A Long Day

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Dipper woke up alone. He knew it because the bed wasn't as warm as it was last night and the scent of honey was faint. For some reason Bill smelled of honey and it was quite pleasant if anything. Dipper rolled over to where Bill had once laid to catch more of the fragrance and almost fell asleep when he heard Mabel yell. "You can do it!" The boy smiled and began to get dressed.


Bill didn't think he could do it, if fact he was about to drop. He didn't know where Mabel had gotten all her energy from, but he wanted whatever drug she was on. No wait, it's just Mabel juice. All his excitement had started when Mabel woke him up too, he could remember it like it happened a few minutes ago, even though it was four hours to be exact.

At seven in the morning the sound of squeals woke Bill up, it was from both Mabel and her pig. "Look who I found sleeping in the freezer!" Mabel said while holding up Waddles, he was nibbling on the sleeve of her sweater and she tried to pull it from his mouth. "No Waddles, bad Waddles! Why you do this? Noooo!" Mabel screamed dramatically and fell on the floor, Bill couldn't help it and started laughing at the sight her with her hair covering her face. Mabel laughed and then started to choke midway through, she took strands of hair out of her mouth and quieted down when Dipper shifted in his sleep. "Come on let's go." Mabel whispered and stood up, when she did Bill noticed she was wearing a camera sweater with a real camera around her neck too. The two things almost camouflaged each other and Bill didn't know whether it was on purpose or not. But he did know that Mabel had most likely taken numerous photos before waking him.

Bill sat for a few seconds entertaining the thought of just going back to bed with Dipper, but Mabel's insistence was too much. So reluctantly he got up from his comfy spot and let Mabel drag him to her room, but not before he brushed Dipper's hair from his face. Mabel of course took a few pictures, but she assured Bill that it was for a 'private' collection, whatever that meant. He was then quickly seated on a chair covered in what he presumed were sprinkles and had shoes on the bottom of it, in fact Mabel's entire room was a rainbow glitter filled horror that hurt his eyes just by looking at it. "Do you like my decorating? I got a whole room to myself since Dipper and I are older." Mabel said while digging through a suit case.

"Yeah it's very... colorful." Bill replied, Waddles oinked as though to agree and Bill put up his legs in his chair when the pig passed by. He didn't want his only clothes to get eaten. "Ah ha! I found it!" Mabel yelled while holding up measuring tape. Instead of being in a plastic box it was a smooth material wrapped around itself in a neat coil. Bill didn't know how it worked, but he wasn't concerned, seeing as though it didn't look like it would hurt him. Mabel placed the object on Waddle's back and went to her closet, she then pulled out a sewing machine, yarn and needles, and long rolls of fabric. "Now that I have everything to do the thing!" Mabel exclaimed with a fake evil laugh.

"Bill," Mabel said, turning to him. "Off with your shirt." Bill rolled his eyes with a smile and pulled his shirt off, throwing it on the floor. He didn't really mind stripping, but he wanted to know why Mabel was taking pictures as he did so. "I'm going to give Dipper the photos so when he wakes up, he'll be thinking of you. I'll put them in his hat so we can be sure he sees them." Mabel responded while walking around and taking different angle shots like a professional, Bill shrugged his shoulders and started posing, ruffling his hair and winking at the camera, causing Mabel to laugh. When they were finished Mabel measured Bill, printed out the pictures, left the room and in a matter of moments was sewing together some clothes.

"Uh, don't you need to draw it down first?" Bill asked because he was bored and didn't know what to do.

"Nope," Mabel replied. "I have it all in here." She said tapping her head. Bill nodded, not paying attention and started to drift off into sleep. His eyes fluttered close and he heard a voice say, "Here, this will keep you up." A cup was placed into his hands and he opened his eyes.

"What is this?" Bill asked Mabel, who's eyes glittered in an unsettling way. "Mabel juice." She replied and started working on another piece of clothing. Bill watched Mabel who was bobbing her head to an invisible tune with a huge smile on her face. He didn't trust her drink, if she was converted into a liquid it wouldn't be digestible for the human body. But hesitantly Bill took a sip anyway, although he almost spit it out as soon as the juice came in contact with his tongue. It was really sweet with a hint of something that he couldn't describe, it made the sweetness not overbearing. Overall Bill felt an electric current of energy running through that he had to get out. "I... tgrsfaklacghh." Bill said super fast.

"What?," Mabel laughed. "Slow down your tongue."

"I really need to do something, we really need to do something. Let's go now, how about we try getting my legs adjusted to walking. Let's go walking, yeah, yeah walking! Are the clothes done?"

Mabel was laughing too much for words, but she threw his outfit at him, Bill immediately started taking his clothes off and putting the new ones on. The motion was so fast that Bill was wearing everything before Mabel could even blink properly. Note to self, Mabel thought, normal humans or at least Bill can't handle Mabel juice.

"How do I look?" Bill said in a excitedly childish voice that Mabel just had to pay attention to him. He looked perfect, he was in black shorts with matching suspenders, adorning his body was a yellow button up shirt with black bow tie to pull everything together. Mabel was quite proud of her work if she might say so herself. But the best part was the wide smile and unrestrained happiness that Bill showed, it was what made her take more pictures to send to Dipper, he wouldn't be able to resist Bill after he saw them. The plan Billdip was in motion.

.....Bill's POV......

Mabel can be a cruel bitch. It's the most extreme thing I can think of even though that's not quite what I want to say, maybe the right words are "Mabel is too helpful." Yeah, that's it, she's too helpful sometimes. When I told her I wanted to practice walking I was so full of energy that I was sure that I would be a piece of cake. But the energy wore off and I'm just freaking tired. Mabel keeps urging me to keep going like she wants me to sweat so I took of my shirt since that's exactly what I did. "Just a little bit more!" Mabel said standing beside me, she was just smiling so happily that I couldn't be mad at her.

"You know I can walk properly now, your just pushing me over my limit." I told her sweetly, I'm pretty sure my facial expression wasn't happy as my voice though she her grin widened. "What?" I asked her and looked behind me.

Oh... well damn. "H- hi Dipper." I said to the boy staring at me, his cheeks were pink and his eyes flickered down to my chest before returning to me. I felt my own face heat and I somehow managed to smiled. "It got hot outside."

Dipper nodded with a smile of his own. "I can see that. But I've never seen you without a shirt before." I laughed at his statement and adjusted my suspenders. "Well I've never had two eyes before." I replied.

"Speaking of your eyes." Dipper said, using a hand to lift my face to his. His face was closer to mine than I thought and his brown gaze cut into me and rooted me to the spot. I blocked out everything around me and focused on Dipper's voice, like it was the only sound in the world. "They're beautiful," he whispered, leaning closer. My heart beat in my chest wildly and I had to stop myself from jumping up and down with joy. This was it, this was the moment I had daydreamed about over and over again.

"Hey guys!"

And then Gideon fucking ruined it.

Author's Note

Damn Gideon, back at it again with ruining perfect moments! I really don't know what's going to happen next. The next part will totally be a surprise to me, TOTALLY. I MEAN I JUST, REALLY DON'T KNOW. IT'S NOT LIKE I ALREADY HAVEN'T WRITTEN A LOT OF THIS DOWN ALREADY. I like, really need to quit doing this though. But... but it's so much fun.

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