Attempt #12

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What better of a place to prank than inside the middle of a grocery store(?) was Michael's first question, to which Tyler groaned because it was practically the same as the mall, except with a smaller shopping center than usual.

"There's a guy over there reading the nutrition label on the back of a cereal box, what a dork," Michael smiled fondly, specifically because it reminded him of Calum and how he said the cinnamon roll would go straight to his hips, and then didn't eat more than a bite of it. Like how could you turn down a cinnamon roll? Michael didn't understand.

"Maybe he's just on a diet or is curious about what sort of toxins manufacturers put into it," Tyler shrugged, holding the camera to its strap around his neck, his hands wobbling slightly as he gazed at the luscious male. "You can't prank him."

"Why?" Michael quirked, stopping himself in his tracks. "Are you into him or something?"

"U-Uh no, nothing of that sort. It's just that the prank won't be successful because he was in that group of friends from the music festival and wanted to punch you in the face." Oh. He was right.

"Then point to somebody else and I'll work my magic." So, Tyler simply did, and the pale boys breath hitched inside of his throat as he glanced over at the blonde, standing on his tiptoes, a cardigan slinging over his skinny jeans. He was kind of feminine as well. "I-I can't pull the prank on him. He's friends with Calum."

"Your point?"

"Right, right," Michael sighed as he brushed the lint off of his shoulders, "I have to do this for the views. I have to."

"That's the spirit."

Michael began to grow more and more anxious about approaching the male as his fingertips swayed below his hips. His throat was becoming dry, tongue began to feel numb, and his heart was racing faster than usual. What if he knew about his pranks?


"Oh hey! I keep forgetting your name. You're  Mi-"

"Missing you, yes," Michael corrected as an attempt to be smooth, but he failed miserably. The blonde knew who he was. They went to a candy factory together -- practically -- and he was best friends with the brunette that Michael had his eyes on.

"Are you hitting on me?" He questioned, eyebrows raising while Michael simply gulped. He was trying to pretend that he was. "Because it's not working and you're going to have to try a lot harder than that."

"I just think we'd be good together," Michael shrugged, biting down on his tongue to try to pull this off properly. "I think that we have chemistry and history combined, and that can make a really good love story."

"We literally don't have any history."

"Right," Michael coughed to try to cover up his angst, "I've been trying to talk to you about this for a while now, but I've always been too nervous to approach you about this certain situation. But since we're here, now is as good of a time as ever."


Michael got down on one knee, grabbing the faux ring out of his back pocket that would have slipped out if he wasn't paying attention. "Will you marry me?"

"What the fuck?"

"So, that's a no then?"

"That's a major no. I'm not one to break the 'bro code' dude," he said with pouting lips and crossed arms. What was his deal? Michael smiled down at the ground, silently thanking the boy for not saying yes because he only wanted Calum to. "Well it's a good thing this isn't real then."

"How is it not real? That's a diamond ring."

"Look closer."

"Oh." Michael continued to laugh as he pointed over to Tyler who came into clear view. "This, my friend, is a prank, and you were today's victim."

"I'm glad it's not real because Calum would kill me."

"What are you talking about?" Michael questioned out of curiosity, watching Tyler walk over from his hidden position to hand his friend the camera. "Calum likes you, man. As in likes you likes you, and it's kind of cute, really, how much he adores you."

"Fuck," Michael said, biting down on his lip as he tried to stop the smile from forming on his face. "He's really into me?"

"Yeah, I mean he was mad at you for the first couple of days and wouldn't tell me why, but he got over it. I'm really surprised you're his type, though."

"He has a type?"

"He likes guys that are opposite from him, like ones that ride motorcycles and try to act tough, but are secretly kind-hearted and loving." That described Michael perfectly, except he didn't know how to ride a damn motorcycle. "Oh shit -- wait -- I wasn't supposed to tell you that he's into you. Don't say anything, please. I don't want my best friend being mad at me again."


"We get into arguments a lot, and it makes me sad," he frowned, glancing down at his shoes, "I know we're alright now. He's letting me borrow and wear this cardigan for a while to 'make it up to me'."

That wasn't fair at all.

"I thought only couples shared clothes."

"Depends on the relationship. We're close enough not to care, and I'm the only one who understands why he dresses the way that he does."

"Okay," Michael reiterated, getting the gist of what was happening. "I'll see you around, probably tomorrow at school."

Michael watched as he walked away, hands slowly slipping into his pockets as Tyler jumped up from behind him and scared the boy. "What the fuck was that for?"

"Just tried to get some more emotion out of you," Tyler replied with a grin, "I'm assuming you two were talking about Calum?"

"How'd you know?"

"Your cheeks are super red."

"Well shit," Michael mumbled, not even bothering to try to cover up how he was feeling. He really likes Calum. And he wants Calum to know that. "You look kind of flustered, too. Did I miss something?"

"Just got that guys number, no big deal," Tyler giggled, and Michael smiled, because everything was falling into place, and it made him super happy.




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