Here's a toast to things much better left alone - Part 2

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"What is wrong with you?" Jason shouted, as he pushed Seth against the wall. "You can't do anything right!"

"I-I'm sorry." Seth whimpered, cowering down as his lover's fist connected with his face.

"How can you be sorry? If you were sorry, you wouldn't have done it in the first place." Seth really couldn't remember what he had done wrong to make Jason mad, but he still deserved the punishment.

"You're a waste of my time. My life would be so much better without you." Jason yelled.

"Then why are you still with me?" Seth shouted back, shocked that he had talked back. The question earned him another punch to the face.

"I'm with you because you need me. Without me, you would be nothing. Do you understand?"

"Y-yes sir."

"Good. I'm going out." Jason sighed as he left the house, slamming the door on the way out.

Seth spent the next half an hour crying over their argument. Jason only hit him twice, so whatever he did couldn't have been that bad. He just wishes he could remember what he did wrong. Maybe then he could put it right.

Seth lifted himself off of the floor and headed to the bathroom, where he met up with his one true love. The blade.

He made twelve new cuts on his arm. They were deep, but not deep enough to kill him. What a shame.

After cleaning himself up and putting the blade away, Seth made his way to the kitchen and started cooking dinner. Chicken and chips with gravy was Jason's favorite meal, so Seth decided to make it for him in hopes that Jason would forgive him for whatever he did.

Seth ate his dinner alone and left his lover's plate of food in the oven for when he came home. Justin missing dinner was a normal thing, so it had become a habit for Seth to eat and then head to bed without seeing his boyfriend.

He prefered nights like this. When he was alone. There was no fear or threat.

Jason arrived home hours after Seth had fallen asleep. He ate his meal and joined Seth in bed, as if nothing had ever happened.


The next morning when Seth awoke, Jason wasn't there. He was probably at the pub having an early serving of alcohol.

Seth headed to the gym and then made his way to work. He was a wrestler for the company WWE. Everyone hated him after he turned on his team mates, but he deserved to be hated.

As he entered the men's locker room, he got strange looks from everyone. Usually his co-workers would look away whenever he was around, but for some reason they couldn't stop staring at him.

He got changed into his ring gear and put extra tape on his arms to cover the fresh cuts. No one knew about his dirty habit and he wanted to keep it that way.

Seth didn't realize that he had a black eye and a bruise on his cheek, until Joey Mercury pointed it out.

"Hey Seth, how'd you get those bruises on your face?" Joey asked, attracting the attention of the whole locker room.

"Uh, what do you mean?" Seth asked, feeling nauseous from all the stares.

"You've got a black eye. What happened?"

"Nothing, I-I it was just from a match." Seth rushed out, grabbing his gym bag and leaving the room. He couldn't let his secret out.

What Seth didn't notice, was that Dean Ambrose was stood outside the room. Seth walked straight into him.

"Watch where you're going asshole." Dean groaned.

"Sorry." Seth mumbled, trying to walk away but Dean grabbed his arm, causing him to wince.

"What happened to your face?"

"Nothing." Seth sighed.

"Well obviously something happened. Why else would it bruise?" Dean asked, acting smart.

"Look, nothing happened alright? Why do you care anyway?" Seth said frustratedly, trying to walk away.

"Wait." Dean said.


"What's up with your arm?" Dean asked, looking genuinely interested.

"What do you mean?" Seth asked, gulping loudly.

"When I grabbed your arm, you winced. I know my grip isn't that hard. So, what happened to your arm?"

"Once again, nothing happened. Can I go now?" Seth sighed.

"I know you're lying, I can tell when you're not telling the truth. We spent too much time together. I'm gonna find out what's going on with you." Dean stated, walking away.

Dean wasn't sure what to think. Seth didn't have those bruises after their last match. Dean hadn't even hit him in the face, so why was Seth covered in bruises? Anything could have happened to him. Maybe he got jumped by some asshole over the weekend. It was the only possibility that made sense.

No one had the guts to beat up Seth when he had his bodyguards and the boss was practically his adoptive dad. How did this happen? Dean was going to get to the bottom of this, but for now, he had a match. With Seth.

The match started off great and the crowd gave the two former brothers a loud pop. However, things started to go down hill half way through the match.

The tape on Seth's arm began to peel off. Only a small amount. It wasn't noticeable from a distance, but Dean was straddling Seth after a failed pin and what he saw shocked him.

Layers of cuts covered Seth's arm. Dean dreaded what would be under the rest of the tape. That must have been why Seth winced earlier when Dean grabbed his arm.

After the match, Dean pulled Seth to one side.

"Dude, what the hell happened to your arm? Why is it all cut up?" Dean asked, shouting in a whisper.

"Wait, what? You saw it? How?" Seth started freaking out.

"Some of your tape came off in the match."

Seth looked down at his arm to show a good inch or two of his cuts were showing.

"Shit." Seth whispered. "Did anyone else see?" 

"I don't think so, but what happened? Did you do it to yourself?" Dean had a look of concern in his eyes and it annoyed Seth. How could Dean be worried for him after everything he's done to him?

"I- look it doesn't matter right now. I can't let anyone in the locker room see this, they'll start asking questions."

"Do you wanna borrow my jacket?" Dean asked. Seth really didn't want too, but he was desperate.

"Yes please." He sighed.

Seth put on the jacket and walked back to the locker room with Dean. He got even more strange looks from his co-workers, when he entered the room wearing his enemy's jacket.

Roman looked confused and angry to see the two men walking with each other.

"Hey, you can keep the jacket on so that no one will see. I don't mind you keeping it." Dean whispered into Seth's ear.

"Are you sure?" Seth whispered back.

"Yes, but you have to promise me that we'll talk about this tomorrow." Dean's face looked serious.

"Okay." Seth agreed, feeling unsure. "Thank you."

"No problem, see you tomorrow." Dean walked away and headed towards Roman, who bombarded him with questions about Seth.

Seth was scared to go home. He would have to leave Dean's jacket in his car. If Jason saw it he would freak out.

Seth was really worried to talk to Dean tomorrow. What if Dean found out all of his secrets and told everyone? Seth wouldn't be able to deal with that.

Some things are better left alone.

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