Attempt #17

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Michael was wide awake at five in the morning, exhausted, but mentally prepared for another day of school. He didn't feel like going out of the way to find a random person to propose to, which is exactly why he chose to be discrete about his decision to prank somebody today at his school. To Michael, there are a lot of elements to this, a lot of secrecy and a lot of complications. He knew it was incredibly wrong to do this behind Calum's back but he couldn't help it. Posting videos on YouTube made him more popular, they made him money, and he felt ashamed of the fact that that's all he cares about. He just likes attention -- especially when it comes from Calum.

Anyway, the proposal. Michael got up, avoided breakfast, took a quick but long-enough-to-sing-to-a-song shower, and he headed off for the day, texting Tyler that he needed to meet up for today's prank. Tyler wasn't happy, but Michael didn't care. They weren't on the best of terms right now, but it's not like it matters. The only person that actually seems to be interested in him is Calum -- if he even is interested, that is.

"So, who are you pranking today?"

"Somebody chill, maybe mean. I keep targeting all of the nice gals and it makes me feel guilty."

"You should feel guilty no matter what," Tyler rolled his eyes, "I suggest you go with that girl over there. She's really stuck up."

"How would you know that?" Questioned Michael, and Tyler just shut his eyes and shook his head. "Dumped my boyfriend and made his life a living hell for months on end."

Boyfriend? They'll have to talk about that later. "Alright, name?"

"Lindsay, but be careful, she's a real rat if you piss her off."

Michael just shrugged his shoulders. "Eh, I piss everyone off. What do I have to lose?"

And so the green eyed lad did what he always did and approached the female with brown skin and silver contacts. She was pretty, but not his type. Calum is his type. "Hey, how are you doing today, Linds?"

"Um one, don't call me that unless we're on first term basis, second I'm fine, a little itchy since I sat in poison ivy the other night because my dumbass decided to get wasted as hell, and I dunno, I can't remember much. I still have a hangover, and it's been two days!"

Michael frowned. She started pretending to cry, and he really didn't know what to do. "I'm sorry."

"It's whatever," said Lindsay, "I'm just a bit sad, but it's all good. Popular girls aren't supposed to be sad because their lives are so great and daddy spoils them with everything and they've never lifted a finger in their life!"

"Uh. . ."

"Right, right," Lindsay mumbled with a sigh following after. She didn't realize she was mumbling. Michael thought she was cool, she wasn't being fake, she wasn't trying to put on a mask, and he appreciated that. He liked the fact that somebody was able to open up to him. "I've just been having a really hard time lately, and my therapist cancelled on me because I guess I'm too much for her to handle, which doesn't even make sense, but she's pregnant, eight months in, so I understand why but I also don't. And my mom doesn't give a rats ass about what the hell I do with my life so I just go to parties and get drunk and I'm this super popular girl that everyone acts like they want to be friends with, despite the fact that I'm secretly the most hated person in this school."

So much for a proposal. "Listen, I don't really know what to say. I'm terrible with words, literally. You could lecture me about something for seven hours straight and I still wouldn't be able to say anything. But if I'm going to be honest with you, I came over here to propose to you."

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