How Bill Met Traveler

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....Bill's Tale....

Imagine a young man named Billy Cipher, he had skin tanned from being outside to go on various adventures, his hair yellow hair was as the sun, but his most usual feature was his eyes. They were an unnatural gold and always seemed to sparkle with mischief he hadn't caused yet. From birth his mother said he was destined to decipher many mysteries in the world as she stared into her child's wide smile and gleeful face. But the story really begins when Billy happened to stumble upon a legend about a rock from space. Supposedly the rock used to orbit a planet, but an asteroid threw it off it's course and sent it traveling through the vast galaxy. Over the centuries of floating into nothingness the rock started to acquire awareness of it's being and intelligence. It concluded that it had nowhere to belong and decided to pick a planet to enlightened it's inhabitants of the knowledge it obtained. But for some reason the rock never completed the mission it set out and instead lies in a cave somewhere. It was said that the rock granted a wish to anyone who could find it.


And that was my mission, I was a mere sixteen when I left home to find the legendary rock. My mother begged not to go, but in the end I won. People used to say that I got my stubbornness from her and she used to be proud about of it, but I didn't think she was during our argument. "Billy Cipher, your only sixteen, you will not go anywhere!" I remember hearing my mom yell, before storming out the house. I just seated myself at the dinner table and waited for her return, which happened a few hours later.

She was completely silent as she helped me pack the few things I was taking with me and practically pushed me out the door, telling me that if I was so determined to leave that I should at least not pursue the rock, but that's exactly what I did. I took my favorite horse and set off into the night, I didn't stop until I got to the next town over to check up on the stories and see if anyone heard anything. At least two people in an entire town knew what I was talking about, two people. I finally thought I was onto something when the people pointed me to another town, because they didn't know where the rock was, they only knew about it. So I started there and worked my way up.

I kept getting pointed from place to place until I eventually had to leave my horse behind to hide away on different ships. The location of the rock kept taking me further and further away from home, but there was no clear place that anyone had directed me, until I met Davy.

Davy was an old man I found sitting in front of a wooden box at a market, he wore tattered clothing that was hanging off him in shreds and had a long scruffy beard streaked with white. His dark beady eyes had caught mine while I was buying food with the last of my funds. He stared me down for a moment, and then beckoned me over with a hand that already had a green bottle clutched tightly in it's grip, I could see a dark liquid splash inside the transparent glass. He might be drunk, I had thought to myself, he might have mistaken me for someone else. But after looking left to right and seeing him shove his bottle at my direction, I walked over to him while repeating in my head over and over, that I had nothing to lose.

"I heard yer been looking for Lone Stone." He said to me when I got close enough to hear him. I stared at him confused, thinking I heard him wrong as he titled his bottle back to take large gulps of his red liquid, it ran down and stained his lips.

"No, I've been searching for the legendary stone meant to grant any person who finds it a wish." I explained while I watched what I assumed to be wine, drip onto his beard. The old man didn't seem to mind by the slight smile he gave me, showing me his sharp teeth.

"Lone Stone, Traveler, The Rock, he was lot of names, but I where to find em'." The old man said before drinking out of the bottle again. I waited patiently because I didn't want to upset the only person who could give me a break from all the wandering I've been doing. "Name's Davy by the way, I usually wouldn't care for yer name because I can't remember every stranger I talk to, but I don't think I'll forget yers." He continued gruffly and I felt caught off guard for a moment because I didn't expect him to want my name, but I hurried to answer his question when I realized he didn't take a drink of wine, but instead was waiting for me to speak.

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