Attempt #5

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Day five of proposing to random strangers.

Michael wanted to go somewhere that had a lot of publicity, and the first place he could think of was a concert. There was a local festival happening today, and he knew it was the perfect place to propose to somebody. He had to pay for him and his cameraman, of course, which he wasn't entirely happy about, but he did what he needed to do.

It was incredibly packed, and Michael found himself struggling with finding somebody to propose to. But then he found a group of people, approximately five, chatting amongst each other and laughing. It was the perfect opportunity, and all of their friends would be confused. He went for the girl in the middle, who was wearing a butterfly dress, flip flops and long, dyed green hair. She was kind of like Michael, except his hair was blue at the moment.

"Hey," Michael barged into their space and conversation with a grin on his face, and the girl he was making eye contact with kind of blushed, but also scrunched her nose to hide the fact that it was happening. "Can I help you?" Her entire group of friends stopped walking to watch the scene unfold.

"Yeah, you can," Michael smiled, awkwardly reaching for her hand and feeling like gagging on the inside when their fingers intertwined because he was gay as hell, "I've been losing a lot of sleep just thinking about this, and I don't know if you remember all the times we went out with each other and just laughed, and cried and did whatever the fuck couples do, and I-" Michael paused when her friends started saying 'you know this guy?', "I was thinking about a future with you, one that lasts forever, and I just, I'm not going to be okay for a while if I don't get this out of my system."

Michael got down on one knee, grabbing the boxed, faux diamond ring from his jeans since it was too hot to wear a jacket. "Will you marry me?" He hated that he could never address the persons name.

"Is this fool serious?" One of the boys asked, fists starting to clench, but the girl only giggled and pushed him away. "Let him be, Josh." Michael felt awkward under all of their stares, but this was for the media, and he wanted to make people happy, because he couldn't really make himself that way. Oops.

"I won't marry you, but I'll go on a date with you."

"Um well," Michael put his hand on the back of his neck, feeling awkward, "I'm actually only asking you to marry me because this is a prank. See that dude over there? He's recording this."

"I'm on camera?" The girl gasped, pushing everyone that stood in front of her, just before puckering her lips and grinning. "Move out of the way, this crazy bitch needs a sugar daddy." What? Michael felt his eyebrows twitching, but her friends just shrugged. Specifically Josh, because he was going to punch him for hitting on his best friend.

"Um, okay, you've had your star moment, now can you please leave my cameraman alone?"

"Fine, whatever," the girl scoffed, popping her bubblegum and winking into the camera one last time, "see you around."

"Guess she's mad she didn't get a sugar daddy," the cameraman laughed with a shrug of the shoulders, and Michael simply agreed. He was annoyed, and was thinking about giving up. His pranks just continue to fail, and it's making him miserable.


"Call you tonight?"

"Sure," Michael sighed, "I have school tomorrow, though, so we'll have to do it after."

"That's fine."

And that was that before Michael grabbed the camera that the cameraman was holding, and he began walking away with a frown on his face. He may still have a cute boys number, but he feels like a damn failure. And it's the worst feeling ever.

Tomorrow will be the day. Michael knows he keeps saying that, but he has a really good feeling this time, and he can't wait to go through with it.



Shorter chapter but yeah


Still any ideas about the cameraman?

Marry Me | Malum /// DISCONTINUED. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora