A Fun Day...?

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I found myself standing back in the forest. But instead of being silent and peaceful, it had a dark and foreboding atmosphere. The branches of the trees were swaying in the wind and although I didn't feel any cold, I still felt the need to shiver. I looked around to get a hold of my surrounding and could sense eyes staring at me back. Of all the years I've stayed at the forest, I've never felt more unnerved. In front of me, I could see my statue surrounded by a golden circle of light and I felt the sudden urge to walk to it. It was a surprise that I didn't notice it earlier, but I've seen fear do worse to a person.

I stepped into the light and was immediately assaulted with whispers, they were so fast and merged together that I couldn't understand a word they were saying. It made my head ache just from listening to them go on a on without rest and I fell to my knees from the pain. But the whispers wouldn't relent, I covered my ears, but it seemed to make them speak louder. I could tell it was something important, but I heard were hisses and willowy tones, that didn't translate into anything with meaning.

"Slow down, speak one at a time!" I shouted pressing my hands closer to my ears. The noise stopped at once and I uncovered my ears.


A long clang rang through the forest and the trees glowed a bright green, the color seemed to stretch out to me, making me jump to my feet.


They shouted again in sync, while stretching out to me even more, almost touching me this time. The trees started whispering again, but I could make out two words when the bright color finally reached me.

He's coming.


I woke up with tears in my eyes and grasping for breath. My eyes went to the side of the bed where Dipper was staring at me in concern.

"Bill are you alright?" Dipper asked, putting the journal in his lap.

I shook my head and clung to him, burying my face into his shirt. Why couldn't I just have a happy ending, is this really what I deserved? Tears spilled from eyes and I started sobbing at my fate. Dipper tried to calm me by rubbing my back and repeating that everything is fine over and over, but I didn't think the same. When I finally calmed down enough to let him go, he wiped the tears from cheeks and asked, "Can you tell me what happened now?"

I sniffed and told him about the dream. He listened without saying a word, but I could tell that he wasn't happy about what the trees said. "Now I'll be damned if I'm going to let them take you away from me." Dipper said quickly. I looked at him in surprise and he went on speaking while staring into my eyes. "Bill, I love you. And when you love someone, you'll always find a way to be with them. I'll find a way around this, you just have to trust me. Do you trust me?."

"I- I trust you." The words fell out of my mouth on their own accord. But it was the truth and I didn't think otherwise for a minute. A smile fell on Dipper's face and he leaned over to kiss me on the lips.

"I love you." He murmured, his mouth close to mine. His eyes were soft and his gentle gaze was directed at me in a way that it made my face heat up. An emotion that I couldn't place welled up inside me and I felt a fragile wall in my mind break, with that came new knowledge.

"I love you too." I breathed back to Dipper. I felt as though I really needed to tell it to him, because the realization that I really did care for him came to me. It wasn't as though I didn't love him before, but I never acknowledged what the warm feelings I had meant. I almost felt scared at the foreign emotion that found itself inside me that I almost didn't recognize it at first.

It was love, I was in love and I've never felt this way before, but I felt better now that I knew who caused such a flurry of panic in my heart. Dipper was the only person that kept me sane and he's the only one keeping me happy. Well Mabel was included too, but my sisterly feelings towards her weren't as strong as the ones I felt for her brother.

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