See What Happened Was...

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"Now you were saying Bill?" Dipper continued, turning to his guest. 

"Ah well I'm not feeling up to it, how about tomorrow?" Bill asked, giving him a pleading look. But Dipper wasn't budging, he shook his head and stared at Bill, who let out a sigh and ran a hand through his blonde locks. "Well, when I was getting erased from Stan's mind I thought it was the end of the line for me too, even if I said one last threat to scare him. But I have a theory of what happened." By now Mabel had stopped laughing and was sitting in her hair, staring at him intensely. Bill knew he wouldn't be able to get out of talking now and tugged at his hair in frustration. "You only erased the memory of me from Stan's mind. You didn't erase me from all of yours and even if you did do that, energy can't be created nor destroyed."

"So it wouldn't have worked anyway." Dipper finished for him looking very mad, whether it was from his plan not working or Bill's words. Bill didn't want to know. "Yeah, but I was surprised when I woke up next to my statue." Bill told them about the isolation, him almost going insane, and most of the deep thoughts he had. "But then you started speaking it gave me something to look forward to, it really did Dipper." Bill said sincerely, it made Dipper's face turn pink and Mabel snap a few pictures to capture to moment. But mostly to add to her Bipper album.

Bill continued speaking until he got to the part where he told the trees what his wish was. He didn't say it immediately which made Mabel and Dipper stand on edge. But that wasn't his goal, he just didn't want to say it out loud... it felt like something private all of a sudden.

"What did you wish for?" The twins asked at the same time. Their voices blended together but Mabel's tone was anxious while Dipper just sounded annoyed. "Well I wished to be human of course, that's what I told you didn't I?" Dipper let out a breath he had been holding and Mabel bounced up and down in her chair, with the had the camera in her hands, Bill gave her a charming smile before she clicked the button to capture a photo.

"Well I'm tired, so I think I'm going to go to bed now." Bill announced standing on wobbly legs. He managed to take at least two steps towards the door, before his legs gave out. "Where do you think your going?" Dipper asked with his arms folded.

"Back to the forest, of course. You never said I could stay here." Bill responded trying to get up again. Mabel turned to her brother and elbowed him in the side. "Dipper you have to admit that is kinda adorable." She whispered pointing to the scene of Bill standing with a victory cry. "You can't all that cuteness crawl away from you, literally." Bill had started crawling on the floor, his legs dragging behind him as though they had become useless.

"See Dipper!" Mabel had gotten on the floor and sat down next to Bill, putting an arm around his shoulder and pulling him close. "You can't get rid of this." She said putting on a sad puppy's expression, Bill copied her and they sat on the floor, trying to get Dipper to change his mind on something he already decided a while ago.

"Mabel, Bill was already going to stay here, he can't live in the forest forever." Dipper said with a little shake of his head, dealing with two goofballs instead of one was going to be harder than he thought. "Yay!" Bill and Mabel cheered together, Dipper left them to celebrate by themselves while he set up Bill's sleeping space.

"Wait!," Bill called out, making Dipper stop walking and look at him. "Where am I sleeping?" Dipper smiled and replied, "In my room." Animals in the forest scurried away at the sound of Mabel's fangirling.


Once Mabel was sure Dipper was gone she turned to Bill and whispered. "What are you going to do now?" When Mabel found out about Bill's crush on Dipper, Bill thought she was going to turn on him and go into overprotective mode, but he was absolutely delighted when the opposite happened. If fact Mabel had told Bill some interesting things, like the fact that Dipper had never got a girlfriend and that his eyes tended to stray towards the guys more than the girls. Mabel had assured Bill that soon, Dipper's interest would only be in him. She sounded so determined that Bill was almost afraid for a moment and he wondered if he thought the wrong twin was dangerous. But in the end he pushed away the thought, he kinda liked her craziness. It was enough not to be normal, but not so much that it drove her mad.

"I don't know what to do Mabel, I don't even have clothes and I can't make new ones appear." Bill told her, Mabel's eyes lit up and a bright smile was instantly on her face. "I had been taking classes for designing and creating clothes, let me do you wardrobe. Pleeeease." She begged while shaking his shoulders, making his head jerk around. "Fine, fine okay!" Bill gave in, when he began to have a headache. Mabel stopped torturing him and squealed excitedly.

"Okay to what?" Dipper said as he walked into the kitchen suddenly, scaring them both. "Bill just agreed to let me do his wardrobe!" Mabel said in an excited tone, Bill didn't look as happy as his partner in crime though. In fact to Dipper, Bill looked like he had made a terrible mistake that he couldn't take back. When in reality Bill didn't really care, he just hoped Dipper didn't suspect anything about his crush. "Mhmm well it's time for bed so..." Dipper said and held out an arm for Bill to take, which he did. Without no hesitation whatsoever. He was able to stand on his own for now, but just touching Dipper made his legs weak. Darn emotions. Darn weak noodle legs.

"Dipper wait, we need to strip Bill!" Mabel yelled randomly.

"What, why?!?" Dipper asked, afraid and confused at the same time.

"We need to take his measurements!" She wailed and tugged on Dipper's arm that held Bill. In the matter of moments, Mabel fell back on the floor and Bill fell beside her. He managed to bang his head and moaned weakly on the ground. "Pain isn't hilarious anymore."

"See Mabel this is why you need to be careful!" Dipper scolded. Mabel looked almost close to tears and Bill patted her on the head when he saw. "Don't worry Shooting Star, I'm all right." Then he leaned in and whispered. "With any luck, he'll probably let me sleep in his bed tonight." The corner of Mabel's mouth slowly lifted and she apologized with a hug, but Bill waved her off with a smile. "I'm fine." He lied.

"No, your not fine." Dipper said and picked Bill up in a bridal style. Bill's head swayed and throbbed too much for him to enjoy it, but it was nice being in Dipper's arms anyways, they were warm and strong. Bill laid his head on Dipper's chest and felt it vibrate when he spoke. "Mabel we'll talk later." Dipper said and carried Bill to his room. The blonde wasn't paying attention to where he was going though, he eyes were closed and he was focused on the body heat Dipper emitted. "There you go." Dipper said as he placed Bill on his bed, as soon as he hit the cushion, Bill sat up wide awake and called out to Dipper. "Wait."

Dipper sighed softly although he was smiling a bit. It seemed like he couldn't leave to go anywhere before someone stopped him. "What Bill?" He asked quietly while sitting on the floor by the side of the bed. Dipper didn't want to hurt Bill's head by speaking loudly or by moving him around too much, so he tried to be as careful as possible. It was almost hard to imagine Bill as fragile, but he somehow become that way.

Said person, leaned forward and hugged Dipper lightly. The brunette hugged Bill back and stroked his hair, trying to fix it from all the tugging and pulling that it went through. "Don't be mean to Mabel." Bill whispered and fell asleep in Dipper's embrace. It stuck Dipper as odd that the person who had wanted to kill his family had just told him to behave, but he had experienced much stranger. He gently laid Bill back on the bed and covered him up with a blanket. Then he left the room to talk to Mable, but his heart strangely felt warm during the entire conversation, when they were finished talking Dipper was too tired to sleep on the floor and slipped into bed beside Bill. The sleeping human cuddled up to Dipper and wrapped an arm around him without a conscious thought, Dipper rather liked the embrace and easily drifted into sleep. Both boys had pleasant dreams that night.

Author's Note

Well that was fun to write. You can't actually be mad at Mabel, she just wanted Dipper to see Bill's naked bod, fall in love, and have kids. Is that too much to ask for? Anyways hoped you liked the story, because THERE. WILL. BE. MORE. 

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