man crush

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Previous Chapter:
"Thanks for the food!" Calum says, which is followed by a bunch of 'thank you' s.
Ashton's Point Of View:

Ever since Luke and Brianna have been getting closer and Michael and Kat have been getting closer, it's left me and Calum to ourselves.... and there's nothing wrong with liking people of the same gender, but this is my mate I'm talking about. I doubt he feels the same way anyway.
"Hey, Brianna?" I'm going to ask her what she thinks about it. "Mmmhh?" She answers with. How do I say this. "So I've been spending a lot of time with Calum lately.... and.... umm what do you think the possibilities of me, a straight man, developing feelings for this other straight man?" I asked and her eyes turned sympathetic on me. "Ashton, it's 100% okay to feel this way, okay?" She said and I nodded. "But I don't want to like him like that, I mean, he's my mate, I'd destroy our friendship." I said, looking down at the floor. "I completely understand that, and I'm sure that these feelings will pass, it's probably just a man crush, okay?" Brianna said very soothingly. "Okay." I answered with and left the room.

Calum's Point Of View:

I'm not exactly sure when I started getting these weird feelings for Ashton, but they're crazy right now. I have a feeling that if I don't talk to someone about it now, I'll completely ruin everything.
I run upstairs to Kat's room. I knock twice and then she opens it, inside I see Michael and her playing video games together. "So sorry, but could I please speak to Kat, in private." I say to Michael, and he leaves me and Kat alone.
"What's up?" She asked the second Michael left. "Well I don't really know how to say this so I'm just going to come out but I think that I like Ashton and I'm telling you because I felt like you were the best person to tell because I couldn't tell any of my band mates and Brianna is pregnant so she already has a lot going on right now." I said all in one breath. "Hey, hey, hey, calm down, okay? Everything will be just fine, okay?" Kat says very calmly, unlike me, who's flipping shit right now. "But I don't want to like him, Kat, he's my band mate, my BAND MATE." I say, still freaking out. "Don't worry about it, it's probably just some man crush." She said, obviously trying to calm me down. "Yeah, but what if it isn't" I argued with her. "Life will still go on." She said, then gave me a hug, then I left the room.
It's probably just a man crush. Hopefully it's just a man crush. It has to be just a man crush. What if it's not just a man crush?!
As I was walking, I crashed into Ashton on accident. I scurried away, and he seemed to do the same thing.... how strange.

Katerina's Point Of View:

I saw Brianna reading in my living room, and there didn't seem to be anybody else around, so I decided to go talk to her.
"Hey, pal!" I said a bit too loudly and she looked up from her book, "Hey, bud!" She said very cheerfully. "So, I was thinking that we could all go out to dinner tonight, how does that sound?" I asked and Brianna nodded. "I'm fine with that." She said with a warm smile, "but I'm so worried about Ashton." Brianna said with a sad expression put into her face. "Oh, why's that?" I couldn't help but ask. "Well, he told me that he's developing feelings for Calum" she said in a whisper. "Really?!" I asked, a little excited. She nodded. "Calum came to talk to me and he said that he has feelings for Ashton too!" I whisper to her. Brianna smiles hugely, "Should we tell them?" She asks and I shrug, "I don't want it to seem like we've broken their trust, so maybe we should hint towards it." I same and Brianna agrees to my plan.

Luke's Point Of View:

We're going out to dinner tonight at a casual place called Swell Taco. I'm just going to wear my regular black jeans and a band tee shirt.
We walk there and the town that Kat lives in is very small, but it's very cute too.
"Oh my gosh, Kat! This is where you live?!" Brianna asks and Kat nods with a shy smile. "It's so cute!" Brianna says with a grin. It's so easy to forget that they're internet best friends.
It takes a while for us to get seated since it's an extremely crowded restaurant, so we decide to walk around the village.
Kat seems to recognize a bunch of people. There was this one girl who crossed paths with us and she waved over at Kat, who waved back very happily, but the second we were out of hearing range, Kat goes to Brianna and says "That's that bitch I was telling you about." And Brianna seems to know exactly who she's talking about. Females are so strange.

We walked back to the restaurant and our table was ready, so we were able to sit down.
All My Heart by Sleeping With Sirens started playing, so Kat says, "I love this song, it's so romantic." It's not so much as what she said, it's more of the way she said it. It was as if she was hinting towards Calum, which is odd because she's dating Michael.... Michael, who's puffing his chest and getting jealous.
"Yeah, I just love love and this song is so lovely." Brianna says after Kat's comment, hinting towards Ashton, and now it's my turn to be jealous, especially since she has our fetus growing inside of her uterus.

Ashton's Point Of View:

Kat and Brianna kept making weird references to me and Calum, which bothered me quite a bit since we're not together, and we never will be together. It was as if they were mocking us. Ugh.

Right after the waiter took our orders and left, Calum slid his hand down into my hand. I looked over at him, shocked, but then I realized that Brianna and Kat were trying to get us together.
Calum and I lingered behind everybody else once we finished our food.
As we were turning a corner to get back into the main area of Kat's town, I cornered Calum into a brick wall and I kissed his like the world was going to disappear.
At first he seemed shocked, but who wouldn't be?, but then he leaned into it.
When we pulled apart, he was smiling his adorable little smile. "How was that?" He asked and I shrugged. "It was good" I said while laughing.
Everyone was staring at us when we faced them, but we don't care.

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