100% greek

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Previous Chapter:
"Someday." Kat says and I nod with a warm smile. "Yeah, someday."

Michael's Point Of View:

Luke helped me get ready for my date with Kat, which I'm very excited about. We chose my red flannel and black skinny jeans with a bunch of bracelets on my left hand.
I go to my cabin to get her and she's all ready. She's wearing a nice pair of navy blue jeans and a white, flowy, long-sleeved shirt.

We got into my car and I drove up to the Japanese restaurant.
"Have you been here before?" Kat asked me and I shook my head. "No, but I love Japanese food, so, umm yeah" I say and she smiles warmly. Ughhhhh, why am I sooooo awkward? "I love Japanese food too, I'm a vegetarian, but there are meatless dishes" she says. "Are you really?" I say, curiously. I could never be one, I love meat too much. "Yeah, I grew up as one." Kat said. "I grew up as a meat eater." I said with nervous laughter at the end.... and she laughed too.
Once we ordered our food, we started asking each other random questions.
"So, where'd you grow up?" I asked her. "Well, you've probably never heard of it, but in a tiny town called Babylon, on Long Island. And you grew up in Sydney, right?" She finished and I nod, "Right.... What about your name, what's your full name?" I say and she takes a deep breath. "It's very long. It's Katerina Epiphany Nerissa Vernamina Rubis. I'm 100% Greek, and my parents couldn't chose one middle name, so they went with three. And Katerina isn't very normal, so I usually go by Kat or Katie" she finished. Whoa, what a handful. "What about you?" She asks with a smile. "Mines pretty normal, it's Michael Gordon Clifford." I say, laughing. "That's a pretty name!" Kat says, acting as enthusiastic as possible. "Anyways, why'd you come here? I remember Brianna mentioning to me that you're taking a break from being on tour." She asks, getting curiouser and curiouser. "Well, I'm touring with One Directions, and none of us have ever had a real job, expect Ashton, which didn't last very long anyway, so our tour managers thought it'd be good for us to get a job and have responsibility." I finished and she nodded, seemingly very interested in what I was saying.

Once our date was finished, I drove her back and right before she went into her cabin, I asked her a question; "Is it okay if I call you Katerina instead of Kat or Katie?" I asked, a little nervously, because what if she got offended, I've never seen anybody call her 'Katerina', so why should I? "Of course you can call me Katerina!" She said, excitedly.

Oh god, God, I hope she likes me. I really, really do hope that....
As I'm walking back from her cabin to mine, she runs after me and yells my name.
I see her running and she jumps up onto me, then she wraps her legs around me and I grab her ass and lift her up, kind of like a backwards piggy back ride. "I forgot to give you something." Katerina whispers when our lips are just close enough to touch.

She makes the first move by leaning in and pressing our lips together. I press her up against a wall and make our kiss more fierce, more firely. I add tongue and make out with her. Our bodies moving together, like two hearts beating to the same beat. We're as close as can be, as if we're fusing together, melting together, becoming one.

"Michael, are you out there, mate?" Calum says, looking for me. Katerina and I force each other off of each other.
Calum finally spots us, then he realized that he caught us making out. "Oh.... umm, so sorry about that.... are you two done, or should I go....?" He asked, awkwardly. "Well, goodnight, Katerina." I say, bending over to kiss her softly on the cheek, then walking over to Calum.
I turn back and watch her walk to her cabin.
"So, you clearly had a nice night" Calum says right before we go into our cabin.

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