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Brianna's Point Of View:

"Briannaaaaaaaaaaa, we have to leave nowwwwww!" My best friend, Katie, said. "We still have time to get there." I said as I watched Katie sigh. "To be early is to be on time and to be on time is to be late." She said with a snobby smile. Ughhhh.
We're working at a summer camp as counselors, but since it's a sleep away camp, we have to sleep there too.... for two months. The camp is also four hours away.

After the more time I can spend procrastinating, we finally get into my car.
The trip there is completely dreadful, be we manage to power through. We end up getting there a hour early too.

Katie and I get assigned a cabin of girls to look after and our group is of ten to twelve year olds (we're seventeen).

After about an hour, more counselors begin to fill in to start their new job. None of them stand out, expect one, who has dark brown hair and looks kind of asian. "Go say hi" Katie says, but I shake my head, "No, I came here to work, not to flirt around with guys." I say, laughing at the end. "Well, the kids don't come here until tomorrow, so...." Katie argues with me. I shrug and walk over.
"Hey, my friend wanted me to introduce myself but the thing is that I don't really want to so could you please just act like you're instreated in talking to me" I said with a smile at the end. The boy with the dark hair smiled an adorable smile and giggled a bit, "Maybe I don't mind you talking to me" he said with the cutest little smile that I've ever seen in my life. "I'm Calum, by the way. I came here with three of my mates, Luke, Michael, and Ashton." He said while pointing to each person as he named them. "Oh cool, I only came with one person, over there, her name is Katie." I point to the short girl with the red and blue hair. I waved her over and she came over to us.
"Hey guys, I'm Katie." She says and shakes everybody's hand.

The director of our camp starts to speak "Hello counselors! These next two months will be filled with fun and hard work! Let's make the best of it! The campers ages will vary from 4 to 12. There are eight kids in each age division. Right now I'll call out your divisions. 4-5 year old girls will be with Erin Adams and Lauren Trition. 4-5 year old boys will be with Brendan Bar and Casey Cern. 6-7 year old girls will be with Natasha Race and Lucelette Semseme. 6-7 year old boys will be with Calum Hood and Ashton Irwin. 8-9 year old girls will be with Amy Miller and Mary Band. 8-9 year old boys will be with Luke Hemmings and Michael Clifford. 10-12 year old girls will be with Katerina Green and Brianna Ward. 10-12 year old boys will be with Lucas Preston and Mark Enshrine. The kids will arrive here tomorrow, so you have the rest of today to mingle and settle in. You will have an hour off everyday during the kids lunch, and the day begins at 9am and ends at 9pm. You'll be given a schedule for what to do throughout the day. Also, you'll be sleeping in the cabins to the left of the campers cabins, there's one labeled girls and the other is for the boys. Have a good day." He finishes.

I follow Katie to our cabin and unload our stuff. We then go into the cafeteria to meet the other counselors. Katie begins talking to a girl with pink and brown hair and a nose piercing, and I go to a girl with bobbed blonde hair and electrifying blue eyes. "Hey, I'm Bri." I say and extend my hand. She looks at me with a disgusted look and walks away. "Don't worry about her, she's always like that. That was Amy Miller by the way." Some random girl who's freakishly tall and has a pixie hair cut says. "Oh, okay, thanks!" I say with a small smile. "I'm Lucette, but I prefer Lucy." She says, holding her hand out. "I'm Brianna, but I prefer Bri." I say, grabbing her hand. "I came here with my friend Katie too" I say, mentioning towards her. We walk over to Katie and the pink haired girl. "Hi, I'm Lucy and this is Bri." Lucy says to the girls. "I'm Katie and this is Lauren." Katie says and we all shake hands. This job won't be that bad.

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