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It was three days later when Calum and Michael met up again. They saw each other at school, but didn't really say anything. Why? Neither knew. But they both hated it. So the brunette decided to take action this time. He had to do a lot, but he eventually found his way towards Michaels place and his hands were shaking really bad inside of his jean pockets.

He knocked four times. Most people would knock three, but he had this thing for even numbers. It was nice having something so matching and perfect. Kind of like Michael. The pale lad had answered after the fourth knock, and he had this smile on his face that sort of really made Calum melt inside. He was trying to control all of the red that rushed to his face.

"Hey sweetheart. What are you doing here?"

"Just -- just wanted to see you."

"I'm glad you did," Michael hummed, his hands making their way towards the brunettes hips. He had on black high waisted jeans, converse, and a band shirt. He looked really nice dressed down, and the green eyed boy could feel himself falling even harder. Calum blew on his nails because they were still wet, and Michael invited him in because it was kind of cold outside and he didn't want his crush to get sick. That would suck.

"How was your day?" Calum anxiously asked.

"It was alright. It certainly is better now that you're here."

The Maori tried his absolute hardest not to blush, but that was almost impossible. It was like touching a fire and not getting burned. Downright impossible. "Look, I - I made you some cookies."

"What flavor?"

"They're snickerdoodles. But if you don't like those, I also have sugar cookies at home. . ."

"No, no, snickerdoodles are everything."

"So are you," Calum mumbled nonchalantly, receiving a flustered Michael in return. "Sorry. I probably should learn to keep my mouth shut."

"I like it when you speak your mind. It means that you're not afraid to tell me how you feel, and I like that in a guy."

"Do you like me?"

"Of course."

"I, -" Calum bit at his lip. He was holding it back this time. Michael was oblivious. It'd be pretty difficult trying to get him to understand how he feels. Putting in an effort would do as much as not doing anything. His chances with him just get lower and lower by the minute. "I found this song last night."

"Yeah? Is it your new favorite?"

"Kind of." Calum lifted his fingers up to his hip and pinched his skin. Something he does when he's anxious. Michael's definitely picking up on it. "I had it on repeat for a good half an hour."

"You know, your favorite song says a lot about you."

"Or the person you like if it's a love song."

"Is it a love song?" Michael hummed, dipping his tongue into the sky. He took a bite of the snickerdoodle Calum made him and instantly melted due to the flavor. He should really become a baker. Michael would go to his shop everyday. "Because if it's a love song, it means you're probably crushing on somebody pretty hard."

"That may be true."

"Let me hear it." Michael plopped down on his couch and used his right hand to pat the spot next to him. Calum was hesitant at first, but eventually lowered his body towards the furniture and draped it underneath Michaels arm. "Do you want the left earbud or the right?"

"It'd make sense to use the right."

"Okay," Michael chuckled. He handed Calum the right earbud. "You should sing it. When the music is playing - I mean."

"See you distract me, but I'm distracted without you. I don't know how to focus, baby teach me how to. 'Cause I'm standing still again," Calum started off. Michael wasn't even listening to the voice inside of his earbuds. Hearing Calum was so much better.

"It's like everyday, I'm kicking rocks. I could fly away, but you've got me at a complete stop." Calum continued to sing lowly into Michael's chest. The green eyed lad couldn't stop staring down at the brunette. He's so much better than the views. He's so much better than the pranks. "Michael?"


Michael glanced down at Calum while rubbing his thumb against the Maoris right hand. The gesture made his breath hitch but he still loves it nonetheless. "You know that I'm saying that this song makes me think of you, right?"

"Does it?"

"It does. . And I guess I'm falling in love with you."

"You guess?"

"I am."

"Do you, -" Michael paused. He didn't know how to say this. Just the thought made his heart pound inside of his chest. "Do you want to fall in love with me?"

"As long as you want to fall in love with me, too."

"Yeah," Michael chuckled, small smile on his face. "I'm already in love with you."

Calum placed his hands over his face as a way to cover his fuchsia cheeks. He wasn't expecting this sort of reaction. He thought it over all night and figured he'd get rejected. That didn't happen. He couldn't stop smiling. "Maybe you'll be in love with me forever."

"It'd be hard to stop, and thinking about it, I don't want to. I like being in love with you and looking forward to seeing your face everyday."

"You're such a sap, Michael."

"And you're cute. What's the big deal?"

"I dunno." Calum licked his glossy lips and looked up at Michael's. "I want to kiss you."

"What's holding you back?"

Michael cupped Calum's cheek gently and stroked it with his thumb, just before their lips were molded together and their noses were mushing into one another's faces. "God. Kissing you is literally my second favorite thing in the world."

"What's the first?"

"Knowing that you're falling for me."

Calum slapped Michael's arm as a joke, and Michael laughed and stuck his tongue out at his crush. "Thanks for telling me."

"I had to. I couldn't just -- I couldn't just call you a friend when I feel more than that."

"But we are friends, Calum."

"I want to be more."

"Then let's be more."




Idk this book is way too fluffy smh.

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