A New World

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The happy couple sat in each other's embrace happily, though Bill personally thought he was the one who was enjoying the hug the most. It made him think back on memories from his underwater stay that he didn't tell Dipper. It was just small things, like how the thought of being back at the mystery shack and taking pictures with Mabel or laughing with Dipper, prevented him from making a deal with Traveler. Because that's what that evil thing wanted, a deal. It was one that would have destroyed any chance of Bill being with Dipper, but he didn't do it and was glad for it. Traveler's offer would have made him miss out on the warmth he was surrounded in or the silence that he hadn't heard in what felt like forever.

Bill sighed in bliss and muzzled in the crook of Dipper's neck. He was content to sit on the ground forever when he heard what he thought to be the wind. But as the sound progressed it turned out to be two low groans. Bill waited until after the noise had stopped to jump out of Dipper's arms. He spun around quickly, looking for what caused the unfamiliar sound that had shaken him. He heard Dipper get up as well and they both searched for the mystery monster together. The tense feeling in the air shattered when Dipper burst into random laughter.

"I freaking thought there was a bear about to eat us!" Dipper said while smiling and wiping imaginary tears out of his eyes. Bill calmed down realizing it must be one of those human things that he never had the time to care about as a triangle. Although he never thought humans could make such a beastly sound.

"There isn't?" Bill asked because he wanted to know what was so funny that it made Dipper's cheeks flush a light pink, even though he knew it was a result of laughing. The color was so faint that Bill almost reached out a hand to brush against his Dipper's cheek to see if it would come off on his fingers.

"Nope, it was your stomach eating itself." Dipper's comment ruined the moment and Bill's face contorted in horror as he began to feel a pain in his stomach, was he going to die now? Just drop down in the snow and be done with it? The terrible thoughts began to plague Bill to the point where words failed to express what he was thinking.


Dipper didn't mean to be mean , but he thought the look on Bill's face was priceless. I really wish I had Mabel's camera right now. Dipper thought. If she was here, she would be having a blast right now. But she wasn't there, it was only him and Bill which seemed fine a few moments ago, but lonely now. Dipper began to worry that they should be doing something, but he didn't know what.

His stomach growling again made him focus on Bill's curious eyes that said he wasn't sure if he believed Dipper. "I'm just joking with you, I wouldn't be laughing if you were dying." Dipper said while he opened his book bag, he didn't want to forget to tell the truth and leave Bill freaking out like when he sneezed. But he really did love seeing his lover's expressions, it was quite the treasure to him in a way he couldn't explain in any other form than broken thoughts. For instance, Dipper sometimes thought about putting Bill in a box and away from everyone. Or maybe he wanted to chain Bill so he couldn't touch anyone else. Either way Dipper wasn't planning on acting on his desire, but that didn't stop the nagging want from bothering him.

"I knew it, humans are totally weird." Bill muttered under his breath.

"I know exactly what you talking about." Dipper responded while looking at the contents in front of him. "I see Laurel packed us lots of food." He stated with his eyes scanning the selections from the canned foods to the bags of chips.

"Who's Laurel?" Bill asked while getting out a bottle of water.

"Just the name of the tree inside Mabel." Dipper nonchalantly responded while zipping up their food source and putting it on his back. He looked through the snow and spotted some pine trees that looked like a good place to check out, but the silence behind Dipper made him turn around "Bill?"

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