A Fragile Maiden's Heart (Mabifica)

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"Hey Dipper, what do you think about these napkins-" Mabel paused in the middle of her sentence when she saw her brother. She had been looking for Dipper so she started talking as soon as she saw his fluffy hair, but the closer she got the more she could see the full picture.

Bill must have fallen asleep while watching TV, because his head was turned in it's direction, but soft snores were coming from his mouth. His head was laid on Dipper's lap, who also wasn't watching the screen in front of him. Instead Dipper was stroking Bill's hair lightly, he looked so content that Mabel started backing away without thinking.

There was just something about Dipper's expression that made Mabel's heart jump painfully. It was the simple truth that no one would look at her like that which made Mabel leave the room without her brother's notice. She needed to get out of the house for a while, she had to set her thoughts straight.


I sipped out my chocolate milkshake that was fifty percent sprinkles while looking out the window of he diner I chose. Bill and Dipper kept popping up my mind and their totally cute pictures that I took, just made me feel sad so I tried to bury my thoughts by watching people walk pass. Some of them were smiling and talking with friends while others were alone and going about their day peacefully. I wondered if the people with no one to talk to felt lonely?

"Hello? Earth to Mabel." Pacifica waved her hand in front of my face. She was sitting in the booth in front of me, though I couldn't tell when she arrived, I knew it had been a good few minutes. I blamed the sugar for not letting me notice her sooner.

"Oh, hi blondie. I already got your favorite shake, vanilla." I slid it over to her and smiled as her eyes lit up. She hummed while drinking the and seemed so in bliss that I didn't interrupt her, I always enjoyed watching Pacifica react to her favorite foods.

"Thanks." She rested her face in her hands to examine me. I felt her blue eyes scan me so I scanned her back, trying to make my eyes as big as they could go. Pacifica's mouth twitched in an attempt to hold back a smile, so I continued scanning her until she broke down and laughed first. "Your always fun, so what's been going on?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Same ol' same old. Just with two extra people. But you look really pretty today." I commented on her aqua green flowy dress, it really fit her body well.

Pacifica tried to wave away my flattery. "It's nothing special, I just put anything on." Even as she said that I could see a slight pink tint on her face.

I gave her a big ol' grin. "Who are you trying to fool? Your always dressed like your going on a date or trying to catch someone's attention. So who's the lucky guy?" I winked and nudged my shoulder in her direction, but she shook her head with a small smile.

"It's not a..." Pacifica trailed off and ducked her head down to sip at her drink. She looked at me from under her dark lashes with unspoken words.

"Oh my gosh it's a girl!" I half yelled and started bouncing in my chair. I reached across the table to grab her hands so I could squeeze them. "You have to tell me who it is." I beamed with the thought of planning two weddings.

"I... um." She looked down at our hands and I did too. Pacifica's hands were hot and her face kept getting redder and redder, till it got to the point where I thought she was going to explode.

I let go of her quickly. "Oh sorry, I didn't know you didn't like me touching you." I tried to apologize so we could go back to joking like usual. Maybe she didn't want to be grabbed? After all she had already explained she liked someone, maybe it seemed like I was flirting or something.

"No that's not it. I'm just really embarrassed." Pacifica explained. She had long returned to her normal color and didn't yell so I knew she wasn't lying to make everything seem better.

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