broken home

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Previous Chapter:
I lay Brianna to sleep, then put all our stuff in Kat's parents car, because they're driving us to the airport tomorrow for our flight to get back on tour.
Michael's Point Of View:

The first place we tour to is Great Britain, which is where we meet up with One Direction again.
We get on a very crowded flight, but all six of us manage to stick together.
Since there's three seats per row, me, Katerina, and Calum sit together, then Ashton, Brianna, and Luke are sitting together in the row behind us.
"I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm terrified of flying, so if I start freaking out, you don't have to worry." Katerina said, with a bit of sarcasm in her voice, as the last few rows were being filled up. "Are you really?" I asked and she nodded. "Why?" I asked. "Well, something about a giant metal object suspended thousands of feet in the sky going hundreds of miles per hour makes me a bit uncomfortable." She says, trying to smile, but I know that she's scared. "Don't worry, I'll be here." I say and give her a kiss of her cheek. She smiles warmly at me and takes my hand. "Awwe, such cuties." Calum says, holding up his hands in hearts up to our faces.
Right when the plane being to pick up pace to fly, Katerina squeezes my hand very tightly, and slams her eyes shut. "Everything's okay, it's all okay." I whisper into her ear. I see tears roll down her cheek. Wow, I've never seen her scared before.
Once the plane is up in the air, she lets go of my hand and wipes her tears. "I'm so sorry about that, taking off is the worst part." She says, laughing at the end, so I smile and nod.
We finally land in Great Britain and find One Direction waiting for us.
"Hey, mates!" Ashton says once we walk up to them. "Hey!" They say back to us.
We all exchange hugs or we shake hands. "And these two must be Brianna and Katerina." Niall says, hugging both of them. "It's so nice to meet you guys." Harry says and then we start walking towards our tour bus.

They let us get settled down first, then they talked us through how our shows will go.
"So you guys will do a few songs of your own and maybe some cover songs, but you guys have 45 minutes of performing time. Also, they'll be rehearsals every night from 7:00pm-8:30pm. Got it?" Louis asked us and we all nodded. "Great, so we'll see you all tonight at seven." He finished and then left us.
"Katerina, where are you?" I yelled playfully. I really want to tour Britain with her. "I'm over here." She said back, making her bed, which is a small bunk bed right over mine. There's four bunk beds in the back and then one real bed in the front, that Brianna is sleeping in since she's pregnant, and then Luke is sleeping on the couch since he wouldn't fit in the bunk bed anyway since he's like sixty feet tall.

"Tell me something about you that I don't know." Katerina says out of nowhere. Hmmm, "I'm an only child." I say and she nods, "I have an older brother." She says, "one day, you should meet him, if you tour on the western coast of the US, that's where his school is." She finish. "What about you? What's something about you that I don't know?" I ask her and she thinks for a moments, then says "I trained to become a modern ballerina starting at age four." She said and wow, I never knew she was that into ballet. "Why'd you stop?" I asked and she shrugged, "I realized that I never want to go professional, like I still love it and everything, but it's not what I want to spend the rest of my life doing." She said and I nodded along. "I'd want to become a professional performer, definitely, but I don't think I'd want to become a fancy ballerina." She finished. "When did you decide that playing in a band was the right thing for you?" She asked and I told her that it was the second I picked up my first guitar.
"What about your past?" Katerina asked and I shook my head, "My past is kind of sad." I said, pushing the question aside. "Mine was too, it's okay." She said, and then I started speaking. "My parents haven't gotten along white well ever since I was younger.... I kind of grew up in a broken home." I say with a shy smile. "How about you?" I asked, trying to recover from the sadness of the moment.
Before she told me about her past, she hugged and and told me that I'd be okay.
"Well, you know how I'm short-ish?" She asked and I smirked and nodded. "Yeah, I'm only a foot taller than you." I said sarcastically. "Are you actually? How tall are you?" She asked and I said 6'1. "You're over a foot taller than me, I'm five foot exactly." She said with a grin. "Anyways, I used to be 5'3, but I also used to have anorexia nervosa, and other eating disorders as well, and when I was recovering, I shrunk because gaining weight makes you shrink, and I had to gain like forty pounds in a matter of months." She finishes, making everything sad. "But I'm better now!" Katerina says, trying to shift the mood again. "Anyways, for your future, what are your plans?" She asked and I thought about it for a moment, but then I told her "I want to be a rock legend, but I'm fine if that doesn't happen. But, I want to get married, have kids, buy a house, things like that." I say with a warm smile, "What about you?" I ask and she answers right away, "I want to get a nice job that supports me, then get married, have kids, and settle down. Live a simple life, you know?" She said and I nodded and smiled.

We started walking back so that I could rehearse.
"Hey, Katerina?" I said right before I went into the rehearsal room. "Mmhh?" She answered with. "We never really made this official, but I wanted to ask if you'd be my girlfriend?" I asked and she smiled hugely and said yes. She brought me into a warm embrace and I whispered 'I love you' into her ear.
Katerina stepped back for a moment with shocked eyes, "I love you, too!" She said, then crashed into me.
I bent down and gave her a long, romantic kiss, then we parted our ways.
In the rehearsal room, Luke went up to me and said "Mate, you've got something on your cheek." I pulled out my phone to see what he was talking about to find a thin layer of pink lipstick smudged onto my face. "She said that she love me." I told Luke, who patted me on the back, "Congratulations, Mike! And you love her back, right?" Luke asked and I nodded. "Katerina makes my world stop." I said and he looked at me with batted eyes and a huge smile. "Hey, everybody." Luke called to Ashton and Calum and One Direction, "Somebody's in looooovve." He said right before I was attacked with questions from the other boys.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2016 ⏰

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