I cried and listened to the rain - Part 4

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Lots of blood. You have been warned. Thanks for reading and enjoy!

Seth awoke the next morning to find that he had over one hundred notifications on twitter. It was strange, because all of the messages had been sent to him within the last hour. Seth had never had this much attention before.

Once Seth got his bearings and realized that Justin wasn't home, he grabbed his phone and logged into twitter.

Seth was used to getting hate mail after breaking up the Shield, but these tweets were different. People were calling him 'weak' and told him he was 'an overactive teenage girl.'

He had no clue what they were on about until he saw Roman's name linked in one of his follower's tweet. Seth went onto Roman's profile and was shocked at what he saw.

'Look out for the marks on Seth's arm. The little princess is having a hard time right now. #Oversensitive #Attentionseeker.'

Was Roman talking about the self harm? How did he find out? The thought of not only Roman knowing, but the whole world knowing, made Seth feel sick. His secret was out.

The question still remained. How did Roman find out? The only answer would be that Dean told him. The two men are best friends so it made sense, but why would Dean tell Roman such a personal thing?

Seth didn't know what to do. He was sat in bed having a full blown panic attack. Everyone knew. He could lose his job over this. WWE wouldn't want someone who self harms representing their company.

The stares from his co-workers were bad enough, but now they would be even worse. 

Seth needed to calm himself down, before he passed out. There was only one thing right now that would help solve the problem and ironically it was the thing that started the problem.

Seth got out of bed and ran to the bathroom, making sure to lock the door incase Justin returned home. He didn't plan on doing anything stupid. He just needed to calm the sick feeling in his stomach.

The blade was always there for him, sitting on top of the bathroom cupboard, out of sight. He made ten new cuts along his arm. Each one soothed his pain.

It wasn't until he started feeling light headed, that he realized he had cut too deep. Maybe hit an artery. The panic set in once again.

Seth grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his arm, trying to stop the bleeding. It didn't work too well. The warm blood continued to ooze out of his body and dripped onto the floor. Seth finally realized how serious it was when he looked down at the floor to see a large puddle of his blood.

He unlocked the door and ran to his bedroom, grabbing his phone and calling the only person he could think of. Dean. As much as he didn't want to, he had to.

Seth dialed in Dean's number and waited for a response. The line was answered, but no one said hello.

"Dean?" Seth gasped out. "Dean I need your help, I-I need hozzpitaal." Seth began to slur his words, as he lost even more blood.

"Seth?" A deep voice questioned. Roman. "What do you mean you need a hospital?"

"Blood. I-I can't stop it. P-pass out." Seth began to feel really dizzy to the point where he could barely see anything.

"Um, hold on. I'll get Dean." Roman may have hated Seth, but right now something wasn't right and he needed to tell Dean about it, so that he could help.

Roman gave Dean the phone and left the hotel room. Was Seth being serious? Did he really need to go to the hospital?

"Hello Seth?" Dean greeted, confused.

"D-dean. Hoz-hospitaaal." Seth cried out.

"Where are you?" Dean asked frantically, worried for his friend.

"Home." Seth gulped. "Blood everywhere."

"Alright, I'm gonna call an ambulance and I'll get there as fast as I can."

"Kayy." Seth sounded drunk, but Dean knew that wasn't the problem. This was serious.

"I need to hang up, but I'll call you in a second okay? Just stay awake." 

"O-okay." Seth whimpered. His arm was throbbing as blood continued to pour from it.

Dean hung up and called an ambulance, before running out of the hotel room. Roman saw the worry on Dean's face and followed him.

"Dean, what happened?" Roman asked, running behind his friend.

"I don't know but it's bad. I've called an ambulance and I'm on my way over to his now."

"Do you want me to drive?" Roman asked, trying to help.

"Yeah, okay I need to call Seth again." Dean agreed. He couldn't deal with another argument right now.

Dean dialed in Seth's number numerous times, but got no reply.

The two men got to Seth's house at the same time as the Paramedics. They all rushed into the house and followed the trail of blood to Seth's bedroom. They found him lying on the floor, unconscious, covered in his own blood.

The sight of his former brother in such a life threatening state, made Roman realize how bad the situation really was and he felt really guilty for posting that tweet. What if Seth saw it and did this? The thought made Roman feel terrible.

Seth was rushed off to hospital in the ambulance and ended up having to get stitches and a blood transfusion. The doctors told Dean that if Seth had been found ten minutes later, then he would have been dead. It was a scary thought for both Dean and Roman.

Seth was asleep when Dean entered the room. He sat next to his friend and held his fragile hand. 

Roman stood near the door and thought about everything he had said the previous night. He regretted all of it. But most of all he regretted that tweet. What was he thinking?

Roman didn't plan on becoming Seth's friend, but he definitely wanted to apologize to him once he woke up. It was only fair.

Dean spent the night in the hospital with Seth, watching him as he slept. Hopefully he wouldn't be in the hospital for too long.

All of the hectic madness from the day had made Dean realize one thing. He cared for Seth a lot more than he thought.

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