Proposals and Sparkles

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                                                                              -Two years later-

I leaned my back against a tree and smiled at the cheerful scene in front of my eyes. Bill's bare chest was covered in glitter and he spun around in circles with his arms spread outward, his head was tossed back as laughter spilled freely from his mouth. The sun's light made Bill seem to shine and happiness seemed to radiate off him in a way that made the nickname I gave him fit even more.

"Sunshine." I breathed the word out as softly as I possibly could, yet somehow Bill still managed to hear me. He tilted his head to the side in a silent question and then gestured for me to come over. I laughed and shook my head silently, I wanted to admire the childish-like glee that had overtaken him from a distance.

"Come on Dipper take a picture with Bill!" Mabel yelled. She had been clicking her camera like crazy and now joined Bill in his effort to get me to have fun with them. Her brown mane had become messed up from dancing around with Bill, but her gaze was happy and reflected no discomfort.

I pondered over getting up and put my hand in my jacket pocket as I did. My thumb immediately made contact with a velvet box that seemed to give me the strength to stand. As I made my way pass Mabel, I leaned close enough to whisper to her, "Get your camera ready." Her eyes widened and she nodded silently, her cheeks were flushed with excitement even though she had no idea of what was to happen next. I didn't tell her what I was going to do earlier on, because I didn't want to tell anyone of the secret plans I had made in the middle of the night.

"What did you whisper to her?" Bill asked. He placed his hands on his hips and looked at me with curious eyes that I admired greatly. Though I knew I wouldn't need to tell Bill anything if the butterflies swarming in my stomach let me do the actions I had replayed in my mind over a million times.

"Nothing, Sunshine." I leaned forward and gave him a kiss. It was supposed to be short and sweet, but Bill decided to deepen our connection, knowing I couldn't resist his persistent tongue when it found it's way into my mouth.

"I know this is cute, but c'mon Dipper. Get on with it." Mabel interrupted from the sidelines. She had her camera pressed to her face and was rhythmically tapping her feet. She was waiting just as I asked her to, but she was impatient as well for she never liked to left out of something for too long.

Bill broke the kiss upon hearing her words and gave me a lazy smile. "You wanted to tell me something?"

His golden gaze put me on the spot and I almost would have made an excuse to back out if I hadn't felt Mabel's eyes on me, her determined gaze seemed to root me to the ground. With her support, I started to feel a bit relaxed so I took a deep breath to settle my nerves and fell onto one knee. I pulled out the small velvet box that had been a giant weight since the moment I bought it and held it high enough for Bill to see. The gasp he let out drew my attention to his face and steadily widening eyes, I hoped his reaction was a sign that I was doing something right.

I opened the lid and revealed a silver band with pine trees carved into it. "I had searched everywhere for the right ring for you," I spoke while staring at it. The ring was quite the beauty and the carvings seemed to sparkle at the slightest movement. "It also took me a while to find someone who would engrave the pine trees along with the words on the inside."

"I- I don't know Dipper, I don't know what to say." Bill bit his lip. His bewildered stare cut into me and made my pulse race.

Please don't say no, I thought silently. "I know three years to you may seem like nothing to you, but it feels like forever to me and I know without any question in my heart, that I love you. And when I think about that fact I try to explain it deeper so you'll know the depth of my feelings towards you, but it's just so much that all I end up doing is staring at you instead. I feel myself drowning in emotions I can't describe, but all I know it that I want you to drown with me." A stopped speaking when Bill chuckled and laughed a bit myself. That last sentence did sound a little weird... okay really weird.

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