Attempt #11

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Tyler and Michael decided to take it to a professional rugby game today, where they'd pull the prank on of the people sitting down on the risers that were clearly bleached and painted over, how terrible.

"There isn't anywhere to hide your camera," Tyler confessed, biting down on his lip as he held the miscellaneous object in his hand. "Unless you have the head strap one, we can't go through with this."

"Sure we can, all sorts of people are going to be recording the game, so they'll think you're one of the professional rugby filmmakers - just walk up that small flight of stairs, and I'll cross my fingers behind my back when I start the prank. The microphones should be able to pick up from my ear piece."

"Okay," Tyler replied, hesitantly walking up the stairs with the camera and ignoring the flashing grins coming from every stranger around him, while Michael looked around the risers for somebody who seemed easy-going. There was a female carrying a tray of nachos, and she looked to be around his age, so he decided to go with her.

And that's when he crossed his fingers behind his back, signaling to Tyler that it was time to hit the record button.

"Aren't you beautiful?"

"What? Oh," she blushed, her glasses slightly slipping off of her caramel face, "I'm not usually complimented, so that caught me off guard."

She was too nice, fuck. Michael couldn't quit now, so he blocked her from walking by leaning against the wired fence with a grin on his face. "I was thinking that somebody as pretty with you belongs with someone like me."

"You're not one of those fuckboys, are you? Because I've had my heart played with too many times to-"

"No," Michael interrupted, hating that he was already leading this girl on with a faux proposal and ring, but at least it'd give him views, and he can apologize later on. "I'm not a heartbreaker, or a player, if that's what you're asking."

"Good." She started eating her nachos. "So, is there a reason you're blocking me from walking because my family is up there waiting and they'll get mad at me if the cheese gets cold. They hate it cold."

That's their problem was Michaels first thought, but he decided to keep his mouth shut in fear of ruining things more than they already have been. "Yeah, actually, there is a reason, you're my reason, and I had this dream last night that you were standing underneath an arch with a white veil in your hair and a twirling dress and I was just wondering if you," Michael paused, getting down on one knee before licking his chapped lips, "would be my beloved wife and marry me?"

"Okay, where are the cameras?"


"I don't even know you and guys like you don't propose to girls like me, so where are the cameras?"



"Up there," Michael said, shamefully pointing to Tyler who gave the female a thumbs up and stopped recording the video, "I'm sorry if it was mean, it's a p-prank, and while I'm incredibly gay, you are beautiful and I don't want you to think otherwise."

"I wish the world had more people like you, but I unfortunately, have to get going. Good luck with pranking people who aren't as nice you're hoping for." Thanks is what the pale boy wanted to say, but he couldn't even mutter a word, because in walked the boy he hasn't been able to get out of his mind in days.


"Oh hey," Calum smiled, sporting a lilac dress with floral, lacy sleeves that suited his tanned arms nicely, and rather than wearing a flower crown, he had a white-polka-dotted bow in his hair, and white wedges resting upon his somehow toned feet. He also wasn't wearing tights or socks for once.

"I didn't know you liked rugby games."

"I don't," Calum giggled, battering his eyelashes that were definitely faux, but beautiful on him regardless, his ombre eyeshadow and white eyeliner popping underneath the sunlight, "I just like watching guys look reckless and sweat their brains out."

"That's. . . disgusting."

"Isn't it?" Calum answered in his typical chirpy voice, and Michael found himself practically melting, because this is exactly the kind of guy he spent most of his time dreaming of, the kind of guy that he could sweep off of his feet and give him the world, that kind of guy.

"I don't often see you in this much makeup."

"Oh god, it doesn't look caked on, does it? I tried to look as natural as possible - darn, now I'm embarrassed."

"Awh, don't be," Michael mumbled, desperately wanting to pinch the boys squishy cheeks, "I think it looks adorable on you, and it's not too much, just the perfect amount."


"And I guess this is compliment hour because I'm tempted to tell you that you also look really cute in that dress."

"You're going to make me blush."

"That is the point."

Calum rolled his eyes, grabbing a wrapped up cinnamon roll from his miniature string pink owl backpack hanging off of his shoulders. "I can't eat all of this because it'll go straight to my hips. Want to split it?"

And Michael had never said yes so quickly before, but he did anyway, because this is Calum he was talking about.

The two boys made their way towards Tyler, who was sitting down on the riser, awkwardly waiting for Michael to arrive, but when he saw Calum, he wasn't all too pleased. That'd mean he'd have nobody who would pay attention to what he has to say, and he hates that.

"Who is this cutie?" Calum gasped, instantly sticking his hand out for Tyler to shake, to which the boy started to blush fiercely. "I'm Tyler - Michaels cameraman."

"You're cute."

"But I'm cuter, right?" Michael frowned, biting into the bigger portion of the cinnamon roll that Calum gave him. It was a good one, too.

"Of course," Calum giggled, just before whining about how his fingers were sticky and he needed to wash them. "I don't want the rest of my half, you or Tyler can have it."

And so Tyler and Michael split the cinnamon roll Calum gave them, and Michael would be lying if he said he didn't think about how beautiful the brunette looked tonight, and how he really wished he was married to him. "You really like that boy, don't you?"

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't."

"You're obviously smitten over him."

"Maybe," Michael said, trying to deny his feelings, even if it wasn't working.

Did he want it to work?

He wasn't so sure.



Thoughts? :)

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