Disarm the smoke alarm - Part 6

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Dean got back to the hotel after dropping Seth off. He needed to talk to Roman and figure out what the hell he was thinking. How could anyone be so cruel? 

The room was silent when Dean entered, but the silence didn't last very long. Dean's anger got the better of him and he was ready to blow.

"Roman!" Dean shouted, waking up the Samoan.

"What?" Roman moaned.

"What do you mean 'what?' You know exactly 'what' I want." 

"Dean, it's late. Can we talk about this in the morning?" Roman sighed.

"No we can not! We will talk about this now, because your stupid and idiotic actions almost got Seth killed!" Dean shouted.

"Look, I said I was sorry and I deleted the tweet. What else can I do? I know that what I did was wrong and I regret it, but Seth is fine now so can you just shut up about it?" Roman sounded annoyed. And he was. Dean was crazy waking him up from his slumber.

"I don't know what else you should do, but you shouldn't have even done it in the first place. What were you thinking?"

"I wasn't thinking anything, really. I thought it would be revenge for what he did and I let my hatred take over, but I really wish I hadn't of tweeted it. If I had known what would have happened, I wouldn't have done it, I swear."

"Well, you did do it and I'm really pissed of with you." Dean grumbled. "Seth is my friend and I almost lost him again because of what you did."

"Why are you two friends all of a sudden? You hated each other last week." Roman asked, confused.

"I never hated him, I was just upset. I could never hate him." Dean sighed, looking down at the ground.

"What do you mean you 'could never hate him'? Surely you had to feel some sort of dislike to him after what he did to us." 

"No, there was no hate or dislike. Just disappointment and-" Dean sighed. "I don't know."

For some reason Dean had become quiet and rather sad. Roman didn't know why his friend had changed his emotions so quickly. He hated when Dean was sad, he would prefer it if the younger man was shouting at him.

"Dean, what's up man?" Roman asked.

"Nothing, I'm just tired. I'm gonna go to bed."

"Alright, goodnight." Roman sighed, he knew he wouldn't get any answers out of Dean.

The truth was, Dean had had a crush on Seth since before the Shield had got together. He always had his eyes on him during their time in FCW. When he was told they were going to be a tag team he freaked out, thinking that it would finally be his chance to confess his love. But it didn't happen.


The next morning Dean decided to visit Seth's house to check on him. They younger man had a lot of recovering to do and Dean thought it would help if he had some friendly company.

What Dean didn't expect was for a stranger to answer the door.

"Can I help you?" The man said, rudely.

"Uh, yeah. Is Seth home?" Dean asked, confused as to who the man was.

"Maybe he is maybe he isn't." The man sighed, he didn't look too impressed with Dean's presence.

"Oh okay, well could you just let him know that I was looking for him? I'm Dean." Dean raised his hand, hoping that the man would shake it, but he didn't. Instead he kept his arms crossed in a grumpy pose. 

Dean let his hand drop and stood awkwardly on the doorstep for a few seconds.

"Who are you by the way?" Dean asked.

"What's it to you?"

"Nothing, I was just wondering. I haven't seen you around before."

"The name's Jason. I'm Seth's boyfriend." 

The look on Dean's face was pure shock. He was not expecting that at all. Seth had never said that he had a boyfriend. He had never even admitted that he was gay.

"Oh, Seth's never talked about you before. It's nice to meet you." Dean smiled. "Anyway, I should get going." Dean said, rushing to his car.

His chances of being with Seth were over. Seth had a boyfriend, he wouldn't want Dean.

Jason was confused by Dean's reaction. He thought that Seth's friends knew about him, or at least knew that he had a boyfriend. Why was he keeping their relationship a secret? Maybe he was cheating on Jason and Dean was his sex buddy.

Jason was infuriated. How could Seth do this to him? After everything he's done for that stupid little weasel, he goes and cheats on him.

"Seth!" Jason shouted. Seth came running down the stairs.

"Yes?" Seth replied, worried by his boyfriends angered tone.

"Who the hell is Dean?" Jason asked with fire in his eyes.

"He's just someone from work." Seth rushed out.

"Why doesn't he know about me? Why are you keeping me a secret?"

"I-I'm not keeping you a secret. I just haven't talked to Dean in over two years and in the few times I've seen him recently, we haven't talked about relationships." Seth was getting anxious.

"I bet you didn't talk about relationships. You were probably too busy getting his dick shoved up your ass!" Jason shouted, stomping over to Seth.

"No, n-no! That didn't ha-" Seth was cut off by a fist to the face.

He fell to the floor and was pelted with harsh kicks to the ribs and stomach. Jason was livid and he wouldn't stop. Seth needed to be taught a lesson. He needed to be punished for what he had done.

The beating went on for more than forty minutes. By the time it was over, Seth couldn't stand. He tried moving his body, but ended up passing out from the pain. It was too much this time. Jason had crossed the line.

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