truth or dare

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Previous Chapter:
It's so odd how Luke is so shy yet he sticks out like a sore thumb....
he's not that ugly either....
Luke's Point Of View:

There she was, the most gorgeous girl in the world, talking up a storm with Calum about god knows what.
I sigh, looking at my age division, it must be so simple being so young.
Calum waves Ashton, Michael and I over, but Michaels talking to Katie, so we have to get him.
Calum introduces us again and talks to Brianna with us. I'm not paying full attention, I'm kind of staring at her, but I blush when she says my name, I'm sure what it was about, but I just heard my name.

"Attention counselors, you have the rest of the day off." The director says through the loud speaker. "Lit af guys, we're hanging out together." Katie says and everyone looks at her weirdly expect Brianna. Why uses words like that lmao.
We exit the activity room and go out into the rain. "There's a small town a few minutes away from here, if you guys want to go there." Ashton suggests and we all agree.
We get into Calum's tiny car, it's a challenger, so there's only five seats, but we manage to squeeze four instead of three people into the back seat since Brianna and Katie are both super tiny, Brianna is only 5'6 and Katie is 5'1. I'm in the back seat with Michael, even though we're both bigger than the people in the front seat.

We finally get to the town and we see multiply shops.
Calum points out a tattoo shop, at first we're all skeptical, but he convinces us to go there.
Calum gets a tattoo for his sister and Michael gets an anchor. Even Ashton gets a tattoo of a heart, but all of them already had tattoos, plus I'm touring with my mom, and Liz would not approve.

Brianna and Katie decide to get a tattoo also, they're a year younger than us, so they lie and say they're eighteen instead of seventeen.
"So, Brianna, what are you going to get." I ask casually ask her, she smiles warmly. "Well, when Kat and I were like twelve, we planned to get a lock and key tattoo together, so I'm getting the key and she's getting the lock." She finishes. I nod along, "Where are you getting it?" I ask and she points to her right wrist. "And Kats getting hers on her upper left thigh." She finishes.

The tattoo artist calls them into the room to get inked right after she finishes Calum and Michael. It's both of their first , and I've seen this all before, I'm allowed to go into the room that they're in, since they're getting tattooed at the same time since theres two artists, so I go in. I hold Brianna's hand and she screams every now an then, which is totally understandable since she's getting stabbed with a needle a bunch of times in a row.
After a while, she stops screaming and her screams are replaced with squeezing my hand. Even when Brianna looks like she might cry, she's gorgeous.

Once we're all finished with our tattoos, we get to examine them. I'd say that Brianna's and Katie's look the best, Ashton's looks okay, and Michael and Calum's are both good.

We walk around in the drizzling weather until we get hungry. We stop at a restaurant that's not too fancy, but we still look underdressed.

We sit down and order our food, Brianna and Katie get salads and the rest of us get hamburgers. Around the dinner table, conversation keeps sprouting and I'm staying quiet, I'm usually quiet. I want to become friends with all of them, but I don't want to get friend-zoned by Brianna.
Once we get back to our camp, the kids have gone to sleep and all the counselors are hanging out in the activity room.
"Hey Everybody! Who wants to play truth or dare?!" One of the older, male counselors asks.
Soon enough a huge circle is formed in the room. I always found this game way more fun with more people. All sixteen of us starts with the a random guy, named Brendan, starts. He looks around the room for a moment. "Hmmmm, Ashton, truth or dare?" He asks and Ashton replies with truth. "Have you ever made out with someone?" I ask and he laughs for a moment then nods. God, he's not even a virgin. I mean, none of us are, expect of Mikey, but that's besides the point. Ashton looks around the room and calls on Lucy, who chooses dare, "I dare you to do a backflip." Oh gosh, this won't end well. She stands up and goes to an empty space. She starts running then does a round-off backhand spring backflip. We're all left wide eyed. "I joined varsity gymnastics in sixth grade" she says, making a peace sign with her fingers. "My turn, ummmmm, Luke! Truth or dare?" She asks and I say dare. "I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl in this room!" She says with a flirty smile. I glance over and see Amy and Natasha batting their eyes at me. *cringes*. I turn to Brianna and smack my lips against hers, at first she seems shocked, but then she leads the kiss. Our lips and tongues swirling together in a firey passion, until a few moments later, when we pull away. "Woah, I just meant a peck" Lucy says while laughing. I smirk at Brianna and make eyes with her for the rest of the night.

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