In here I spend everyday in captivity - Part 15

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Dean was currently sitting at Seth's bedside, holding the younger man's needle covered hand in his own. He had been there with Seth all night, he didn't dare to leave him during his time of need.

Roman had contacted Hunter to let him know about what had happened. The CEO was shocked to say the least, but allowed Roman and Dean to take as much time off as they needed. It kind of freaked Roman out that Hunter could be so kind.

The Authority were coming to the hospital later on in the afternoon, to visit Seth and see how bad his condition really was.

He hadn't improved since last night. He was still on the ventilator and in a coma, but the doctors said not to expect any improvement for at least a week. Dean hadn't slept all night, he wanted to make sure that Seth was okay when the doctors weren't in the room.

Roman had gone back to their hotel room to get some spare clothes for Dean and a travel pillow, for when Dean slept over night at the hospital. Roman knew that Dean wouldn't be leaving Seth's room. The only reason he would leave the room was if he needed a bathroom break.

Roman arrived back at the hospital and made his way up to Seth's room. He had to prepare himself before going in, as he knew that seeing his friend so lifeless would upset him again.

It wasn't much of a surprise to Roman, when he saw Dean looking rather sleep deprived and sitting in the same position that Roman left him in the night before.

"Dean, I've got you some clothes and a travel pillow. Hunter and the rest of the Authority are coming to see Seth in an hour or so. How is he?" Roman asked, sitting down next to Dean.

Dean didn't reply. Instead, he rubbed at his sore eyes as a few stray tears fell down his cheeks.

"Look, I know it's hard for you but you can't lock yourself away from everybody. You need to talk." Roman sighed. "Has he made any improvements since last night?"

"No." Dean mumbled weakly, trying to stop himself from crying.

"Oh." For some reason, Roman was expecting Seth to recover quickly. He thought that he would have made at least a few improvements in the past twelve hours. "Do you want me to watch him, so that you can sleep?"

"Nah, it's fine. I'm not tired." Roman could tell that the younger man was lying. He looked like he was about to pass out, but now was not the time to start an argument.

The two men stayed silent for the next hour, until the Authority arrived. The group consisted of Hunter, Stephanie, Randy Orton, kane, Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury. Their faces showed a mixture of shock, pain and surprise. They didn't realize how bad Seth was.

"Uh, I don't know what to say. I don't think I've ever seen anything like this." Hunter force out, trying to break the silence. It was especially hard for him and Steph to take in, as they had treated Seth like their son.

"Yeah, me too." Roman replied. "Thanks for coming to visit him, I'm sure he would appreciate it."

"No problem. It's not like we were gonna ignore what had happened. Seth means a lot to us." Stephanie cried out.

"I didn't even realize how upset he was. He never showed any signs of being depressed." Jamie said, finding it hard to pronounce his words.

"Didn't you see his arms or the bruises plastered around his body?" Dean spoke up, for the first time since Hunter's group had arrived, in disgust. The Authority looked shocked.

"What do you mean?" Hunter asked.

"He was being abused by his stupid boyfriend and he was self harming. It's not that hard to pick up on." 

"What? Why didn't I know about this sooner? I could have helped him." Hunter said, angrily.

"He didn't want anyone to know." Roman sighed.

"Do you know how long he'll be in here for?" Stephanie asked, wiping away her tears with a tissue. She cared about Seth a lot.

"No. It all depends on when he wakes up." Roman replied.

"Well, like I said on the phone. Both of you can have as much time off of work as you want. It's the least we could do. We need someone here to keep an eye on Seth for us." Hunter addressed Dean and Roman. "We've gotta get going. Call me if anything happens."

"Will do, thanks for visiting."

"No problem, catch you later." 

The Authority left and the room became silent once again. Dean sighed in relief, he couldn't stand having all of those people in the room.

The day was quickly turning into night. Roman was just about to leave and head back to the hotel, when an unknown man came rushing into the room, looking rather rough.

"Seth? Oh my Sethie, what happened to you?" The man asked, collapsing at Seth's bedside and caressing the younger man's face.

Dean's eyes went wide. He knew who the man was. Jason. Suddenly, he sprung to life.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE, YOU ARE NOT WELCOME IN SETH'S ROOM!" Dean shouted, startling both Jason and Roman.

"Oh, it's you." Jason snarled. "I can stay in here if I want. I am his boyfriend."

"No you're not. He broke up with you weeks ago."

"Wait, this is the guy that abused Seth?" Roman asked, a sudden fire in his eyes.

"Yes." Dean mumbled, giving Jason a dirty look.

"You better get yourself out of here before I call the cops, or worse, whoop your ass." Roman growled. He wanted to hurt the man so badly.

"Fine, but you haven't seen the last of me. I have a right to be here." Jason stated as he left the room.

Roman called for the doctor and ordered him not to let Jason in Seth's room ever again. When Roman walked back into the room, he saw Dean resting his head on Seth's chest. He could see how bad Dean was hurting.

This whole situation was messing with his head and Roman knew right there and then, that if Seth died, Dean would die right along side him.

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