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Tyler called Michael up at seven in the morning asking about their plans for today, but Michael wouldn't pick up his phone for reasons that he could not explain. He was starting to feel like his pranks were unreasonable and were only causing problems for the people that he cared about – people who went by the name of Calum Hood. But then he thought about it more and realized that even though it's wrong, he loves doing it. It's something that's just fun to do, despite the fact that people don't actually just propose to people they've never met.

Michael answered around eight, feeling bad for leaving Tyler hanging for an hour – he felt like he was being a terrible friend in general, which is why he offered to take him to get some Donuts & Coffee. But Tyler hates him in a way. It's hard for him to hate people, but Michael really brought him down and made him feel like he was only being used so Michael could get YouTube famous and that pissed him the hell off.

Tyler made sure he got his point across when they sat down at a small table for two. Michael stared down at his cup of coffee that had heat radiating off of it, while Tyler was staring him dead in the eye, waiting for some answers. "So. . I know you're like, obsessed with the idea of fame or whatever, but that doesn't mean you have the right to treat the people who take time out of their incredibly busy day to make you happy," Tyler mumbled, sipping on the coffee and not wincing once when it slid down his throat. It was hot to Michael, but maybe not to his friend (if that's what he was anymore.)

"I know," Michael sighed, "I've been a dick, and I'm sorry. . for the way I've, you know, been treating you. I don't really have an excuse for being an asshole, but I'm just hoping that you'll find it in you to forgive me someday."

"I don't know, Michael," Tyler bit down on his lip, holding onto the sleeves of his sweater, holding onto anything but their friendship. "You know how to make a guy feel really special sometimes, and then. . and then you push them until they're no longer glued to you, and you make them feel like you being special to them was a lie the entire time."

Michael gulped, still staring down at his coffee because he wouldn't, couldn't look Tyler in the eye without wanting to cry. "I used you for my pranks because I thought it'd make me seem like a cool person because I've never been a cool person, Tyler. I'm. .
I'm just this loser who didn't really have any friends in first year, and now I'm trying to forget the past and become somebody different."

"By shutting out those who care for you?"

"I guess. . I didn't really think much of it," Michael mumbled under his breath, finding himself getting locked inside of this chamber, not wanting to escape even if he had the option to. "I was so determined to change and become the opposite of what I was that I didn't realize that I was pushing away the ones that I needed most in my life."

Tyler stopped playing with the sleeves of his sweater and looked up at Michael, just for Michael to return the contact that they were lacking seconds ago. "You mean that? You need me?"

"Yeah Tyler, I do," Michael chuckled falsely, feeling all of his confidence drain out of him. He just wanted to be with Calum. He's the only one who can calm me down, he thought to himself. "And not just as my cameraman, but as my friend, Tyler. You were the only friend I had and I stopped focusing on you because I fell in love."

"With the idea of being famous?"

"No, no," Michael laughed again, this time it being somewhat genuine. "I fell in love with a person, with Calum Hood." The only person I want to stay in love with, he thought again, the only person who can make me feel like I have a purpose other than pranking, a real purpose. "Calum makes things all blurry and fuzzy, and. . and I haven't even thought about pranking anybody ever since he said that he wants me."

Tyler's eyes lit up for a split second before he lowered them to the ground. "I understand that. I feel the same way about somebody."

"Is it. . is it Josh?" Michael questioned, suddenly feeling very happy for his friend. Tyler denied it though and just shook his head with cherry cheeks. "It's nobody."

He's lying, Michael thought once again, bringing his coffee up to his lips and smiling in contentment when it was no longer burning hot, he thinks I'm going to judge him. "Well Tyler. . I think if you feel that way about somebody, you should tell that person. You should tell them and chase after them because love is a very. . very big thing that you can lose in a matter of seconds if you're not careful enough."

"Then why aren't you chasing after it right now?"

"Because I'm with a friend, and friendship is just as important as love is," Michael smiled, still thinking about Calum. "Unless you want me to go. . then I can always leave."

"No, stay," Tyler begged, placing his hand over Michaels as a friendly gesture. "I want you to tell me more about Calum. All I know about him is that he likes cinnamon rolls."

Michael laughed, his eyes crinkling. "He's just beautiful, and amazing, and the only person that makes me feel like I matter in this world, and I promise you Tyler, I'm going to marry him one day."

"I really hope that you do."

Michael knows that he will.



SUPER short chapter, but at least you guys got one. Sorry I couldn't make it any longer. I'm really busy today. 😂😂


What did you think of this chapter?

I hope it was worth the wait. Sorry there's no malum in this one but Tyler and Michaels friendship needed to be fixed.

Also, I got two new basic af tattoos last night! (((Lmao nobody cares but I wanted to show somebody)))

Also, I got two new basic af tattoos last night! (((Lmao nobody cares but I wanted to show somebody)))

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Matching ones with my family 😊

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Matching ones with my family 😊

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