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Previous Chapter:
Everyone was staring at us when we faced them, but we don't care.
Luke's Point Of View:

"Babeeeee" Brianna said to me as we laid on Kat's couch the day before leaving for tour.
I looked over at her with a warm smile and waited for her to continue speaking.
"So you know how we leave tomorrow?" She asked and I nodded. "Well, I only have my gross consoler clothes, which aren't cute at all, so I was thinking that we could go shopping today?" Brianna asked and I nodded, "Yeah, that sounds great! Where were you thinking about going?" I asked her and she shrugged. "I'm not from around here, but I asked Kat where is good and she said that the Sunrise Mall has a lot of nice shops. I just have no idea where it is." Brianna finished. "Okay, so how about Kat comes with us and she could bring us there?" I suggested, but got answered by spurts of laughter. "Wait, are you serious?" She asked me and I nodded. Well, now I'm not so sure. "Kat doesn't know how to drive." Brianna said, leaving me open mouthed, "but she's eighteen now." I say and Brianna just nods with a confused face.
"I'm sure that she can backseat drive though" she said and I nodded, "Yeah, that sounds good." She smiled. "And then I have my sonogram opponent at 6:00pm, but we'll definitely be done by then, and it's right around the mall, so there's no drive." Brianna says. I didn't even know she had a sonogram opponent, but I'm very curious to know what my kin is going to be.
Michael decided to go shopping with us too, probably to be with Kat, and Calum and Ashton decide to stay at Kat's house, probably to spend more time together....
Since Kat can't drive, Michael gets voted on driving, since he's the beast out of everyone in the car. Kat just shouts directions from the passengers seat.

I was expecting that we'd split up, Kat and Michael and Brianna and I, but Kat and Brianna went to go look at clothes, so Michael and I were together.
"Are you scared?" Michael asked me as we aimlessly walked through the mall that was foreign to us. I nodded, "Of course I'm scared, but I want to keep this baby." I said, looking over at the smaller boy. "What about you?" I asked Michael, who responded with a confused look. "What about me what?" He asked. "When you have a kid." I said and he shrugged. "I'd probably be scared too." He answered with, "but yeah, I'd definitely keep the kid too." He finished, and looked at me and smiled. "What about Kat? Does she want kids?" I asked and he shrugged, "I'll ask her." Michael said.
Brianna was the one driving on the way to get a sonogram, since she was the one with the directions.
Once we got there, the workers told Michael and Kat that they couldn't come into the room with us, because neither of them are the father or mother.

They put the sonogram gel all over the love of my life's stomach, "It's so cold." She whispered to me while laughing.
After a while, the doctor shows us the screen with our fetus kid on it, or should I say kids. "Congratulations! You're having twins!" The doctor shouts. "Do you want to know their genders?" He asks and we both nod. "One is a boy and the other is a girl." He says and then leaves Brianna and me alone. "Twins." She says with tears in her eyes, but I can't tell if they're happy tears or sad tears. "I know!" I say, taking a guess that they're happy tears. "I've always wanted twins." Brianna says and I nod and smile.

The nurse comes back in and cleans the gel up off of Brianna's stomach. "And here are your ultrasound pictures. You two have a nice day." The nurse says and dismisses us.
We walk back out into the waiting room, hand in hand, and find Michael and Kat, who are both very eager to know if we're having a boy or a girl.
"We're having twins!" Brianna says, very happily. "Oh my gosh! Yay!" Kat says, getting up to hug her. "Boy or girl twins?" She asks and Brianna tells them both. "I'm so happy for you!" Kat squeals.
Michael drives us back to Kat's house, and Brianna sleeps in the backseat.
I carry her inside once we're back.

I lay Brianna to sleep, then put all our stuff in Kat's parents car, because they're driving us to the airport tomorrow for our flight to get back on tour.

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