You think you're getting the best of me - Part 5

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Sorry it took a while to upload! Thanks for reading and enjoy.

Dean is in the room when Seth wakes up. He is there to help his friend understand everything that was going on.

Roman is outside of the room, wondering whether he should go in or not. He knew that Seth probably wouldn't want to see him, but at some point he had to go in there and apologize.

After a few hours of soothing Seth, Dean exited the room to get some coffee. Roman saw this as the perfect time to sort things out.

Seth saw him straight away as he entered.

"Hey." Roman greeted, awkwardly.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Seth asked, still weak from so much blood loss.

"Um, I just wanted to apologize about the tweet that I put out. I don't know if you saw it, but um I thought I would say sorry anyway. I've deleted it and I know I should have never put it out in the first place." Roman sighed.

"I saw it." Seth mumbled. "And I don't know what to say right now. You told the whole world my secret. That's not cool man."

"I know but-"

"You did what?" Dean's angered voice came clearly into the room.

"I-I um."

"Roman what the hell?" Dean shouted. "You tweeted about this?"

"No, not about the hospital or anything. I just said something about Seth self harming."

"You know what? I was right last night, you're sick in the head. What is wrong with you? What kind of idiot does that?" Dean was furious at his friends actions.

"Dean." Seth interrupted getting Dean's attention. "Just leave it. I don't wanna cause a scene in the hospital. You'll get kicked out."

"Yeah, you're right. Sorry Seth. I'm not done with this conversation Roman. We're gonna finish it later, but for now I think you should leave."

Roman nodded and left the room. That didn't turn out the way he planned, but deep down he didn't expect it to.

Dean went over to sit at Seth's bedside. He was worried about what Roman had said. What if he was the reason behind all of this? Dean was the one who told him about Seth's problems in the first place. He could have got him killed.

"Are you okay?" Dean asked, worried about his friend.

"Yeah I'm fine." Seth replied.

"Seth, why did you do this?" Dean asked, curious to know the answer. Did it really have something to do with Roman?

"Well, I didn't do it to kill myself if that's what you think. It was an accident. I just went a little crazy for a second." Seth sighed.

"I understand that but what made you do it? Was it the tweet from Roman?"

"Uh, I guess." Seth mumbled. "But don't blame Roman, there were other reasons as well."

"What were the other reasons?" Dean asked. He felt bad for bombarding Seth with questions, but it had to be done.

"Just stuff. I'd rather not say."

"Okay." Dean sighed. "But if you ever want to talk about something, I'm always gonna be here for you."

"Thanks. The same goes for you." Seth smiled. "When do I get out of this place anyway?"

"Tonight, I think." Dean replied. "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah, a little."

"Alright, I'll go and get us some lunch. Just sit back and relax, Sunshine."

"Don't worry, I will." Seth laughed.


Seth is let out of hospital later that night. Dean asked him if he wanted to stay at the hotel with him, since he didn't know that Seth had a boyfriend who could 'take care of him', but Seth decided it would be better to go home. He was starting to get too close to Dean and it scared him.

He'd always had a soft side for Dean, ever since they met. It was something he had never talked about to anyone. He had built a barrier around the strange feelings when the Shield broke up, but now, after everything that had been going on, Seth's barriers were breaking down.

It was scary for Seth. He had a boyfriend that he loved dearly, no matter how mean he could be, but for some reason he also had feelings for Dean. It was confusing him. You can't love two people at once.

Dean drove off once Seth entered his house. All of the lights were off apart from the kitchen. Seth decided to go see if Jason was there.

He heard a loud grunt and saw Jason pacing around the small room.

"Jason?" Seth spoke up. His boyfriend quickly turned to look at him, with anger on his face.

"Where have you been? And why haven't you cooked me any dinner?" Jason asked, shouting.

"I was at the hospital. I had an accident at work, I'm sorry. I'll cook your dinner now. What do you want?" Seth said quickly, scared of what might happen.

"That's a lie. Why is there blood everywhere upstairs?"

"I fell and hit my head this morning, cracked it open." Seth whispered. Too many lies.

"Seth, it's obvious that you're making all of this up. If you bled that much and then had an 'accident' at work you would be dead, now tell me the truth!" Jason shouted.

"That is the truth, I swear." Seth pleaded.

"Stop lying to me!" Jason raised his fist and connected it with Seth's face, causing the weak man to fall to the floor.

"I-I'm s-sorry." Seth sobbed.

"No you're not. Just make me something for dinner. I'm going upstairs to clean up your mess." Jason stormed out of the room and went into the bathroom to mop up the blood, leaving Seth crying on the kitchen floor.

Seth forced himself to stand up and grabbed some food out of the freezer. No matter how much pain he was in, he had to make Jason's dinner.

It was just another day in paradise.

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