Swallowing stitches in her sleep - Part 27

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1 month later

The court room came into view as Seth stepped through the large, wooden, double doors. He was being escorted there by a police officer. Dean was sat among the crowd on the opposite side of the room.

Seth was pulled over to a podium and told to stand there, as the police man took a few steps back, still lingering over him slightly. Seth felt trapped. Surrounded by officials, witnesses, juries and the man himself, Jason. This was not a place he was comfortable to be in.

The crowd stood up and welcomed the Judge, who walked in wearing his honorable wig. Seth instantly felt intimidated by the older man staring down at him. It didn't help that his attacker was standing only a few steps away from him, completely unguarded.

The crowd sat back down and the judge began to talk. Seth felt an unnerving feeling flow through his body. Something wasn't right. Jason started walking around the court room complaining that he was bored. The police officers didn't even notice his movements.

Seth tried to speak up about his concern of Jason, but was immediately tackled to the ground by a group of officers.

"Mr Seth Rollins, The Jury and I have come to a decision. We find that you are guilty of the crime." The Judge spoke loudly, with a wide grin on his face.

"WHY ME?" Seth shouted, he had done nothing wrong. "DEAN? HELP!"

Dean sat in the audience, not taking any notice of Seth's pained screams. He just smiled slightly, like the rest of the people in the crowd.

"Your punishment, Mr Rollins, will be to spend the rest of your life with Jas-"

"Seth?" Dean called out, shaking his partner out of his deep sleep. Dean had been awoken by Seth's piercing screams. It wasn't the first time. "Seth, wake up."

Seth began to stir, confusion covering his face at first but then he realized where he was and relief filled his system.

"D-Dean." Seth cried, grabbing onto his boyfriend and hugging the life out of him.

"Shh, calm down. It was only a dream." Dean soothed, rubbing his boyfriends back. "Was it the one about the trial?"

"Y-yeah." Seth stuttered, still a bit shaken up.

"You need to stop worrying about that. The trial's already happened and you know that Jason was found guilty. He's in prison now, baby. You're safe, you've got nothing to worry about." Dean said, holding his sobbing partner closer.

"I-I know, but I c-can't stop dreaming about i-it." Seth cried even more, he really hated having nightmares.

"I'm sorry that you have to go through this baby, do you want me to call Alex and arrange more therapy sessions?" Dean asked, knowing that Seth would hate the idea.

"No, I don't like therapy. I don't need it anymore."

"Please, just go to one session for me? I promise it will help." Dean pleaded. He just wanted Seth to get a good nights sleep for once. He had been having these nightmares ever since the trial.

"O-okay, but only cause I love you." Seth sniffed, starting to calm down a bit.

"Thank you, I love you too. I'll call her in the morning. Let's get back to sleep." Dean whispered, letting Seth bury his head in his chest. "Goodnight, baby."

"Goodnight." Seth yawned, before falling asleep. This time he didn't have a bad dream, instead he dreamt of nothing.


When Dean woke up a few hours later, Seth was still fast asleep. There was no way he was going to wake him up, the poor thing needed as much sleep as he could get. 

It bugged Dean that Seth was having these nightmares. It wasn't fair that he had to deal with them after everything he had already gone through. Couldn't the guy get a rest? Jason had already done enough damage, but now he was somehow adding more by appearing in these dreams.

Dean grabbed his phone and left the hotel room, standing in the corridor to call Alex so that he wouldn't wake up Seth. It was still early, but this was now turning into an emergency. Alex picked up on the first ring.

"Hello?" She greeted, her cheery voice filling Dean's ears.

"Hey Alex, it's me Dean, Seth's boyfriend." Dean said, wondering if Alex would remember him. It had been three weeks since Seth's last appointment.

"Oh hey Dean, what can I help you with?"

"Well, Seth's been having nightmares every night for the past two weeks now and I was wondering if you could set up an appointment for him? He's really struggling to sleep." Dean sighed, wishing Seth could get better.

"Of course I can get him an appointment. Let me just look in my planner to see when I have a free slot." Alex said, Dean could sense that she was smiling her usual friendly smile.

"No problem." Dean smiled back, even though they couldn't see each other.

"How about tomorrow at 2:30pm?" Alex suggested.

"That should be great, thank you so much." Dean said, relief flowing through his body.

"Alright, no worries. I'll always have time for Seth, between you an me, he's one of my favorite clients." Alex said, making Dean laugh.

"Well that's good then." Dean said. "Thank you once again."

"No problem, see you later."

"Yeah, see you." 

Dean ended the call and walked back into the hotel room. The first thing he did was write down the time of the appointment on a sticky note so that he and Seth wouldn't forget.

Dean had work later on today, he had returned to wrestling the week before. Seth did complain about being lonely all the time, but Dean tried his best to text him and call him as much as possible. He planned on taking Seth with him to work today. It had been a while since he had seen everyone.

An hour had passed and so far, Dean had drank two coffees and watched an episode of Catfish. Life was boring without Seth being awake. Now he knows how Seth must feel when he's at work. Dean was about to make a third coffee when Seth started to stir.

After a few moans and groans, Seth woke up.

"What time is it?" Seth mumbled, with his eyes still shut.

"Ten o'clock." Dean replied. "Coffee?"

"Yes please."

Dean made two cups of coffee and gave one to Seth, who had woken up a bit more over the last minute or so.

"Do you wanna come to work with me today?" Dean asked, hoping Seth would feel up to it.

"Um, yeah okay." Seth agreed.

"Good, I need you there for hugs." Dean smiled. "I've booked you an appointment with Alex for tomorrow. It's at 2:30pm."

"Okay, thanks." Seth sighed. "I hate talking about my problems."

"I know you do, but it'll help with your nightmares." Dean replied, sympathizing with his boyfriend.

"Thanks for looking out for me and for always calming me down when I have nightmares."

"You don't need to thank me baby, but you're welcome." Dean smiled, giving Seth a hug.

The two men ordered and ate their breakfast, before making their way to the arena.

I'm Not Everything You Wanted Me To Be (Ambrollins Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz