true love

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Previous Chapter:
I finally get to leave that awkwardness after an hour. Thank god.
Bri's Point Of View:

I was more situated on day two. I woke up early, like the day before and this time I went into the GIRLS showers. Today will be better. Avoid awkwardness and make sure the kids are safe. Avoid awkwardness. The kids. I told myself over and over again in the shower.

Katie and I went into the girls cabins and woke them up. Some of them grumbled and some pretended that I didn't just tell them it was time to get up.
The first thing we did we go to the cafeteria to get breakfast. Breakfast time is from 8am to 9am every morning and every age division is crowded into one little room.
My group, the ten to twelve year old girls sat next the five to seven year old girls, who is Lucy's group. I started telling her about what happened yesterday, as if we've been friends our whole life. "Luke told me that he has a friend that's crazy about me, in those exact words! Then I asked if it was Calum and he said yes and I don't know what to do because I think he's sweet and kind of cute but this is a job, not a love story." I said and she nodded her head, listening while eating her cereal, then she spoke. "If I were you, I'd go for it. There's no time or place for true love, it just happens. And this could be a teenage fling, or it could be how you meet your future husband." She finished, then went right back to eating her cereal.

There is no time or place for true love, it just happens. She probably took that quote from a movie or something but props to her for using it.

Right after breakfast Calum stopped me. "Hey Brianna!" He says from behind me. He was wearing a light black sweater, despite the warm temperature. "Hey! What's up?" I ask, showing interest for the first time. An adorable smile spreads from ear to ear on his face. Calum glanced at his friend, Luke, and caught a small smile, as if he was encouraging him on. "I was think maybe we could go on a date, how would that sound?" Calum asked and I considered it for a moment. True love just happens. "Okay, when and where were you thinking of?" I asked and he smiled. We're off every Sunday, so our kids either stay in their cabin or go into the activity room, which is connected to the building with the cafeteria and on Sunday's, volunteers take care of the children.
"How does Sunday at 6pm sound?" He asks and I agree to it. "What will we be doing?" I question and he laughs a little, "it's a surprise" he says with a huge grin. "But I'll pick you up and yeah" Calum finishes, then we part ways.

The first thing I do is go to Katie. "Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat!! Guess what just happened?!" I can't hold my excitement any longer. "What?!" She says back as we walk to one of the camp pools so the kids can swim. "Calum and I are going on a date!" I say and she smiles hugely at me. "Omg! Yay! I'm so excited for you! What are you going to wear?!" She asks and then I realize that I only brought work clothes, plain tee shirts with shorts and jeans, with me. "Oh my gosh, I don't have anything to wear! What do I do?" I ask and she smiles, "we'll figure something out." She says once we arrive at the pool.

That night Kat makes an announcement to our cabin of eight girls, but two of them, Amy and Natasha. Thank god, they're so mean! "My friend, Bri, here is going on a date this Sunday but she only has boring counselor clothes! With this knowledge, would anybody like to temporally donate their clothes to this beautiful lady?" Kat says and nobody speaks up at first, but then a girl, named Mary, says "I have a kind of cute top, and they'd go with denim jeans." She goes to her suitcase and pulls out the most adorable long-sleeved black shirt with red and purple patterns around the edges. "It might be a little big on you, but oversized is always cute." She finishes, handing me the shirt to try on.
I come out of the bathroom and model it for my cabin, and I hear some 'ohhhs' and 'ahhhhs' in a jokingly fashion. It actually fits perfectly, besides it being a little lose, but it's a comfy fit.
I layer the shirt and the jeans I'm going to wear, blue jeans with rips along each leg, on my bed and wait for the day.

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