My Heart Is on A Pendulum Tonight - Part 30

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Taking a break from studying to write this. I can't believe this is the last chapter! I remember when it was just an idea in the back of my head and now here we are. I just want to say a massive thank you to everyone who has read and been involved with this story. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

Seth awoke with a massive smile on his face. The sun was shining through the thin, net curtains, brightening up the room. He could hear the birds singing a beautiful song as they flew through the clear, blue sky. Exhaling a deep sigh of relief, Seth looked behind him to find Dean snuggled up against his back.

Dean's arms were wrapped protectively around Seth's waist, making sure they were as close together as they could possibly be. The comfort of the other man reminded Seth why he loved him so much. He was everything he could ask for, and more.

The gentle rise and fall of Dean's chest soothed him as he watched his lover, peacefully sleeping. What did he do to deserve such an amazing, caring and beautiful person? Seth would never understand why the world blessed him with Dean Ambrose. He was grateful to have him though.

Dean slowly started to stir awake, making a few soft grunting sounds as he wrapped his head around reality. His breathing was still smooth and gentle, the relaxed atmosphere wiping off on him. When he saw Seth looking up at him he smiled a sleepy smile.

The two men stayed snuggled together in bed for another hour, relishing in the beautiful moment. It wasn't everyday that they got to relax together without having to rush off to work. Both men took full advantage of the fact that they were free. For the next few days they could do whatever they wanted to do.

"I have a plan for tonight, but it's a surprise." Dean said gently, stroking Seth's hair out of his face.

"I love when you surprise me." Seth smirked, trying to think of what Dean might have up his sleeve.

"Good, cause you're definitely gonna get one later." Dean laughed. "What do you wanna do today?"

"I don't know, maybe get some brunch and then go sight seeing?" Seth suggested, loving the idea of food. He hadn't realized how hungry he was until now.

"Sounds like a plan. I'm gonna have a shower and get ready." Dean said, giving Seth a small kiss on the lips before getting out of bed and entering the bathroom.

Seth took in a deep breath. The room was so peaceful and he loved it. He slowly, and reluctantly, got out of bed. He got dressed into a pair of grey skinny jeans and a simple Tap Out T-shirt. Nothing too exciting, he was leaving his smart clothes for later.

Dean came into the room, hair half wet and half dry, wearing a similar outfit to Seth. Jeans and a T-shirt. Seth smiled, loving how his boyfriend could always look hot no matter what he wore.

"You ready to go?" Dean asked, putting his shoes on. Seth copied his idea and slid on a pair of black converse.

"Yeah, let's go. Can we get crepes?" Seth asked, really wanting to try the dish.

"If you want to." Dean replied, grabbing the room key and unlocking the door.


The two men had just left the French cafe. Seth had crepes with chocolate spread and strawberries, whereas Dean enjoyed scrambled eggs and sausage. Both men enjoyed a nice coffee.

"Where do you wanna go now?" Dean asked, holding onto Seth's hand as they walked down the city streets. It was in fact the city of love.

"We could go to the Arc de Triomphe?" Seth replied, having researched some tourist attractions earlier on when Dean was in the shower.

"Alright then."

The walk to the attraction took quite a long time and since it was rather sunny in Paris, both men were sweating and out of breath.

"So much for romance." Dean joked, trying to even out his breathing.

"Shut up." Seth replied, hitting him playfully on the shoulder.

The Arc wasn't very peaceful or romantic. It was in the middle of a busy round-a-bout with cars speeding past it. The traffic was terrible in Paris, Dean was kind of glad they walked instead of catching a taxi. Despite the fact that it wasn't romantic, Dean and Seth made the most of their sight seeing. Overall, it was an enjoyable day.

The two men made their way back to their hotel room after hours of walking and collapsed on the bed. They decided to take a quick nap, since they were both exhausted. After an hour, Dean woke up and changed into some fancy clothes.

He was wearing a white shirt with a black blazer and some black trousers. He planned on taking Seth to the Eiffel Tower for dinner, and then he had a little surprise in mind.

Seth awoke quickly after Dean, and also got changed into some fancy clothes. A black shirt and blazer and a pair of black skinny jeans.

"You ready to go?" Dean asked, patting down his pockets to make sure that a certain something was held safely in the folds of his clothes.

"Yeah, let's go." Seth replied, unaware of what was going to happen. He knew they were going out for dinner, but that was it.

Once they got to the Eiffel Tower, a waiter escorted them to the top floor where only a few tables sat. Dean and Seth sat down at their table, which was overlooking the beautiful night life of the city, and ordered their food. The romance had definitely arrived now. 

The two men enjoyed their meal and even had desert. At the end of the night, Dean finally worked up the courage to do what he needed to do.

"Seth?" Dean said, grabbing the attention of the younger man.

"Yeah?" Seth replied, looking in his direction.

"I love you." Dean smiled.

"I love you too." Seth said, laughing at Dean being all lovey dovey.

"And I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Dean arose from his chair and got down on one knee. He pulled a small, black box from out of his pocket and opened it, producing a silver ring. "Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

"Dean, yes! Yes I will." Seth replied, with a big smile on his face and a few happy tears running down his cheeks.

Dean placed the ring on Seth's finger and the two men hugged, sharing a much needed kiss. The city of love had finally brought them together as one. And in that moment, when the two men were sharing such a special moment at the top of the Eiffel Tower, Seth realized...

He was everything Dean wanted him to be, and more.

The End.

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