Rage and Arguments

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By the time Dipper made it to the room his arms were shaking. It was a small quiver, but Bill could still feel the vibrations jostling him slightly. He decided to stay silent on the matter though, if thought that if it took Dipper hurting himself to learn a lesson then so be it.

As if hearing the thought, Dipper grunted and kicked off his shoes, before dumping Bill onto the bed. He landed on the mattress softly, but Dipper was huffing like he had just carried fifteen tons.

"Are you happy now? You tired yourself out because you wouldn't listen to me." Bill asked smugly.

"I didn't get tired," Dipper said simply. "It just drove me wild having you pressed against me the entire time." He whispered against Bill's ear, yet made no move to doing what his words implied. Bill could now see that Dipper was trembling with excitement and him holding back was increasing the tension between them to the point where on of them had to break it.

"Just kiss me already." Bill mumbled. The desire burning in Dipper's orange eyes was almost too much for Bill to bear and he felt himself growing hard from the intense gaze. When the space between their mouths was finally filled, bliss crashed into Bill and he tried to slide further onto the bed, but his boots prevented him from doing what he wanted. Not wanting to drag anything on, Bill kicked his obstacle away and continued kissing.

"Let's make some babies tonight." Dipper playfully suggested.

"Nooo thank you. I won't think about that in years." Bill playfully pushed at Dipper's chest.

"That's fine with me. I can wait years for kids, but I want you tonight." Dipper lightly stroked Bill's collar bone, listening to the soft way Bill's breath caught when he repeated the motion.

It was that night Dipper learned the different tones and sounds Bill could make while calling out his name.


"Rise and shine." Dipper called out sweetly. Bill was still resting from last night's events so he cooked Bill along with his family some breakfast. But the sleeping beauty didn't plan on waking, even if his lover asked nicely. "C'mon Bill, I made you an omelet and a bagel with strawberry cream cheese. It's waiting for you downstairs." Dipper tried coax Bill awake with the promise of food, but the blonde's back still remained to him.

"What the heck is a bagel?" Bill rolled over and squinted at Dipper. "And what are you wearing?" He sat up, laughing and pointed to the ruffles on the pink apron Dipper wore. "You- you like like a maid or a housewife!" Bill fell into the bed while rolling about like a maniac. 

"You done?" Dipper asked. He had already heard his family and friends laugh at the gift Mabel forced him wear, so it was only expected that Bill joined in too.

"Yes, yes, I'm finished." Bill patted the space beside him for Dipper to sit. He made sure to his voice was serious as he spoke. "I don't know what happened in your life to turn you into a great cook, but I'm glad it happened." His hands tugged at the strap of Dipper's clothing. "But an apron saying Princess Pancake Flipper is too much."

"I didn't have a choice in what I wore today, but I'm glad my skills are appreciated. Now go eat before you freak out and think your dying again." Dipper said. He smiled when Bill stuck his tongue out, but didn't retract his statement.

"I'm going to do what I want. But does the same go for your eye colour, they're still orange." Bill titled his head sideways just to make sure sleep wasn't clouding his vision, but the orange glow the evident in the daylight.

"They are? I hadn't noticed." Dipper reached into his apron and pulled out a fork, trying to see his reflection from the silver ware.

"What do you mean, you hadn't noticed. You haven't looked in the mirror at all today?" Bill inquired. He crawled onto Dipper's lap and cradled his face in his palms to inspect Dipper closer. "They're not as bright as when your emotional, but I can tell your eyes are orange. Weird." Bill returned to his original position, but gave frequent glances at Dipper.

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