Author's note

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Sorry I also hate authors notes and hopefully this will be the first one and the last one, just let me explain some stuff. Someone just mentioned that my stories tend to be the same, like the same funny or romantic or something kind of always the same. My point is:

All my stories tend to have the same events because that is how I like them ok? I like happy endings because I feel like sometimes we don't get enough of those in reality, and my life is already depressing enough to make my stories also depressing. I for one like to read and come to this website/app because I know I can find happy endings here. I write funny stories with happy endings because it gives ME hope, (hopefully I am not the only one who feels that way) so if i can get some hope even from the most bizarre funny, smut, cheesy, romantic stories then so be it. 

If you don't like my stories then there is literally a bazillion other stories in the whole internet, I am sure you can find something that fits your criteria, I am not trying to be rude here. Sure I will write you a story if you want to, I've done it and so far so good, they liked it and that is all that matter to me because well they ask for it. I really hope you guys understand. 

Love you all :* 


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