted, running up to her and pressing his lips against hers. Ew. Michael was expecting her to pull away, shocked, or to slap him because it was rude and uncalled for, but instead, she placed her hand on his neck, bringing him towards her and initiating the kiss, further. Normally, he wouldn't mind, but he isn't straight. It's all for the views.

"What was that for?" She asked breathlessly, a smile on her chapped, tan lips that weren't as large as Calum's. Why was he thinking about Calum all of a sudden?

"I uh, I just wanted to kiss you before I ask you something really important."

"Ask away." Well, at least she wasn't a bitch.

"I was thinking that we could start coming here together, working out, as more than what we are, as more than all we've ever been. And I keep thinking about your pretty little lips that are totally kissable and I was just wondering if you'd want to," Michael licked his lips, going down on one knee with the box placed inside of his shaky palms, "would marry me?"

"You want me to marry you?" She laughed, shaking her head and putting a towel around her neck. "I thought you were just looking for somebody to hook up with. I'm not about that commitment life, thanks though."

Michael frowned, feeling rejected, but also content, because the one person who said yes was the only person he wanted to hear it from. He wasn't sure why.

"No, no. I don't do one night stands."

"You should," she winked, just before pressing her lips against Michael's, pulling away with a wink, and walking away. He really didn't like girls.

"Look at you, trying to get laid," the cameraman laughed, turning off the camera.

"I'm gay, dude."

"Yeah, and I'm bisexual. Your point?"

"Not enough hot guys in the world," Michael frowned, almost saying I want Calum, but stopping at that thought, "maybe I could just date Ashton, he's cute and nice."

"Whatever you say, man. Just don't let your pranks get in the way of your actual feelings."

Michael nodded, grabbing the camera out of his hand just before smiling as if he remembered something. He finally remembered the name of his cameraman. "Thanks, Tyler."



This. Was. Shit.

Who do you think the boy that went up to Calum was?

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