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"Dipper, Bellia, come down here! I made cupcakes!" Bill yelled from the kitchen. He smiled at Aries, his daughter who was resting on his hip and she grinned back, showing canines that had been sharp since she grew them. She had wild curly brown hair that reached her shoulders and golden eyes just like Bill, she had also taken a liking to most of his hobbies.

Over the ten years of his marriage, Bill had began to show an interest in cooking and all his hard work paid off when he surpassed Dipper in making deserts. He still sucked at dinner so he could leave that spot to Dipper, who was currently stumbling into the room with his other daughter, Bellia.

The five year old with golden hair that almost touched the ground and brown eyes that began to water, looked at the empty table and then at Dipper for an explanation. She was clearly upset at the lack of sweets she was promised. "Bill..." Dipper warned. He could tell that Bellia wouldn't take the missing treats lightly.

"Now!" Bill ordered. Aries clapped her hands and rainbow glitter fell from the roof, showering both Dipper and Bellia from head to toe. There was stunned silence except for the laughing of two pranksters who thought they were hilarious.

"But... where's my cupcakes?" Bellia's tiny voice asked. Her sentence was drawn out in a certain pitch that both parents heard so many times before she broke down in a serious fit of crying.

Bill panicked and tried to soothe her, "Oh- uh, don't cry. There's no need to shed tears, I made them." He snapped his fingers and a plate of white cupcakes with sprinkles appeared on the table. "See, they were just invisible, I'm not mean enough to lure you in without real bait."

Bellia's eyes lit up at the sight of the pastries and she ran over to them without a care in the world. She didn't seem bothered by the glitter that got into her golden locks and streamed behind her like fireworks. She could have know the glitter would disappear after a few moments, yet the truth was much more simple than that, she was just a child with a major sweet tooth.

Bill relaxed and then grinned at Dipper, his husband didn't approve of his pranks when they made one of the twins upset, but this time the disaster was avoided. "I don't know why you two think this is fun." Dipper murmured as he reached for one of the cupcakes he was pranked for. He didn't really mind the duo playing jokes as long as nothing blew up or anybody got their feelings hurt.

"It's fun because it is. Right?" Bill poked Aries in the stomach and waited for her to agree like she always did, instead she buried her face into his chest without a word. "Aries, what's wrong?" He asked.

"They weren't surprised for that long. It's not fair." She pouted. "It didn't work like it did last time." Bill gently stroked her hair in an effort to calm her. He could clearly recall the last prank she tried to do herself and it didn't end well.

"That's because you almost burned the house down." Bellia added in her opinion through a mouthful of icing.

Aries snapped her head up and glared at her sister. "You were surprised, weren't you?" She turned back to Bill with big eyes. "I won't do it again. So can I decide what trick we play next?"

Her golden eyes looked upon Bill with some much hope for a small child and she was just too cute to refuse. Bill didn't want to upset his partner in crime, but her pranks usually ended in disaster, it was the main reason he lived in a remote forest now. "Well..." His eyes slid over to Dipper, but he was laughing too much to be any help. "We'll talk about it after your magic lessons."

Her eyes widen and she flashed him a grin he thought she learned from a certain vampire. "You mean with Gravy?" She asked. "I like Gravy, he has pretty eyes."

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