feeding swans

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Previous Chapter:
"So, you clearly had a nice night" Calum says right before we go into our cabin.
Brianna's Point Of View:
It takes Kat too long to come home, so I go to bed before she gets back.

When I wake up, she's already gone again. Where is this woman?! I get ready and go to the cafeteria, where I find her.
"So, how was last night?" I ask, sliding down next to her. Kat grins from ear to ear. "Where do I begin? It was truly amazing." She says with sparkling eyes.... I've never seen her eyes sparkle like that before.
Kat keeps going on and on and on about her date with Michael, but I can't focus because she looks so, so happy, which is so reassuring.
Once the day is done, which it ended early since it started raining, I find Luke. "Hey, Luke!" I shout and he turns around and starts to run towards me. "Guess what!" I say and he shrugs. "Kat seemed so, so happy today!" I said and he smiles widely, "So did Michael!" He says and we victory hug.
"Oh my gosh, I just realized something." I say, pulling apart from Luke. "What?!" He asks, curiously. "We can go on double dates now!" I say and he smiles brightly. "Yay!" Luke says.
I pull Luke down to kiss me, and we kiss in a long, romantic peck.

Luke and I got to find Michael and Kat.... and we actually find them together by the camp lake, feeding breed to the swans. "Hey, guys." I say, sneaking up behind them. Kat jumps and Michael just turns around sharply. "What's up?" Kat asks and I look at Luke who asks them, "Since I'm seeing Brianna and you two are seeing each other, we thought that we could go on a double date?" He finished. Kat smiles and nods. "I'd definitely like to do that." She says, and then we all look at Michael who nods too. "Okay, great! How does this Sunday at six sound?" I ask. Luke and I kind of planned it out already. "Well, you know our schedule because it's the same as yours, so that sounds fine." Kat says, with a bit of dry humor in her voice. "What we're you two thinking about doing?" Michael asked. We haven't planned this far ahead. "Well, we don't know. What do you guys want to do?" Luke asked them. Kat shrugged and Michael looked at me. "Umm.... how about we see a movie?" I suggested, then we all agreed to it. "I know that Suicide Squad came out, and I head that it was good, so how about we see that?" Kat suggests, and we all agree to seeing Suicide Squad. "I'll look up times right now." I say, sitting down and pulling out my phone.
"Okay, so there's a 5:30, a 6:45, an 8:00, and a 10:15" I say and they all agree to the 5:30. "Okay, cool, so we'll see you guys there." Luke says, grabbing my hand and walking away.

AU- I'm so, so sorry, it seems like my chapters are getting shorter and shorter 😁😁
Well, anyways, I hope you all have a lovely day 💕💕

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