Under the surface, my love - Part 26

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Hey guys! Sorry it's taken so long to update, I've literally had no free time to write. I will try my best to upload the next chapter tomorrow. This chapter's a little boring, but I had to get used to writing again. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy.

It was early when Dean awoke the next morning, hearing a harsh knock at the hotel door. Who would be visiting at this time in the morning? Whoever it was, was lucky that they didn't wake up Seth with their loud knocking. That guy can be really grumpy in the morning.

Dean got up out of bed and made his way over to the door, unlocking it slowly. He was going to make the visitor wait for as long as he possibly could. It was payback for the early interference. 

When the door finally opened all the way, Dean was shocked to see two police officers standing opposite him in the hallway. One had a friendly smile on his face, the other looked rather impatient. Oops.

Dean felt rather awkward standing there in nothing but his boxers.

"Good morning officers, can I help you?" Dean asked, trying to think if he had done anything illegal this past week.

"Yes, are you Mr Ambrose?" The friendly officer asked, his name tag said 'Damion.'

"Uh, yeah that's me. What have I done wrong?" Dean gulped, confused as to why the police were at his doorstep.

"Don't worry sir, you've done nothing wrong. We're here to see Mr Rollins. He's staying with you at the moment, correct?"

"Yeah that's right, is this about his ex?" Dean said, relief flowing through his system. He wasn't getting arrested after all.

"We just need to ask him a few questions about Jason Bonoah." Damion stated, looking at his report book.

"That's his ex, come on in officers. Seth's asleep, so I'll just wake him up for you. Do you want a cup of tea? Coffee?" Dean said sweetly, trying to stay on the good side of the law.

"A coffee would be great please." Damion smiled, entering the room.

"I'll have one too, if you don't mind." The other officer said. His name tag said 'Rodney.'

"That's no problem officers, I'll just wake Seth up first." Dean smiled back.

Seth was very reluctant to wake up. Dean knew this would be the hardest part of his day. It was always impossible to wake the younger man up against his will, but once he realized the police were there he sat up and was suddenly wide awake.

"Good morning Mr Rollins, I'm officer Damion and this is Officer Rodney." Damion said pointing to himself and his co-worker. "We just want to ask you a few questions about Jason Bonoah. Thanks Mr Ambrose." Damion said as he received his coffee. Dean took this time to put on a shirt and a pair of pants.

"Um, okay." Seth mumbled back, slightly nervous.

"When was the last time you saw Mr Bonoah?" Rodney asked, as Damion prepared to write down Seth's answers.

"Uh, yesterday." Seth replied simply.

"What happened when you saw him?"

"I punched him, because he was threatening me." Seth whimpered, reliving the horrible experience.

"It's the first time Seth has fought back against him." Dean butted in, wanting to make sure the officers didn't take Seth's comment the wrong way.

"Thank you for your input, Mr Ambrose." Rodney smiled, not wanting Dean to talk.

"Please, call me Dean." Dean smirked, knowing that he was annoying the officer.

"Ok Dean." Rodney said, a little rudely. "Anyway Mr Rollins, we were sent some pictures of your bruises, so we know that you have been abused. Would you be able to explain how you got those bruises on your neck?"

"Um, me and Dean went to my old house to get a few things and Jason was there. But he wasn't there at first. He got there after a while. Dean was upstairs and I was in the kitchen. Jason came in and started to strangle me. I almost blacked out, but my friend Roman was waiting outside the house and came in when he realized that Jason was there." Seth said, his body tense at the memory.

Dean started to rub his back as a form of comfort. Seth relaxed slightly, but not enough to be fully calm. Damion scribbled everything down on his clipboard.

"And has Mr Bonoah harmed you before?" Officer Rodney asked.

"Y-yes. All the time when we were together." Seth stuttered, really not wanting to think about his past.

"Okay, what type of things did he do to you? Was it physical abuse?"

"Physical and emotional. He beat me up a lot, usually three to four times a week." Seth said, feeling sick at the though.

"Well, thank you for telling us this Seth. We will talk to Mr Bonoah soon and get back to you on what's going to happen. Chances are he'll go to jail no matter what, but we still have to talk to him first. Enjoy the rest of your day." Rodney said, standing up and leaving the room with his partner in crime, Damion.

Seth sat on the bed, numb. He didn't know how to feel right now. Everything had happened so fast. He wasn't expecting the police to get involved at all, let alone talk about arresting Jason.

Dean could tell that Seth wasn't feeling too good, so he scooted over to Seth and embraced him in a hug.


Dean got a call the next morning from Hunter, asking when and if he'd be coming back to work. Seth was currently on sick pay for his recovery time after being discharged from the hospital, but he was fully able to look after himself so Dean didn't really need to be there for him. He could go back to work, but only if Seth wanted him to.

Dean didn't want Seth to become lonely, it might trigger his paranoia. The work hours are very long and Dean didn't think his partner would be comfortable with being left alone for that amount of time. He also didn't think Seth would appreciate being stuck backstage at the arena, sat down doing nothing.

This was definitely something they needed to talk about, but right now Dean had more important things on his mind. He wanted to know if it was too early for a marriage proposal. Seth had only just settled down into the hotel room, he was still getting used to things. He was also dealing with the stress of Jason, so he probably wouldn't want to add the stress of wedding planning on top of it.

Dean just needed to watch closely and see what Seth was comfortable and not so comfortable with, when it came to their relationship. In all honesty, they hadn't really been together for that long. A month, maybe more. Surely it was way too early to get married, right?

With the thought shoved to the back of his mind, Dean decided to go out for a jog, leaving Seth fast asleep in the comfy, king sized hotel bed.

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