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It was a Sunday morning, and Michael knocked on Calum's door at seven, a few minutes after the sun rise. Calum answered with a polka-dot robe on and a pair of frog slippers. He had bags under his eyes, and he seemed sad, but when seeing Michael, he immediately cheered up.

"Hi, I um, I missed you."

Michael smiled and handed Calum the glass pan he was holding. He made Calum homemade Cinnamon Rolls. "What are these?"

"They're for you. They're cinnamon rolls."

"Michael, you know I can't afford to get fat."

"You won't get fat eating a cinnamon roll, Calum." Michael grabbed Calum's waist and pulled him close to his chest, pressing a kiss to the brown boys forehead. "Besides you're beautiful. You know I wouldn't purposely try to make you fat. Though I'd still like you even if you were."

"Oh alright." Calum squealed, grabbed the pan and told Michael to come inside. Michael shut the door and watched Calum set the pan down on the counter. "I wasn't expecting any visitors, so let me just go get changed, okay?"

Michael nodded. He wanted to tell him he didn't have to, but Calum wanted to look cute for Michael. He didn't want to get dressed down already.

It was twenty minutes later when Calum came back down. Blue skinny jeans, black crop top, turtle necklace, white bandana, white converse. He looked cute, but Michael could never find the words to say it.

"So, what do you want to do?"

"I was hoping we could just talk."

Calum let his hands fall to his thighs. Talk usually meant something bad was going to happen. He took a deep breath and sat down on the couch. Michael then joined him and wrapped his arm around the brown boys neck. "What do you want to talk about?"

"We can talk about how cute you are."

"Oh, that's such a drag." Calum held his nails out which were black with white stripes on them. "I don't want to talk about me. I feel like that's all we ever do."

"Then. . what do you want to talk about?"

"Us. I know I said let's be more, but we never actually made anything official, and I really want to be official, and I just want your input on this because –"

"Calum," Michael laughed. "You already know that I like you."

"Yes, yeah, I know."

"If you want to be official, then we can be."

Calum moved his neck so he could look up at Michael. Michael moved his arm the slightest bit to make the brown boy more comfortable. "So. ."


"Ugh." Calum groaned, then laid his head against the couch. "Michael, will you be my boyfriend?"

Michael tried to seem confident and calm and collected like those guys in the movies, but he just couldn't. His cheeks were burning up, and he loved looking into Calum's big doe eyes. "You know what, yes, yes, of course, I mean, ha, yeah, I'll be yours."

Calum cracked a smile. "A little much, don't you think?"

"When am I not a little much?"

"You're right."

Calum stood up and walked towards the kitchen. Michael frowned and held his arms out in the air. "Come back. You were so warm."

"I'm getting the cinnamon rolls."

Calum walked back over with a cinnamon roll on a napkin, and he sat back down carefully without dropping it. "I'm sharing it with you."

"But I made it for you."

"And I'm still sharing it with you." Calum grabbed a piece off of it and bit into it, his eyes lighting up. "I lied, you don't get any, it's too good to share."

Michael grinned, his back leaning into the couch cushion. "I knew you wouldn't be able to resist my cinnamon rolls."

"Anything coming from you, I can't resist."

And Michael knew that was true.

They turned on a movie on the television and decided to just watch Home Alone since that's all that was on and it brought them back to their childhood days. "You know, I always wanted to be like him."

"Like who?" Michael asked.

"Kevin. Could you imagine how fun that'd be? Fighting off some weird old guys who have nothing better to do with their lives than to bother some kid."

"You're really weird, Calum."

Calum sighed. "Are you surprised?"

"Can't say I am." Michael looked down at Calum and cupped his cheek with his left hand. When Calum looked into his eyes, he leaned down and pressed his lips against Calum's. And the brown boy smiled into the kiss, and Michael really loved that.

"What was that for?"

"First kiss as boyfriends."

"And now I have a lame boyfriend, awesome."

Michael playfully hit Calum's arm. "Oh shut up."

The two spent the rest of their night cuddling up on the couch, watching movies and singing along to their theme songs loudly. It was a nice night.




Marry Me | Malum /// DISCONTINUED. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن