Calm After the Storm

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Dipper yawned and sat up while scratching his head. He looked around with sleepy eyes and wondered why he felt so relaxed. But his question was answered when he eyes roamed over Bill's sleeping form. He looked at peace and so cute that Dipper couldn't help, but lean down to kiss him on his forehead. "Time to rise Sunshine." Dipper whispered and planted another kiss on Bill's cheek.

"Just five more minutes." The blonde mumbled before hugging Dipper's waist in a attempt to get him to go back to bed. It caused the brunette to smile and ruffle Bill's messy hair with affection. "If you don't get up Mabel will eventually come in here and take pictures."

As if on cue, the couple heard Mabel laughing and talking to someone with rushed out words that came from excitement. Bill's eyes flung open and went to the door, but Mabel didn't burst into the room as he thought she would. It seemed like the cause of her happiness was elsewhere.

Bill sighed in relief and close his eyes again, causing Dipper to chuckle. "What? Are you afraid of Mabel and her camera?"

"No, I just didn't want her to see me naked. And she almost did once." Bill mumbled tiredly. He was about to drift back into sleep, but Dipper's tense body wasn't as comfortable than it was few seconds ago. Bill knew that he didn't have to look at Dipper to know his eyes had turned orange.

"When." Dipper's voice was no longer soft and instead had the tone of a jealous boyfriend. Bill sighed when he realized that five minutes had probably already passed and he wasn't going back to bed anytime soon.

"When I needed to get more clothes. I was wearing only a towel and apparently Waddles thought it was some kind of food, because he almost pulled it off." Bill peeked an eye open and saw that the unnatural color in Dipper's eyes didn't fade away, so he made what he called 'a good suggestion.'

"How about we should take a shower and then go see what got Mabel so excited?" Bill asked. He knew that Dipper wouldn't say no, but he gave him a quick kiss just to hook Dipper in. "I take your silence as yeah then?" Bill began to look through their clothes thrown on the floor for his. He made sure to bend down in a way that showed off his body and tried not to smile when he saw Dipper's drooling face in the corner of his eye.

"You mean together?" Dipper had perked up and now stared at Bill with glee of a puppy getting a treat.

"Yeah, I won't dip on you this time." Bill burst out into laughter at the pun he stole from Pacifica and then laughed harder when Dipper groaned in apparent agony.

"Bill why? No... just no." Dipper could find the right words to express his torment, so he just shook his head instead. Even though the bad pun had ruined the moment, he was still happy to be home.


I walked into the living room, feeling refreshed and happy. It didn't take long for me to find Mabel, she sitting on a new couch that Ford had brought from one of his adventures with Stan. She had a huge smile on her face and was holding a grey cat against her chest. I nudged Bill, who was watching whatever romance Stan was absorbed in and tried to get him to notice the cat. But he only thought I was trying to get him to sit down and did so while shrugging his shoulders.

"Dipper, Bill, Your finally here!" Mabel practically yelled and started hugging the animal in her arms so hard I thought it's bones would break. The cat even had it's mouth open like it was desperately trying to take in breath. I wasn't the only one who noticed Mabel's interaction with the cat, Ford was also observing the animal with concern. He occupied the seat next to Mabel and quietly tapped his foot on the floor without realizing it. When he finally noticed me, he gave me a warm smile that I had missed.

"Oh! Dipper I didn't see you there, I was distracted... Did you sleep well?" Ford asked when he could pull his attention away from the crushed kitty in Mabel's grip.

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