miserable at best

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Previous Chapter:
I layer the shirt and the jeans I'm going to wear, blue jeans with rips along each leg, on my bed and wait for the day.
Bri's Point Of View:

It was finally Sunday. The second I woke up, I got ready because I couldn't wait a minute longer.
I took a shower and then shaved my legs, even though I'm wearing pants today.
I put on my undergarments and threw my top, that Mary Band very nicely temporally donated to me, on and the I put my jeans on.
I checked my phone clock and it was four o'clock, two hours until Calum picks me up.
I go to the bathroom in my cabin and do my eyeliner and mascara. A perfect wing with dark eyelashes.
I applied dark red lipstick and by the time I was done, it was already five.
I sat on the couch in my cabin and went on my phone as I waited for him to get me.

I heard a knock on my door at 5:50 and went out to greet Calum. We walked to the parking lot and hopped in his fire red challenger.
The next thing I know, we were at a casual restaurant.
As we waited for our dinner to come, we started talking about our families. "I grew up in Australia" he said. "Oh okay, what made you come to New York?" I asked and he explained to me that he was on tour with One Direction but they were taking a six month break between the Europe and North American sections of the tour. "Oh wow, you must be pretty famous, that's so weird that I've never heard of your band, what's your band name?" I asked. "5 Seconds Of Summer, we're pop punk." He said, which makes sense why I've never heard of them, I listen more to old rock. "Our tour mom thought it'd be good for us to get a job. How about you? What brings you to counseling?" He asks. "Well, my best friend, who lives in New York got a job this summer so we thought it'd be so much fun to work together, and I'm from Canada, we met over the Internet a few years ago." I said with a small smile. "Oh wow! That's so cool! I used to have a pen pal when I was younger and we were so close. He was actually my cousin, so I don't think that'd count" He giggled a little bit. "Really? What was his name?" I asked and he said it was Blane Roden. "That's so weird, my mom has a cousin with that same name. Expect he lives in Europe." I said and Calum's mouth dropped. "So did mine! But mine, sadly, died in 2007." Calum said and so did mine.

We were both thinking it, I was just the one to say it. "Hey Calum, I'm pretty sure that we're second cousins." I say and he shakes his head, shocked. "Nah, what are you great grandparents names?" He asked and we both have a pair of matching names.

He drives me home in awkward silence. That was awful.

The moment I get back to my cabin, Kat asks me how it went and I say awful. She's going to ask why and I don't want to explain. "I'm going to go to bed now. Okay?" She nods and let's me drift off to sleep.

I wake up the next day to a mild headache. I pop in an Advil and start my day. It's a Monday, which means that after breakfast in in the art room with Luke.

At the art room, the instructor explains what to do, we're making bracelets.
Luke slides over next to me. "Hey, I heard about what happened. How are you doing with it?" He asked and I shrugged. Avoid him! AVOID HIM! I kept telling myself. "How's Calum?" I ask and he's replies with "He seems fine." That's good? "I mean he's shocked, but who wouldn't be?" Luke continues. "I know for sure I am." I say. I sigh, "but that's okay, not everything works out as its planned. I should have never had such high expectations." I said and Luke frowned. I had to bite my tongue to keep from crying. I really liked him and now I have to wire into it to know that I don't like him. "Expecting your date to not be related to you is not high expectations." He was obviously trying to cheer me up, but it's not working. "Anyways, I shouldn't have relied of anyone else, to avoid disappointment" I said and Luke hesitated for a moment. "You know, that's not true. Relying on other is essential for a happy life, if you don't then you'll be miserable at best. Yes, sometimes life is disappointing, but that's no reason to never trust someone. Yesterday wasn't in favor of your family's past, but that's no reason to be completely independent." He finished, then went back to where his division was to help them make bracelets.
What Luke said rang back and fourth in my head all day. It's okay to rely on people. It's okay.

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