Attempt #8

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Michael was taking it to the quietest place in the city; the library. He knew the place didn't get a lot of publicity, which is exactly what he was aiming for this time. He didn't want to get a lot of attention, due to the fact that everybody was either busy reading a book or finding one. Or possibly even hooking up in the bathrooms, how desperate.

"So I was thinking we could go get donuts after today's prank?" Michael suggested, hands roaming through his pastel hair as he stared at Tyler, who was polishing up the camera a bit since the screen was beginning to come off as blurry. "Or we could get some Belgian Waffles, either or."

"Donuts sound nice," Tyler smiled, feeling appreciated that the pale boy was actually trying to hang out with him for once rather than push him away like he usually has. "I know a place that sells donuts that are to die for."

"Really? You'll have to bring me there," Michael laughed, his voice remaining confident as he stepped foot into the library, where a librarian stood at the front desk. "How can I help you today, gentlemen?"

"I'm actually a woman," Tyler joked, using a higher pitched voice than usual, to which the librarian shook her head out of embarrassment and looked down with flushed cheeks. Maybe she was the perfect person to propose to.

Actually, Michael found somebody better, and gestured for Tyler to come over with the camera and to stand behind one of the faux Palm Trees. "I'm going to approach that girl over there. She seems nice."

"Go for it."

And so Michael did. He strutted over to the female, who was wearing white jeans, a Nirvana tee, and black All-Star Converse. Her hair was also light brown, but he didn't pay much attention to that. "That's a nice book, you know."

"R-Really?" She squealed as she read the description on the back, just before smiling up at Michael. "I don't read much, but my Creative Writing teacher believes that the more books you read, the better of a writer you'll become."

"Oh yeah?" Michael grinned, pressing his back up against the bookshelf. "So you're a writer, eh?"

The pale boy glanced over to where his cameraman was, noticing that Tyler was growing impatient with him because he's been recording the entire time and Michael needs to get on with the prank, so they can go get donuts.

"Yeah, I write stories and songs about having sex and feeling sad," she chuckled, porcelain skin glistening under the terrible ceiling lights. "What do you do?"

"Uh," Michael paused, knowing that he couldn't tell her he did pranks without being judged for it, so he just continued on to fulfill Tyler's wishes, "I'm an artist, you know, I take pictures of bicyclists while they're moving to get some sort of aesthetic vibe."

"So like. . . Tumblr?"

"Yeah, let's go with that," Michael chuckled again, knowing that now was more of a time than ever to propose to her, "I think that an artist and a journalist could do great things together, you know? I could take a picture of something beautiful, and you can write about it, and everyone would admire us for it." Michael had to take a moment to breathe, because he was starting to feel nausea. He really didn't like girls. "What I'm saying is that you're a really incredible person, and I'm a really not-so incredible person, and opposites attract, which is why we're the perfect fit."

"Uh, what are you saying?"

"I'm asking you if you would," Michael paused, getting down on one knee and pulling out the blue box before opening it and revealing the faux diamond ring, "marry me?"

"Awh, you're so cute."

"So is that a yes?"

"I don't marry strangers, but I can give you my number if you want and we can be friends."

"Just friends?" Michael pouted, pretending to be offended by the situation that really wasn't all that important to him. "I could be a really good husband, you know."

"I'm sure that may be true, but I'm bisexual. You have a chance, but I'm leaning more towards girls, sorry."

Michael chuckled, just before pointing to Tyler, who had a lazy smile on his face. "It's a good thing then, because this a prank. That guy over there is my cameraman. He's been recording this entire conversation."

"Oh wow, impressive," she laughed again, "I'm kind of relieved in a way, because I hate turning people down, you know? Also, I'm Ashley, just in case you were wondering."


And it was in that moment that they exchanged numbers as friends, when Michael announced that he was as gay as it could get, while Ashley simply agreed and laughed the entire situation off.

He was so happy he was making friends, but it didn't take his mind off of Calum. And for some reason, he didn't want it to.


"So this is the fancy donut place you were talking about?" Michael chuckled as he reached inside of his backpack for his MacBook Pro so he could edit the video and publish it early. Tyler, on the other hand, was focusing on the amount of selections and growing fond over it, because food was nice.

"What flavor do you want?"

"Just get me a glaze, that should be fine," Michael reiterated with a smile, not being aware that they had ones with toppings that weren't just powdered sugar or jelly filling. He didn't care, either though - was only trying to focus on editing his prank.

But he didn't get very far with it, because shortly after five minutes, he noticed a short-yet-tall-like figure walking into the donut shop, a male, with a burgundy flower crown matching his burgundy skirt, a white-lace crop top, and black floral flats that matched his black necklace and nail polish.


Michael found himself watching the brunette prance inside of the shop with plump lips and determination, cuteness overflowing within him as his skirt twirled with the wind, revealing his white panties that had Michael screaming on the inside and mumbling fuck.

Except he wasn't quiet with his reaction, and Calum heard him instantly, buzzing over to the pale boy with a smile on his face, even though he was still mad about their previous encounter.

"Hey, Mikey."

"O-Oh," Michael reiterated, trying to cover up his stutter with a cough by blaming it on a dry throat, "hi Calum."

"Fancy seeing you here," Calum replied, tan hands dangling at his sides, shoulders positioned up-right to make him look confident, which he was. He also wasn't standing on his tip-toes this time, since Michael was sitting.

"Yeah, I like donuts."

"Why aren't you eating one, then?"

"My friend is ordering them," Michael sighed, closing his MacBook because he knew he wouldn't be able to focus, "I'm with my friend, Tyler."

"The one that was holding your camera when you pranked me?"

"Why won't you let that go?" Michael frowned, but didn't receive a reply, only a grin and a lollipop stick hovering inside of his parted lips.

And yeah. He couldn't deny that he had a crush on this boy now.



Shitty chapter. Sorry.

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