Attempt #4

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It was Michael's fourth attempt this week at proposing to a random stranger, and today, he was taking it to his local Starbucks. His plan was to propose to one of the employees; specifically the Barista, and for some reason, he was growing nervous at the thought of it. Because if they say no, he can never show his face at that Starbucks again.

"Okay, so I installed the camera in your hat, so you'll just sit here, pretending to stare off into space while the footage picks up everything for you. How does that sound?"

"It sounds good," the cameraman hummed, eyes scanning the menu as Michael walked up to one of the baristas, who was actually pretty attractive. He began to feel a bit nervous, but he knew he had to pull through in order to keep his channel progressing. And for some reason, he has a good feeling this guy will say yes.

"Can I take your order?"

"You can take me to dinner," Michael winked, and he felt himself chuckling when the baristas face flushed. Was this guy gay? That made it even better. "I'm joking, don't get your panties in a bunch."

"I don't wear panties."

"You should," Michael laughed, staring into the boy that had a mixture of hazel and green eyes. He was super cute, to be honest. "It'd be a good look for you."

The boy cleared his throat and glanced to the back of the shop before looking back at Michael with a smile on his face. "What can I get for you today?"

"I'll have a Caramel Macchiato, and a side of you."

Yet again, the hazel eyed boy blushed, and Michael wanted to give it all up and apologize, but he couldn't. "Anything else for you today?"

"Yeah, actually," Michael mumbled, getting down on his knee and placing his hand inside of his pocket, causing all of the baristas to go wide eyed and the hazel boy to glance around in confusion, "I think you're possibly the handsomest male around, and I wouldn't mind waking up to that pretty face every morning, and so I was wondering if you," Michael paused, grabbing the box and smiling a bit because he actually was pretty and nice, "would want to marry me?"

"Oh fuck."

"Oh fuck?" Michael questioned, turning his head to the side as though he were a pug. The hazel-green boy found it adorable. "I uh, sorry. I wasn't expecting to be proposed to, today." Did it happen usually?

"Well, what do you say?" Michael bit his lip, hands going kind of clammy, but only because he was losing his confidence from the amount of 'no's' he has received so far. It may only be four, but it's ruining his channel. Maybe he should pick a different prank.

"I'll say. . . no, I'm sorry."

Michael's lip quivered a bit. Why do people keep saying no? "Oh, it's alright. This is actually a prank, and my cameraman is over there."

"No way, you strapped a fucking camera to his hat? How did I not notice that when you two walked through the door?" Michael only shrugged, giving the cameraman a thumbs up to signal that the prank is over and he can stop feeling. He also kind of wants to keep talking to this boy. "Classic."

"Thanks," Michael laughed, just before wiping some of his dyed fringe out of his face, "I'm Michael, by the way."

"Ashton," the hazel-green eyed boy reiterated, holding his hand out for the boy to shake. It's a good thing nobody was behind Michael, because then he'd feel bad. "Oh, and your Caramel Macchiato is ready."

"How much?"

"It'll be on me if I can get your number," Ashton bit his lip, chuckling a bit because Michael was really cute.

"Alright, give me your phone, please."

And that was that before the two boys exchanged numbers. He didn't get a yes, but he gets to talk to a cute boy, now, and he got a free Caramel Macchiato to top it all off. That was better than YouTube views, honestly.

"I'll record the outro later, thanks for helping me out with filming and everything."

"No problem."

"Call me tonight and we'll discuss details for tomorrow's prank, okay?"

"Okie dokie."

Maybe Michael should have addressed him by his name, but he kind of forgot it. Oops.

"See you," Michael laughed, leaving Starbucks with a smile on his face. Hopefully tomorrow's prank won't fail.



Who do you think the cameraman is? ;) ;)

Also what do you think about Michael getting Ashton's number? LMAOOOO (:

The Calum chapter is coming soon. Very soon. Be prepared.

I think I'm gonna triple update this bc I'm bored.

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