Attempt #9

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Michael and Tyler took it to WaterWorld today, and it was quite difficult trying to persuade security into getting in, but he managed, as usual, with a bit of a charm and spark that others didn't have for some reason. He pranced around, droplets of water ticking his toes as they roamed around either barefoot or in open toe sandals.

"Him," Michael grinned, pointing over to the short male who had long brown hair, a cute little smile, and he looked kind of scene or alternative in a way, which made things a hundred times better. "Hide behind this corner, and stick the camera out a bit with the zoom on. I'm going in."

Tyler watched as Michael began walking to the male, who was shirtless and wore Hawaiian shorts and open-toed flip flops. He was pretty cute, too, but he wasn't Calum.

"Hey there," Michael winked, catching the sexican off guard. The brunette awkwardly glanced down at his feet before looking up at the pale boy. "Are you, eh, talking to me, by any chance?"



"I was thinking I could spend an infinite amount of time with you from now on?"

"I um-"

"I'm not even going to be clichê here," Michael groaned, forcefully placing his hands on the males, to which he was pushed away, "I want you to marry me."


And he ran off just like that, without even giving the pale boy an answer, and he wasn't sure if he was happy about it or angry. Either way, he had a YouTube video to edit and publish later on.


Michael was at school again.

He procrastinated the entire time - only took notes on things that mattered, which in this case was his mind and how it revolved around Calum - only paid attention when he was called on and asked for an answer - and only found himself growing determined as the final bell rang.

Michael rushed out of his classroom, eager to see what the Maori was wearing today. That and he also wanted to apologize, because they weren't on the best of terms at the moment.

Black Sweater, White Skirt, Lace Tights, Black Combat Boots, A Choker, and a White Flower Crown with Black Striped Ribbon resting upon his head.

He was so beautiful.

"Uh, hey Calum."

"Hi," Calum replied almost immediately, a strange smile creeping onto his face as green met brown, his skirt twirling as the wind from the school doors became less evaporated, and his eyes shining like a flame that was brighter than usual.

"I - I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for the prank and everything. I know it hurt you that I was joking, but you didn't actually think I'd want to get married to somebody at the age I am now, did you?"

"No silly," Calum said, hands placing themselves against Michaels chest, causing his breath to hitch inside of his throat. What the fuck was he doing?

"U-Uh, personal space, please," Michael spoke, all of the confidence suddenly draining out of him. This shouldn't be happening, but oh, it was, and it was too late to stop it. "Please, I don't like being close to people."

"But doesn't it make you feel some type of way?" His lips smelt of candy -- grape lollipops, probably -- breath minty. "I know it makes me feel good being this close."

"Fuck off."

Calum frowned, adjusting his flower crown that was slowly slipping off of his head, and he backed up a little. He just wanted to see how Michael truly felt about him. Why did it matter that he was so close?

"You know, Clifford, you can have me with just three magic words."

"I-It was all just a prank, I'm not a-actually into you, okay?"

"Whatever you say," Calum grinned, pulling out another lollipop from his bag and beginning to suck on it, just before meeting eyes with blue and silver. "Hey best fren."

"Hi Callie," Luke giggled, fingers making their way towards Calum's waist, only causing the brunette to chuckle more. Since when were they together? "Oh, Michael right? I'm not interrupting something, am I?"

Yes. "No," Michael spat with an eye roll, "I was just actually getting ready to leave, since I have a ton of homework and another prank to edit."

"Okay great, because I promised Calum I'd take him to a candy factory and get him some free samples." Was that code red for sex? Michael didn't really know, but he tried not to grow curious about it or care.

"I'd ask to come if I wasn't so busy," Michael put an emphasis on busy, trying to come off as social and interactive, when in reality, he'd just go home and sing and dance in the shower until he slips.

"You should come," Calum said with a giggle, tracing strange patterns in Luke's fingers. Were they seriously together? "Oh no, no, I don't want to take away your couple time."

"Oh my god," Luke spat, releasing his fingers from the brunettes to wipe the sweat off of his forehead, "I'm - this - oh god, we aren't dating. Calum's been my best friend since I was born, and we do this as a form of comfort."

"B-But holding hands is for. . . couples?"

"Not always," Luke laughed again, just before pulling Calum closer and whispering something, to which the brunette blushed fiercely and nodded eagerly. "Are you sure you don't want to come?"

"Yeah I-"

"Please come," Calum inquired, battling his eyelashes that had mascara on them, his cheeks glistening from his powder-contour kit, "I want you to come to the candy factory and get free samples with us."

"Don't we have to pay to get in?"

"Luke's aunt works there, so she can get us in for free - come on, pleeeaaseee," Calum begged, and Michael really couldn't say no after that, but he still thought the two were dating, which is exactly why he started texting Ashton to get his mind off of things - along with Tyler, to talk about tomorrow's prank.

He really hopes they aren't dating.




Do you think cake are dating?

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