small talk

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Previous Chapter:
"Woah, I just meant a peck" Lucy says while laughing. I smirk at Brianna and make eyes with her for the rest of the night.
Brianna's Point Of View:

It's been three hours since Luke and I's kiss. Everyone else is asleep, but I can't seem to get my mind off it. I thought for sure that Luke would go to Lucy. I mean she was full on flirting with him.
He went to me. To me! I'm still in shock, but a good kind of shock. The kind that makes you stay up all night, full of excitement and wondering what will happen next.... which is where I am right now, I suppose.
The next morning, in art, we didn't speak to each other, but we kept sending flirty looks in each other's direction. And I don't know about him, but I was trying to look as sexy as possible while I was making sand art with a bunch of  ten year olds.
Once our art time is over, Kat stops me to say "Oh my gosh, you HAVE to go talk to him!" Oh course, I knew exactly what she was talking about. "I know, I know, I will." I finally said.

I walked straight up to Luke. "Hey!" I said all cheerful. "Hey! What's up?" He responded, as happy as I've ever seen him. "I don't know, just having a conversation." I say back. "Well, I was thinking, umm, maybe we could, like, possible, go out, like, on a date?" Luke asks nervously, while twiddling his sweater with his fingers. I still don't understand how he can wear sweaters in like 100 degree weather. "Are you serious?! That'd be amazing!!" I say, jumping into his arms. "Okay, great! How does Sunday at five sound?" He asks once we finally rip apart from each other. "That sounds good!" (AU- Feels Good)
I run up to Kat, "Guess what?" I say and she shrugs. "I got a date with Luke!" And then jump up and down shrieking together.
The week goes by faster than I could ever imagine, but thank god it's done. I feel like a zombie that came back to life. But it's finally Sunday, and I get to see Luke and I'm so happy.

At three o'clock, I start to go my makeup and get dressed. Once I'm finished, Luke comes to get me.
We walk to his car, hand in hand, and get inside it. It's not nearly as nice as Calum's, but Calum isn't nearly as nice as Luke.
Luke drives me to a pizza place called Papa Johns. I think it's so sweet how simple it is, but super romantic in some way too.
Luke gets two slices and I only get one, but he's a lot bigger than me and he's also a guy.
I hate eating without conversation, which is why I'm so glad that Luke spoke up. "So, do you live around here?" He asks out of nowhere. "No, I actually live in Canada." I say and he closely listens. "Oh wow, that's so interesting! Why'd you decide to come down to New York?" He asks curiously. "Well, you know my friend Kat?" He nods. "She lives in New York, and we've  been best friends for a few years now, but since we met over the Internet, we only got to meet a few weeks ago, so we decided to spend more time together by getting a job together." I finish and he's nodding and taking a bite of his pizza. "Oh my gosh! That sounds awesome! I came here with my mates while we were in the middle of touring with One Direction." Luke says, shyly taking another bite. "That sounds amazing, touring the whole world." I say and let him go on about what it's like. I would be paying attention, but the look in his eyes when he's talking about something he loves is way more interesting. And his smile, god, I would die to keep his smile going. I nod along and watch him intensely, he speaks with his hands, but I find it so adorable. I wish we could just cuddle. Right here and right now. I wish I could kiss him like the world is going to disappear.
I'm pretty sure he realizes I'm not paying too much attention. He starts to smile, which turns into a small laugh. "But anyway, how are you? I don't like small talk, I want to know how you're actually doing, like how's your life going?" He asks, smiling warmly. "Well, it'd be better if we were making out." I say and he laughs for a moment. I widen my eyes, "shit, did I just say that out loud?!" Luke nods and pulls my face into his.

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